Elektronische Zeitschriften
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- IAM journal / International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Iberoamérica Social
- ICAO Journal
- Ichthys: Theologische Orientierung für Studium & Gemeinde
- Idäntutkimus
- Ideology and Politics
- IEE Proceedings F - Communications, Radar and Signal Processing (1980 - 1988)
- IEEE Communications Surveys
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS)
- IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology (J-LT)
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (T-AC)
- IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (T-NSRE)
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (T-WC)
- IET Control Theory & Applications (2007 - 2020)
- IETE Journal of Education
- IFRS-Texte
- IHK WirtschaftsForum : Unternehmermagazin für die Region FrankfurtRheinMain
- Ikala : Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura
- ILIRIA International Review (IIR)
- Illustrierter Familien-Kalender des Lahrer Hinkenden Boten ... für die Rheinprovinz
- Ilya: Magazine voor Slimme Oplossingen
- Imagine (1996-1999)
- IMF Working Papers / International Monetary Fund
- Immune Network
- Impact Assessment (Formerly: Impact Assessment Bulletin (IAIA Bulletin))
- Imprint / National Student Nurses' Association
- In Silico Pharmacology (2017-)
- Incontri di Filologia Classica
- Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly
- Indian Growth and Development Review
- Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
- Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
- Indian Journal of Public Administration
- Indian Ocean Turtle Newsletter
- Indicateurs de l'Education à la Loupe , Les
- Indoevropejskoe Jazykoznanie i Klassiceskaja Filologija (Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology)
- Indonesian Journal of Medicine
- Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook
- Industriearmaturen & Dichtungstechnik
- Infection Control (via JSTOR)
- Inflation Report / Banco de la República
- INFOBrief / Kindersprachbrücke Jena e.V.
- Informacijos Mokslai = Information Sciences
- Information and Communication Technology (SoICT)
- Information Infrastructure and Policy
- Information SWITEC
- Informationen : Mitteilungen des Deutschen Komponistenverband
- Informator / REA, Centre of Excellence: Research on Abiotic Environment
- Informe de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
- Informes Anuales / Defensor del Pueblo
- ing.grid
- INIA Divulga
- Innocenti Research Briefs
- Innovations Agronomiques
- Innowacje w pielęgniarstwie i naukach o zdrowiu = Innovations in nursing and health sciences (2016-2020)
- Inquiry: Sarajevo Journal of Social Science
- Inside Missile Defense (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- INSPILIP : Revista Ecuatoriana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en Salud Pública
- Insula. Quaderni di Cultura Sarda
- Integration & Trade Journal
- Intehrovani komunikacii
- Intelligent Systems Report
- Interações
- Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS)
- Interdisciplinary Workshop on Communication for Sustainable Communities (IWCSC)
- Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literatures
- International Affairs Review Supplement / Royal Institute of International Affairs (via JSTOR)
- International Business Research (IBR)
- International Conference on Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM)
- International Criminology
- International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education (IEJEE-Green)
- International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI)
- International Journal for Educational Integrity (2005-2014)
- International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church
- International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education
- International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences
- International Journal of Agricultural Economics and Extension
- International Journal of Anatomy and Research
- International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (2014 - 2022)
- International Journal of Architecture and Urban Studies (IJAUS)
- International Journal of Automotive Composites
- International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing
- International Journal of Bioprinting
- International Journal of Business Competition and Growth : IJBCG
- International Journal of Cardiovascular Research
- International Journal of Circular Economy and Waste Management
- International Journal of Coal Geology
- International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering
- International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC)
- International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications
- International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science
- International Journal of Data and Network Science
- International Journal of Diabetology & Vascular Disease Research (IJDVR)
- International Journal of Divination and Prognostication
- International Journal of Economic Development Research and Investment
- International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Review
- International Journal of Electronics, Communication and Soft Computing Science and Engineering (IJECSCSE)
- International Journal of Energy Sector Management
- International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health = IJERPH
- International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
- International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (IJFS)
- International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
- International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science & Engineering
- International Journal of Healthcare Management
- International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (2010 - 2021)
- International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology (1988-1998)
- International Journal of Information Management
- International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (IJICC)
- International Journal of Intelligent Games and Simulation ( IJIGS)
- International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance
- International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
- International Journal of Literature and Arts
- International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR)
- International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics
- International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS)
- International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials (2010-)
- International Journal of Motor Control and Learning (IJMCL)
- International Journal of Network Security (IJNS)
- International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances (IJNS)
- International Journal of Ophthalmology & Eye Science (IJOES)
- International Journal of Parasitology Research
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Drug Design (IJPDD)
- International Journal of PIXE (IJPIXE)
- International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
- International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics
- International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications (IJRFITA)
- International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy
- International Journal of Retina and Vitreous
- International Journal of Scientific Knowledge (IJSK)
- International Journal of Simulation : Systems, Science & Technology
- International Journal of Social Sciences Management and Entrepreneurship
- International Journal of Sport Communication
- International Journal of Stress Management (2003-)
- International Journal of Sustainable Real Estate and Construction Economics
- International Journal of Technology-Enabled Student Support Services
- International Journal of Thermofluids
- International Journal of Tryptophan Research
- International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (IJWREE)
- International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems
- International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media
- International Merchandise Trade Statistics
- International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health (2009-2020) (via JSTOR)
- International Research in the Business Disciplines
- International Review of Law and Economics
- International Scientific Journal of Sports Sciences
- International Surgery (2011-)
- International Transaction of Electrical and Computer Engineers System
- International Yearbook of Futurism Studies
- Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung (1986; 2014-2017)
- Internet Journal of Head and Neck Surgery , The
- Interpreting
- Interventionelle Radiologie Scan
- Invertebrate Immunity
- Investigaciones Geográficas / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Ininerinė Ekonomika = Engineering Economics
- iPolytech Journal
- Iranian Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
- Iranian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Iraqi Journal of Applied Physics = المجلة العراقية للفيزياء التطبيقية
- IRE Transactions on Engineering Management
- Irish Historical Studies (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Irish Veterinary Journal
- iSex
- Islamic Law and Society (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance
- ISRN Applied Mathematics
- ISRN Inflammation
- ISRN Robotics
- Issues in Science and Technology (1996-)
- Istoricesko Badeste
- IT-Grundschutz
- Italian Journal of Physiotherapy
- ITEGAM - Journal of Engineering and Technology for Industrial Applications
- IUCN Pan-European Newsletter (Formerly: IUCN European Newsletter)
- IVES Technical Reviews: Rebe & Wein [Deutsche Ausgabe]
- Izmir Review of Social Sciences
- Izvestija Voroneskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogičeskogo Universiteta