Elektronische Zeitschriften
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- 027.7 : Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur = Journal for Library Culture (2013 - 2020)
- 25 de abril
- 7 Poetas Hispano-Americanos: Revista de Poesía
- A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Matematikai Kutató Intézetének Közleményei
- AAO Observer
- Abasyn Journal of Life Sciences
- Abhandlungen der Holländischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Haarlem
- Abortion Surveillance (via JSTOR)
- AC: Publicación del GATEPAC - Organo del Grupo de Arquitectos y Técnicos Españoles para el Progreso de la Arquitectura Contemporánea
- Academic Journal of Surgery (AJS)
- Acadiensis : Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Accounting and Finance Research
- Achtzehnte Jahrhundert, Das: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts
- ACM SIGBIO Newsletter : Biomedical Computing (1976-2000)
- ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (1972-2000)
- ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
- ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS)
- Across Languages and Cultures : A Multidisciplinary Journal for Translation and Interpreting Studies
- ACS Sustainable Resource Management
- Acta Arachnologica
- Acta Criminologica (Montréal) (via JSTOR)
- Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica
- Acta Historica : Platform voor Beginnende Historici
- Acta Marisiensis: Philologia
- Acta Medica Okayama
- Acta Neurológica Colombiana
- Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica
- Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica (2001-)
- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum / Hortorum Cultus = Ogrodnictwo
- Acta Turistica Nova
- Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki Humanistyczno-Spoleczne. Filologia Polska
- Acta Zoologica Mexicana (Nueva Serie)
- Action Learning: Research and Practice
- Actualidad Económica
- Acute Pain
- Addiction Research and Theory
- Administration and Enforcement of the Fish Habitat Protection and Pollution Prevention Provisions of the Fisheries Act / Annual Report
- Adress-Buch der Stadt Bonn und der umliegenden Gemeinden
- Adreßbuch der Gemeinden des Amtes Herne
- Adressbuch der Stadt Kaiserslautern
- Adressbuch für den Kreis Jülich
- Adreßbuch und Wohnungs-Anzeiger für die Stadt Pößneck
- Advanced Biomedical Research
- Advanced Materials & Technologies
- Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics
- Advances in Archaeological Practice
- Advances in Cell Biology
- Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
- Advances in Environmental Sciences
- Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
- Advances in Mathematical Finance and Applications
- Advances in Neuroimmunology
- Advances in Phytomedicine
- Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
- Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications
- Aegyptiaca: History of Reception of Ancient Egypt
- Aerospace Testing International
- Affar
- Africa Human Development Report / UNDP
- African Arts (2007-)
- African Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (AJAERD)
- African Journal of Food Science (AJFS)
- African Journal of Political Science = Revue Africaine de Science Politique (1996-2003)
- African Media Barometer / Malawi
- African Studies Quarterly
- Afro-Hispanic Review (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- AGEO-aktuell
- Agora Philosophica
- Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP)
- Agricultural Economics Research Review
- Agricultural Studies
- AGRISTAT : statistisches Monatsheft = cahier statistique mensuel / Schweizer Bauernverband
- Agropastoralis Scientia
- AI Perspectives & Advances
- AIDScience
- Air Pollution by Ozone in Europe
- AJ Contrat : Actualite Juridique Contrat
- Akademische Mitteilungen für die Studierenden der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität zu Heidelberg
- Aktive Stadt- und Ortsteilzentren / ... Statusbericht zum Zentrenprogramm der Städtebauförderung: ... Statusbericht zum Zentrenprogramm der Städtebauförderung
- Aktueller Begriff (formerly: Der Aktuelle Begriff)
- Al-Muntaqa (via JSTOR)
- Albanian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences , The
- Alcoholism and Drug Addiction / Alkoholizm i Narkomania (2014 - 2016)
- Alexandría : Revista de Ciencias de la Información
- Algerian Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
- Alkaloids, The: Chemistry and Biology
- Allerneueste Nachrichten von juristischen Büchern, academischen Abhandlungen, Deductionen und Verordnungen grosser Herren
- Allgemeine medizinische Zeitung mit Berücksichtigung des Neuesten und Interessantesten der allgemeinen Naturkunde
- Allgemeiner Wohnungsanzeiger für Berlin, Potsdam und Charlottenburg
- Almagest
- Almanach Rossijskij Kolokol
- Alquimia: Sistema Nacional de Fototecas
- Alter und Neuer Allmanach - auff das SchaltJahr nach der Gebuhrt Jesu Christi ...
- Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation
- Amaliens Erholungsstunden: Teutschlands Töchtern geweiht
- Ameghiniana
- American Bee Journal (1861-1900)
- American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (AEJAES)
- American Journal of Alternative Agriculture
- American Journal of Case Reports, The
- American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
- American Journal of Indic Studies : AJIS
- American Journal of Men's Health
- American Journal of Pharmacy, The
- American Journal of Psychotherapy
- American Journal of Therapeutics
- American Museum Novitates (2000-)
- American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book (ASCO Educational Book) (2014 -)
- Ami du Patois : Trimestriel Romand, L´
- AMS Newsletter
- Amtliche Mitteilungen / Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: 2, Digitales Modulverzeichnis
- Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt der Städteregion Aachen (früher: Amtliches Mitteilungsblatt des Kreises Aachen)
- Amtsblatt der erfüllenden Gemeinde Stadt Bad Sulza und der Gemeinden Auerstedt, Eberstedt, Flurstedt, Gebstedt, Großheringen, Ködderitzsch, Niedertrebra, Obertrebra, Rannstedt, Reisdorf, Schmiedehausen und Wickerstedt
- Amtsblatt der Reichsbahndirektion, Karlsruhe
- Amtsblatt der Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Pleißenaue
- Amtsblatt für Berlin (nur die aktuellsten 6 Ausgaben)
- Amtsblatt Stadt Apolda
- Anaerobe
- Analecta Cracoviensia
- Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Teologie (2020-)
- Anales de la Enseñanza Secundaria
- Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (formerly: Anales del Instituto Botánico A. J. Cavanilles)
- Análisis : revista de hechos y ideas
- Analysis of the Convergence Process
- Analytics
- Ancient Nepal (Ältere Jahrgänge)
- Anestesia Analgesia Reanimación
- Anglica Wratislaviensia
- Animal Genetic Resources = Resources Génétiques Animales = Recursos Genéticos Animales
- Anjali
- Annalen der leidenden Menschheit
- Annales d' Endocrinologie (älter als 18 Monate)
- Annales de l'institut Henri Poincaré (A): Physique Théorique
- Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire
- Annales : Histoire, Sciences Sociales (English Edition)
- Annales / Société des Sciences Naturelles de la Charente-Inférieure (Forts. gedruckt unter Annales de la Société des sciences naturelles de la Charente-Maritime)
- Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Politologica
- Annali di Farmacoterapia e Chimica
- Annals of 3D Printed Medicine
- Annals of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
- Annals of General Psychiatry (formerly: Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry)
- Annals of Medical History
- Annals of Plastic Surgery
- Annals of the Entomological Society of America (1908-1950)
- Annals of Tourism Research
- Annonces, Affiches, et Avis Divers
- Annuaire Statistique National du Mali ...
- Annual Economic Report on the EU Blue Economy, The
- Annual National Accounts / Namibia
- Annual Report and Accounts / Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)
- Annual Report / Australian Institute of Criminology
- Annual Report / Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Annual Report / Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage
- Annual Report East Asian Studies
- Annual Report / Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Annual Report / Group of Thirty
- Annual Report / Inter-Governmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West-Africa
- Annual Report / Library Information Association of New Zealand - Aotearoa
- Annual report / National Congress of American Indians
- Annual Report of the Director of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory
- Annual Report on Internal Audits carried out in ...
- Annual Report : Report for the Fiscal Year / The Clark Art Institute
- Annual report // Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
- Annual report / UJV Rez
- Annual Reports on the Implementation of the EU Budget for the .... Financial Year and on the Activities Funded by the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th European Development Funds for the ... Financial Year
- Annual Review of Cold Atoms and Molecules
- Annual review of labour relations and social dialogue / Slovakia
- Annual Review / The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire
- Año Académico y Cultural, El: Anuario Informativo Ilustrado de la Vida Artística, Científica y Literaria de España
- Anthropological Quarterly (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Anthropos : Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde (2005-)
- Antike Sudan, Der (MittSAG)
- Antiviral Research
- Anuário Brasileiro do Algodão = Brazilian Cotton Yearbook
- Anuario de historia del derecho español
- Anuario Estadístico de Seguros / Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero
- Anuario. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Telmo
- AnwaltZertifikat Online - Verkehrsrecht (AnwZert VerkR)
- ANZIAM Journal, The (formerly: Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society: Series B - Applied Mathematics)
- Aphids and Other Hemipterous Insects = Mszyce i Inne Pluskwiaki
- Apotheker-Zeitung (1886-1934)
- Applied and Computational Mathematics
- Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Physics Letters (APL)
- AppliedChem
- Apvlvm (Apulum). Series Historia & Patrimonium
- Aquatic Science & Management = Jurnal Ilmu Dan Manajem Perairan
- Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
- Arbeit und Soziales / Landeshauptstadt Dresden, Kommunale Statistikstelle
- Arbeitsbericht aus dem Institut für Holzphysik und Mechanische Technologie des Holzes
- Arbeitsmarktreport für Kreise und kreisfreie Städte / Rhein-Kreis Neuss
- Arbitration Law Reports and Review
- Archaeologia Polona. Journal of archaeology
- Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia (2008-)
- Archeologija i Etnologija Severnogo Kavkaza = Archeology and Ethnology of the North Caucasus
- Architectural Studies (AS) = Architekturni Doslidennja
- Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts (AöR) (-2003)
- Archiv für die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands / 2: Biologische Naturkunde (1894-1905))
- Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung
- Archival Outlook
- Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux - Pratique
- Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery
- Archives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research
- Archivi del Nuovo
- Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología (Spanish Edition, 2002 - 2012)
- Archiwum Medycyny Sadowej i Kryminologii = Archives of Forensic Medicine and Criminology
- Areté. Revista de Filosofia
- Argus, oder der Zuschauer und Erzähler
- Arizona Geology
- Armaghan: Urdu Research
- Aro: The Scientific Journal of Koya University
- Arquivos do Instituto Biológico
- Ars Medici. AM Thema Phytotherapie
- Art Conservator: The Bulletin of the Williamstown Art Conservation Center
- Art & the Public Sphere
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (formerly: Arteriosclerosis; Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis)
- Artibus et Historiae (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Artists Repository and Drawing Magazine, The
- Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics (AWPAL)
- Asbury Journal, The
- Asia Bond Monitor
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Asia Pacific Media Educator (1996-2011)
- Asian Association of Open Universities Journal
- Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences
- Asian Journal of Earth Sciences
- Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (formerly Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia))
- Asian Journal of Technology Innovation
- Asian Perspective (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- ASLEF Journal / Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen
- Assembly Automation
- Astarté: Estudios del Oriente Próximo y el Mediterráneo
- Astronomische Mittheilungen von der Königlichen Sternwarte zu Göttingen
- Ata-Kimya Dergisi = Journal of Ata-Chem
- Athens Journal of History
- Atlas der Zivilgesellschaft
- ATPC Work in Progress
- ATZ Worldwide
- Auflagenzahlen Print (IVW Auflagenliste)
- Auktojo mokslo kokybė = Quality of higher education, The
- Ausa
- Aussenwirtschaft : Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen = The Swiss Review of International Economic Relations
- Australasian Journal of Environmental Management
- Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal, The
- Australian indigenous law reporter (via JSTOR)
- Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, The
- Australian Official Journal of Patents
- Austrian Review of International and European Law : ARIEL
- Automated Control for Datacenters and Clouds (ACDC)
- Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Aventure
- Avocette, L
- Azärbaycanda Ticarät = Trade in Azerbaijan