Elektronische Zeitschriften
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- C̆ernaja kniga Rastraty Bjudetnych sredstv v Respublike Moldova... = Чёрная книга растраты бюджет
- Cadastre: Fachzeitschrift für das schweizerische Katasterwesen
- Cadernos de Estudos e Pesquisa na Educação Básica
- Cadernos do GEEvH = Notes in Human Evolution
- Caesaraugusta: Publicaciones de la Cátedra José Galiay
- Cahiers d'Histoire : revue d'Histoire Critique
- Cahiers de Lexicologie
- Cahiers du GRM
- Cahiers Scientifiques du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon
- Caldasia
- California Plant Pest and Disease Report
- Cambridge Law Journal, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Campaigns & Elections
- Canada Health Act : Annual Report
- Canadian Food Studies
- Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy = Revue Canadienne de Counseling et de Psychotherapie
- Canadian Journal of Mathematics = Journal Canadien de Mathématiques (älter als die aktuellen 6 Jahrgänge)
- Canadian Journal of Statistics, The / Revue Canadienne de Statistique, La
- Canadian Respiratory Journal
- Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
- Cancer Research
- CAPanorama
- Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage in the European Union
- Cardiovascular Diabetology
- Caribbean Journal of Philosophy
- Carnets d'Atelier de Sociolinguistique : CAS
- Cartea Neagră a Risipei banilor Publici în Republica Moldova ...
- Case Reports in Hepatology
- Casmurro, O : Semanario Humoristico, Theatral e Charadistico
- Catálogo de los Informes y Resoluciones del Comité Jurídico Interamericano (CJI)
- Catholic Layman, The
- CCREI Working Papers Series
- Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (1969-1997)
- Cell Metabolism
- Cellular Microbiology (2022 -)
- Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI-...)
- Central European Business Review (CEBR)
- Central States Archaeological Journal (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Ceramics Technical
- CES Working Papers
- CH-Studien: Zeitschrift zu Literatur und Kultur aus der Schweiz
- Changing Societies & Personalities
- CHEck Up
- Chemical Engineering Research and Design : Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers: Part A (1983 - 1996)
- Chemical Technology and Engineering : Proceedings
- Chemistry Methods
- Chesapeake Science (via JSTOR)
- Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology News
- Children's Museum Bulletin, The (via JSTOR)
- China Foundry
- China Science and Technology Newsletter
- Chinese Journal of Biotechnology
- Chinese Journal of Transnational Law
- CHIP Online (Deutsch)
- Chonnam Medical Journal
- Christlicher Textilarbeiter : Central-Organ für Deutschland
- Chronique amusante, La
- Chur-Pfältzischer Staats- und Stands-Calender
- Ciencia e Ingeniería
- Ciencia y Sociedad
- CIMEC Document Repository
- CIO: IT-Strategie für Manager
- Circulation: Heart Failure
- Città di Milano: Bollettino Municipale Mensile di Cronaca Amministrativa e di Statistica
- Civilisations : Revue Internationale d'Anthropologie et de Sciences Humaines (2004-)
- Classical Journal, The (älter als 96 Jahre via JSTOR)
- Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy
- Climate Diagnostics Bulletin
- Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (1978-2022)
- Clinical Cardiology
- Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine
- Clinical Oral Implants Research
- Clinical Respiratory Journal, The (2007 - 2021)
- Clinics in Mother and Child Health (2004-2012)
- Človek a Spoločnosť = Individual and Society
- Co-herencia : Revista de Humanidades
- Code of Federal Regulations / Title 17, Commodity and Securities Exchanges
- Códices
- Cognition & Emotion
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine
- Collection Forum / Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
- Collingwood and British Idealism Studies
- Colloquium Vitae
- Colorectal Cancer (2018-)
- COMCEC Trade Outlook
- Commercio Estero e Attività Internazionali delle Imprese
- Communicate! A Webzine for Conference Interpreters and the Conference Industry
- Communication, Technologies et Développement
- Communications in Partial Differential Equations
- Community College Journal
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology (2001-)
- Comparative Sociology
- Competitiveness and Private Sector Development
- Component-Based High Performance Computing (CBHPC)
- Comprehensive Series in Photosciences
- Comptes Rendus Palevol (2002 - 2019)
- Computational Mathematics and Modeling
- Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
- Computer Science Review
- Computers & Graphics: X
- Comunicação & Educação
- Confederation Nationale du 14 Juillet 1790 ou Description Fidelle de Tout ce qui a Precede Accompagne Suivi cette Auguste Ceremonie
- Conflict Studies Quarterly
- Conhisremi
- Conrad Grebel Review, The
- Conserveries Mémorielles: Revue Transdisciplinaire
- Construction Industry, ...
- Contabilidad y Negocios / Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
- Contemporary Educational Technology
- Contemporary PNG Studies
- COnTEXTES: Revue de Sociologie de la Littérature
- Contracampo
- Contributions to Canadian Biology and Fisheries
- Controvérsia
- COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Cornell International Law Journal
- Corpus Eve
- CorSalud
- Council on Anthropology and Education Quarterly (via JSTOR)
- Country Report Angola
- Country Report Egypt
- Country Report Maldives
- Country Report Slovenia
- Couple and Family Psychology
- CPU-e : Revista de Investigación Educativa
- Creativity Research Journal
- Crime, Security and Society
- Cristianismo y Sociedad
- Critical Education
- Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- Croatian Journal of Education
- Crop Science
- Crustaceana - Supplement (via JSTOR)
- CSEAS report ... / The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai′i at Mānoa (teilweise: ... annual report)
- Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional
- Cuadernos de Investigación Histórica
- Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación. Ensayos
- Cubanet
- Cultura e Fé. Revista de Humanidades
- Cultural Studies of Science Education
- Culture, Theory and Critique
- Current Analytical Chemistry
- Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets
- Current Green Chemistry
- Current Medicinal Chemistry. Central Nervous System Agents
- Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Current Pediatrics Reports
- Current Psychiatry
- Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Current Treatment Options in Neurology
- Curtis's Botanical Magazine (1801-1920)
- Cybium. International Journal of Ichthyology
- Czasy Nowożytne = Modern Ages