Elektronische Zeitschriften
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- C̆ernaja kniga Rastraty Bjudetnych sredstv v Respublike Moldova... = Чёрная книга растраты бюджет
- Cadastre: Fachzeitschrift für das schweizerische Katasterwesen
- Cadernos de Estudos e Pesquisa na Educação Básica
- Cadernos do GEEvH = Notes in Human Evolution
- Caesaraugusta: Publicaciones de la Cátedra José Galiay
- Cahiers d'Histoire, Les
- Cahiers de la Société Québécoise de Recherche en Musique, Les
- Cahiers du Dix-Septieme
- Cahiers Portalis
- CALCOLO : A Quarterly on Numerical Analysis and Theory of Computation
- California Law Review (älter als 96) (via JSTOR)
- Cambridge Journal of Human Behaviour
- Caminos : Revista Cubana de Pensamiento Socioteológico
- Canada Communicable Disease Report / CCDR Weekly
- Canadian Field Naturalist, The (1919-2007)
- Canadian Journal of Chemistry (1951-1997)
- Canadian Journal of Law and Society = Revue Canadienne de Droit et Société
- Canadian Journal of Sociology, The / Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie (2004-2007)
- Canadian Political Science Review
- Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals
- Cancer Practice
- CAP Today
- Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications
- Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal
- Career Development International
- Carnegie Ethics Online
- CartaCapital
- Case Reports in Dentistry
- Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
- Catalan Social Sciences Review
- Catholic Archives
- CBD Technical Series
- Cehui-xuebao = Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
- Cell Discovery
- Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (2015)
- Cenobio: Rivista Trimestrale di Cultura
- Central-Blatt für gerichtliche Beamte
- Central European Review of Economics and Management
- CER Bulletin
- Cerrahpasa Medical Journal
- CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly
- Change in Higher Education (via JSTOR)
- Chemical Engineering and Science
- Chemical Science Review and Letters
- Chemistry for Sustainable Development
- Chengda Lishi Xuebao = Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies
- Chigaku zasshi = The Journal of Geography
- Children and Young People Now
- China Economic Quarterly International (CEQI)
- China Report
- Chinese Journal of Aeronautics
- Chinese Journal of Physics (2016-)
- Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies
- Chloris Chilensis: Revista Chilena de Flora y Vegetación
- Christin und Sozialistin, Christ und Sozialist (CuS): Blätter des Bundes der Religiösen Sozialist*innen Deutschlands e.V.
- Chronik der Königlichen Akademie zu Münster
- Chudoestvennyj urnal = Moscow Art Magazine
- Ciência Animal Brasileira
- Ciência & Trópico
- Cigre Science and Engineering
- CineMontage
- Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
- Cities and the Environment. An electronic web-based Journal
- Civil Engineering : Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)
- Clarté: Publication Centrale du Bloc Marxiste-Léniniste
- Clean Air and Environmental Quality
- Climate Action
- Clinical Anatomy
- Clinical Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Drugs
- Clinical Eye and Vision Care
- Clinical Medicine and Research (CM&R)
- Clinical Nutrition Experimental
- Clinical Psychology : Science and Practice
- Clinics and Practice
- Clockwise Executive
- CNS Drugs
- CODART eZine
- Code of Federal Regulations / Title 6, Domestic Security
- Cogitur. Journal of Tourism Studies
- Cografya Dergisi
- Collectanea Mathematica (ältere Jahrgänge)
- College Student Affairs Journal
- Colloquium Series on Developmental Biology
- Coloquios de Paleontología
- Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
- Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae (1960-1990)
- Commonwealth Trade Policy Discussion Papers
- Communication Papers
- Communications in Mathematical Analysis
- Communicative & Integrative Biology
- Comparative Analysis of Gender Equality Law in Europe ..., A
- Comparative Medicine (formerly Laboratory Animal Science) (älter als 6 Monate)
- Compétences des Adultes à la Loupe, Les
- ComPlexUs : Modelling and Understanding Functional Interactions in Life Sciences
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report / State of Illinois
- Comptes rendus de la ... session / Association Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences
- Computational Condensed Matter (2014 - 2016)
- Computer Aided Geometric Design
- Computer Physics Reports
- Computers and Geotechnics
- Computing Systems in Engineering
- [Con]Textos
- Condensed Matter Physics
- CONfines de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política
- Congrès International de Philosophie, IIme session
- Connection Scientific Journal
- Conservation (Formerly: Conservation in practice)
- Constitutional Political Economy
- Consumer Conditions Scoreboard
- Contemporary Church History Quarterly
- Contemporary Marxism (via JSTOR)
- Context: A Journal of Music Research
- Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain (früher: BJA CEPD Reviews)
- Contributions from the Hull Botanical Laboratory
- Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM-COCV) (1996-)
- Cooper Rowan Medical Journal, The (CRMJ)
- Corella
- Corporate Mediation Journal
- Corriere Giuridico
- Costume: Journal of the Costume Society (1965 - 2016)
- Country Profile / The Economist Intelligence Unit. Jamaica
- Country Report Chile
- Country Report Jordan
- Country Report Philippines
- Country Report Uzbekistan
- Covered Bond & SSA View / Nord/LB
- Creative and Knowledge Society
- Crime and Justice: A Review of Research
- Crimiscope
- Critical Automotive Applications (CARS)
- Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy : CRISPP
- Critique Internationale
- Crónica: Revista de la Semana
- Crossroads : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (via JSTOR)
- CS-APX-Reports
- Cuadernos de Administración
- Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea
- Cuadernos de Picadero
- Cuadernos Republicanos
- CuidArte / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
- Culture, Health & [and] Sexuality
- Curierul Judiciar
- Current Catalysis
- Current Epigraphy
- Current Issues in Tourism
- Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Current Opinion in Systems Biology
- Current Protocols in Cell Biology
- Current Research in MRI (CRMRI)
- Current Topics in Bioenergetics
- Curriculum für den Studiengang Polizeistudium im Vorbereitungsdienst (B.A.) Studienschwerpunkt - Schutzpolizei - der Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg
- Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research
- Cytopathology