Elektronische Zeitschriften
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- IAMO Annual / Deutsche Ausgabe
- Iberoamérica: Trimestral desde Moscú
- Icaria: Revista de Crítica y Culutra
- ICIS Chemical Business
- IDCases
- İdil Sanat ve Dil Dergisi = Idil Journal of Art and Language = Idil Zurnal ob Iskusstve i Jazyke
- IEE Proceedings G - Electronic Circuits and Systems
- IEEE Computational Science and Engineering (CS&E)
- IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (J-SSC)
- IEEE Personal Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Big Data
- IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (T-PDS)
- IEEE Wireless Communications
- IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics
- IETF Journal
- IFSCC Magazine
- IHS Maritime Fairplay
- Ikastorratza: e-Revista de Didáctica
- Illawarra Unity - Journal of the Illawarra Branch of the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History
- Illustriertes Familienjournal: Eine Wochenschrift zur Unterhaltung und Belehrung
- Im Deutschen Reich: Zeitschrift des Centralvereins deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens
- Imaging
- IMK Konjunkturindikator
- Immunity, Inflammation and Disease
- IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering
- Improving Schools
- In Situ : Au Regard des Sciences Sociales
- Incorporated Statistician, The (via JSTOR)
- Index Universalis et Absolutissimus Rerum Memorabilium ac Notabilium Medico-Physicarum Quae in Decuriis ... Ephemeridum Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosum
- Indian Journal of Accounting
- Indian Journal of Dental Advancements
- Indian Journal of Microbiology
- Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics
- Indian Pediatrics
- Indicators of Industry and Services (Read Only)
- Indologica Taurinensia
- Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (Formerly: Majalah Farmasi Indonesia)
- Industrial Development Reports
- Industriële Eigendom, De
- Infection & more: für Klinik und Praxis
- Inflation Report (Formerly Inflation) / Türkiye İş Bankası
- Infodienst Eltern
- Información Tecnológica
- Information and Computer Security
- Information Management and Computer Security
- Information Systems Research
- Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (IzR) (2019-)
- Informe anual / Agència de Residus de Catalunya
- Informe del Desarrollo en México
- Informes de Grupos Especiales
- Ingeniería del Agua
- Initial Reports / Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP)
- InnoTrans ... Report
- Innovations in Education and Teaching International (Formerly: Innovations in Education and Training International)
- Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry Letters
- Inroads: A Journal of Opinion
- Inside the Cell
- Institut für Österreichisches und Internationales Steuerrecht Wien: Report on Academic Activities
- Insurance Markets and Companies International Research Journal = Strachovi Rynky ta Kompaniï : Minarodnyj Naukovyj Zurnal
- Integrative and Complementary Therapies (formerly: Alternative and Complementary Therapies)
- Intellectual History Review (Formerly: Intellectual News)
- Intelligenzblatt der Kritischen Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften
- Interaction Specialist Group Conference (BCS) (Formerly: British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (BCS-HCI))
- Interdisciplinarni Izsledvanija = Interdisciplinary Studies
- Intérêts de nos Régions, Les
- Interlingüística
- International Angiology
- International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. D, Chemistry
- International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)
- International Dental Journal (-2020)
- International Family Planning Digest (via JSTOR)
- International Humanities Studies
- International Journal for Leadership in Learning (IJLL)
- International Journal of Academic Medicine : IJAM (nur HTML)
- International Journal of Advanced Logistics
- International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Analysis (IJAPA)
- International Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
- International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
- International Journal of Applied Operational Research
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED)
- International Journal of Ayurveda & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- International Journal of BioEngineering, NeuroSciences and Technology (IJBNST)
- International Journal of Biotechnology & Biochemistry (IJBB)
- International Journal of Business Information Systems
- International Journal of Central Banking : IJCB
- International Journal of Climatology
- International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security (IJCIIS)
- International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJCSSE)
- International Journal of Contemporary Composition
- International Journal of Cultural Policy (formerly European Journal of Cultural Policy)
- International Journal of Dental and Medical Research (I.J.D.M.R.)
- International Journal of Digital Law and Governance
- International Journal of E-Business Development
- International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues
- International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (2010 -)
- International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS)
- International Journal of Engineering Business Management (IJEBM)
- International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour / Behavior and Research
- International Journal of Equine Science
- International Journal of Finance and Economics
- International Journal of Forest Engineering (älter als 4 Jahre)
- International Journal of Geography and Geography Education (IGGE)
- International Journal of Gynecological Pathology
- International Journal of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases
- International Journal of Human Sciences
- International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (IJIC)
- International Journal of Information System and Computer Science (IJISCS)
- International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information & Control : IJICIC
- International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
- International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
- International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital
- International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
- International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics (IJMEM)
- International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (IJMMS)
- International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) (2023-)
- International Journal of Multiphysics
- International Journal of New Economics and Social Sciences (IJONESS)
- International Journal of Occupational Hygiene
- International Journal of Oral Science
- International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology
- International Journal of Pharmacokinetics
- International Journal of Plastics Technology / Central Institute of Plastics Engineering Technology
- International Journal of Production Management and Engineering
- International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management
- International Journal of Refrigeration
- International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering (IJRECE)
- International Journal of Robotics Research, The
- International Journal of Secondary Metabolite (IJSM)
- International Journal of Social and Economic Studies / Uluslararasi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Calismalar Dergisi
- International Journal of Soft Computing and Networking
- International Journal of Sports Technology and Science (IJSTS)
- International Journal of Surface Engineering and Interdisciplinary Materials Science (2013 - 2022)
- International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering
- International Journal of Telerehabilitation
- International Journal of Trade and Commerce IIARTC
- International Journal of Urology
- International Journal of Welsh Writing in English
- International Journal on Computational Thinking (IJCThink)
- International Law and Armed Conflict Commentary (via JSTOR)
- International Mining
- International Politics (2000-)
- International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management (IRJSTEM)
- International Review of Public Administration (Formerly: Korean Review of Public Administration)
- International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW)
- International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
- International Transport Workers' Federation: Report of the International Transport Workers' congress / International Transport Workers' Federation
- Internationale Literatur
- Internationalisation of Higher Education : Developments in the European Higher Education Area and Worldwide
- Internet Journal of Medical Technology, The
- Internet of Things and Service Platforms (IoTSP)
- Intersections: East European Journal of Society and Politics
- Intralinea : Online Translation Journal
- Investigacion Administrativa
- Investigative and Clinical Urology
- IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
- IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics
- Iranian Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases
- Iranian Journal of Radiology
- Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences = المجلة العراقية للعلوم الصيدلانية
- IRE Transactions on Telemetry and Remote Control
- Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies, The
- Irrenfreund, Der
- ISIS Current Bibliography of the History of Science and its Cultural Influences
- Islamovedenie (via EastView)
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research
- ISRN Biomedical Imaging
- ISRN Microbiology
- ISRN Thermodynamics
- Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers
- Istorija i Kultura Rostovskoj Zemli
- IT Spektrum (Formerly: Objektspektrum)
- Italian Modern Art
- ITF[Deutsche Ausgabe] // International Transport Workers' Federation
- IuK-Kriminalität in NRW
- IW-Pressemitteilung
- Izvestija Celjabinskogo Naucnogo Centra = Proceedings of the Chelyabinsk Scientific Center
- Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics