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Izvestija Vuzov: Investicii, Stroitel'stvo, Nedviimost': Naučnyj urnal = Proceedings of Universities: Investment, Construction, Real Estate : Scientific Journal
Journal freely available: | Vol. 1, Iss. 1 (2011) - |
General information on the online edition:

Publisher: | Izdatel'stvo Irkutskogo nacional'nogo techničeskogo universiteta search publisher's open access policy in SHERPA/RoMEO |
Subject(s): | Architecture, Civil Engineering |
Keyword(s): | Baukonstruktion |
E-ISSN(s): | 2500-154X |
P-ISSN(s): | 2227-2917 |
ZDB-Number: | 2919930-X |
Fulltext online since: | Vol. 1, Iss. 1 (2011) |
Homepage(s): | http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/start |
Type of appearance: | Fulltext, online and print |
Pricetype: | free of charge |
Annotation: | In kyrillischer Schrift. - Russische und englische Benutzeroberfläche verfügbar |