Elektronische Zeitschriften
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications
- Pacific Historical Review
- Paderbornsches Intelligenzblatt
- Paediatric and Neonatal Pain
- Pain Research and Treatment (2010-2019)
- Pakistan Journal of Medical Research (2002-2019)
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Paleontological Research (1997-2006)
- Paludikultur-Newsletter (deutsch)
- Panasonikku-gih¯o = Panasonic Technical Journal
- Panorama na Truda: Spisanie za Trudovi i Socialni Otnoenija = Panorama of Labour
- Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
- Parabola : incorporating Function
- Parasite Immunology
- Parlament: Mitteilungsblatt der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Parlamentsfragen = Parlement
- Particle Physics Insights
- Password : the quarterly magazine published by Philips Research
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International
- Pattrika
- PCT Newsletter
- Pedagogija
- Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
- Peer-to-Peer Multimedia Streaming (P2PMMS)
- Penn McNair Research Journal
- Pensiero Italiano, Il: Rivista di Studi Filosofici
- Performance Profiles of Major Energy Producers
- Periodística: Revista Acadèmica
- Personal Quarterly (älter als 1 Jahr)
- Personalrat, Der
- Perspectivas : Revista de Historia, Geografía, Arte y Cultura
- Perspectives in Medical Virology
- Perspectives on Public Health Issues Related to Hearing and Balance
- Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology
- Pessoa como Centro, A: Revista de Estudos Rogerianos
- Petroleum Marketing Monthly / Energy Information Administration
- Pflanzenschutz im Obstbau ...
- PH Publico
- Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst
- Pharmacological Reviews (jünger als 6 Jahre / älter als 12 Monate)
- Pharmind - Pharmazeutische Industrie, Die
- Philippine Journal of Allied Health Sciences
- Philosoph für die Welt, Der
- Philosophical Practice
- Philosophische Symposien
- Philosophy of the Social Sciences
- Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (älter als 2 Jahre)
- Phylon Quarterly, The (1957-1959) (via JSTOR)
- Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (PRABCJ)
- Physics and Philosophy
- Physik-Journal
- Physis : Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
- Picenum Seraphicum
- Pionier, Der : Monatsblätter für christliche Kunst, praktische Kunstfragen und kirchliches Kunsthandwerk
- pl.it: Rassegna Italiana di Argomenti Polacchi
- Planning for Higher Education
- Plant Genome, The
- Plant Systematics and Evolution
- Plastic Surgery
- Plenarprotokolle / Landtag Brandenburg
- Plus: Magazin der deutsch-tschechischen Wirtschaft
- Podiatry Today
- Poetryfilm Magazin
- Polen und Wir
- Policy Issues in Insurance
- Polis : Revista de Stiinte Politice
- Polish Music Newsletter
- Política y Gobierno
- Políticas de la Memoria
- Politikkongress-Journal
- Politisches Jahrbuch
- Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik : (PKS) : Zahlen, Daten, Fakten / Polizeipräsidium Konstanz
- Polymer Composites
- Pomona Journal of Entomology (1909-1910)
- Population: English Edition (2002- )
- Porta Aurea
- Portuguese Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension
- Post-scriptum.org. Revue de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Textes et Médias
- Postskriptum PS: Amtsblatt der Gemeinde Ichtershausen
- Povidomlennja Ukrai͏n'skoi͏̈ Onomastyčnoi͏ Komisii͏
- Prabandhan : Indian Journal of Management
- Prace z Historii Sztuki / wyd. przez Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie
- Praehistorische Zeitschrift
- Pramana : Journal of Physics
- Prawo Kanoniczne: Kwartalnik Prawno-Historyczny
- Praxisführung professionell : der aktuelle Informationsdienst für die physiotherapeutische Praxis
- Preis soziale Stadt
- Preservation: The Magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Preußisches Verwaltungsblatt
- Prilozi za Orijentalnu Filologiju = Revue de Philologie Orientale
- Principal Leadership
- #Prison-Info: la Revue de l'Exécution des Peines et Mesures
- Pro Memorie (PM): Bijdragen tot de Rechtsgeschiedenis der Nederlanden
- Problems of Information Transmission
- Problemy Zarządzania
- Proceedings / New Zealand Ecological Society (via JSTOR)
- Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research
- Proceedings of the Chemical Society, London (1885 - 1914)
- Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy / Series B, Physical and Biological Sciences
- Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science
- Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade
- Process Safety Progress (Formerly: Plant/Operations Progress)
- Prof. Dr. G. Jaegers Monatsblatt
- Profil: Sozialdemokratische Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur
- Programm des ... Internationalen Kongresses für Kriminal-Anthropologie
- Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
- Progress in Metal Physics
- Progress in Surface Science
- Projection, Lights and Staging News (PLSN)
- Promet - Meteorologische Fortbildung
- Prospects and Challenges of OIC Member countries: SWOT Outlook (formerly: SWOT outlook on OIC member countries)
- Proteoglycan Research
- Provincia. Magyar Nyelvu Kiadás
- Przegląd Zachodni
- Przegląd Tomistyczny: Filozofia, Teologia, Kultura Duchowa średniowiecza = Annual Review of the Thomistic Institute, The
- Psicología, Educación & Sociedad
- PSOCIAL: Revista de Investigación en Psicología Social
- Psychiatrische Pflege
- Psychoanalytische Bewegung
- Psychologie Clinique
- Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- Psychothérapies (2002-)
- Public Affairs Report
- Public Health Research & Practice
- Public Sector Economics PSE
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
- Publikationen der K.K. Samen-Kontrollstation in Wien
- Punch / Almanack
- Put i saobraćaj = Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering