Demokratische Transitionen und Persistenz autoritärer Regime
The Long Arm and the Iron Fist: Authoritarian Crackdowns and Transnational Repression
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier, Alexander Dukalskis, Saipira Furstenberg & Redmond Scales
Episodes of regime transformation
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier, Seraphine F. Maerz, Amanda B. Edgell, Matthew Wilson & Steffan Lindberg
Pathways to Democracy after Authoritarian Breakdown: Comparative Case Selection and Lessons from the Past
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier, Jean Lachapelle
Regime Transformation From Below: Mobilization for Democracy and Autocracy From 1900 to 2021
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier, Michael Bernhard
Pro-democracy movements in a comparative perspective
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier, Sonja Grimm, Jan Matti Dollbaum and Véronique Dudouet
State Concessions and Protest Duration in Authoritarian Regimes
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier, Elena Leuschner
Tourism and the prospects of democratization
Forschende: Sebastian Hellmeier