Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- C. / Centerpartiet
- Cabo Verde: Boletim de Propaganda e Informação
- Cadernos de Biblioteconomia Arquivística e Documentação (Cadernos BAD)
- Cadernos de Tradução
- Cadet of Temperance (via EBSCO Host)
- Cahiers dÉtudes Hispaniques Médiévales
- Cahiers de la LCD, Les
- Cahiers du Centre Georges Canguilhem, Les
- Cahiers Louis Dumur (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Cakradonya Dental Journal
- California Fish and Game
- Calphad
- Cambridge University Libraries Information Bulletin : CULIB
- Campo - Território Revista de Geografia Agrária
- Canada Small Business Financing Act / Comprehensive Review Report
- Canadian Geotechnical Journal
- Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue Canadienne d'Etudes du Developpement
- Canadian Journal of Media Studies = Revue Canadienne dÉtudes Médiatiques)
- Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
- Canadian Poultry Chronicle (via EBSCO Host)
- Cancer Biology & Medicine
- Cancer Microenvironment
- Canto Popular
- Caracteres. Estudios Culturales y Críticos de la Esfera Digital
- Cardiology Clinics
- Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature (via JSTOR)
- CARL Newsletter
- Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering (CJECE)
- CAS Sofia Working Paper Series
- Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine
- Časopis Zdravotnického Práva a Bioetiky
- Catalogus Personarum et Officiorum Provinciae Societatis Jesu ad Rhenum Superiorem
- Catholic Social Science Review
- CBE Research Note
- Cehui-xuebao = Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
- Cell Discovery
- Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters (2006-)
- CENAP-Report / Centrales Erforschungsnetz Außergewöhnlicher Himmelsphänomene
- Central Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics
- Central European Journal of Management
- Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network ...
- Cereal Chemistry (1997-)
- Ceská Vcela
- Challenge: the Magazine of Economic Affairs (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Changsha-Jiaotong-Xueyuan-xuebao = Journal of Changsha Communications University
- Cheap Magazine, The (via GALE)
- Chemical Engineering Journal
- Chemical Sensors
- Chemistry International
- Chenji-xuebao = Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
- Chicago Record, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Child's Friend & Family Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Children & Schools
- China Foundry
- China Report
- Chinese Critical Care Medicine
- Chinese Journal of Geophysics
- Chinese Medical Record, English Edition
- Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Choral Director
- Christian Family Magazine, or Parents' & Children's Annual (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian Monitor & Register of Education, Agriculture & Useful Knowledge (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian Spectator, The (1819-1820) (via EBSCO Host)
- Christliches Kunstblatt für Kirche, Schule u. Haus
- Chronik der Stadt Heidelberg : für d. Jahr ...
- Chūgoku 21 = China 21
- Chūzō Kōgaku = Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society
- Ciências da Religião História e Sociedade
- Cina (via JSTOR)
- Cinetext
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging (älter als 12 Monate)
- Cities and the Environment. An electronic web-based Journal
- Civil Engineer, & Herald of Internal Improvement (via EBSCO Host)
- Claremont Review of Books
- Classics Ireland (via JSTOR)
- Clef du Cabinet des Princes de l'Europe, La
- Climate Services
- Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology
- Clinical Dermatology Review : Official Scientific Journal of Indian Association of Dermatologist, Venereologist and Leprologists (IADVL) Karnataka Branch
- Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection
- Clinical Otolaryngology
- Clinical Rheumatology
- Clinics in Plastic Surgery
- Človek a Spoločnosť = Individual and Society
- CNS Spectrums
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2003-)
- Code of Federal Regulations / Title 43, Public Lands, Interior
- Cogent Mental Health
- Cognitive Science
- Coleopterists Bulletin, The (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- Collective Volume of Scientific Papers
- College World (via EBSCO Host)
- Colloquium New Philologies
- Colonial Magazine and East India Review, The
- Columbia Science and Technology Law Review
- Comentario Internacional
- Commercial Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Commonwealth Trade Express
- Communication & Organisation (2007-)
- Communications in Inorganic Synthesis
- Communications to SIMAI Congress
- Companion, The (via BPC)
- Comparative Immunology Reports
- Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry
- Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling (CASM)
- Composites Science and Technology
- Comptes Nationaux: Comptes Trimestriels
- Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
- Computational Research
- Computer Journal, The
- Computer und Arbeit (formerly Computer-Fachwissen)
- Computers & Mathematics with Applications
- Comunicación y Sociedad (Communication and Society)
- Concilium: Internationale Zeitschrift für Theologie
- Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
- Confluencia : Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura (via JSTOR)
- Conjectura : Filosofia e Educação
- Connexions
- Conservation Genetics Resources
- Constitutional Political Economy
- Consumer Conditions Scoreboard
- Contemporary British History
- Contemporary Law
- Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis
- Continental Journal of Agronomy
- ContrastO : giornale italo-tedesco ; deutsch-italienische Zeitung
- Contributions to Plasma Physics (formerly: Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik)
- Convergent Science Physical Oncology
- Coptic Church Review
- Cornhill Monthly & Literary Recorder (via EBSCO Host)
- Corpus : Internet-Magazin für Performance, Philosophie, Politik
- Corruption Perceptions Index
- Cotton and Wool Outlook, Yearbook (CWS)
- Country Profile / The Economist Intelligence Unit. Panama
- Country Report Congo (Brazzaville)
- Country Report Kyrgyz Republic
- Country Report Qatar
- Country Report Yemen
- Court Magazine and Monthly Critic : Containing Original Papers, by Distinguished Writers, and Finely Engraved Portraits and Landscapes from Paintings by Eminent Masters (via BPC)
- Crash Test Technology International
- Creighton International and Comparative Law Journal
- Criminal Justice Policy Review
- Criterios: Cuadernos de Ciencias Jurídicas y Política Internacional
- Critical Criminology (Formerly: Journal of Human Justice)
- Critical Reviews in Immunology
- Critique : revue générale des publications françaises et étrangères
- Crop Design
- Crossroads : the Macedonian Foreign Policy Journal
- Crystal Research and Technology (formerly: Kristall und Technik)
- Cuaderno de Notas
- Cuadernos de Genealogía
- Cuadernos de Medicina Psicosomática y Psiquiatria de Enlace
- Cuadernos Internacionales
- Cuestiones de Sociología
- Cultura y Democracia
- Culture and Local Governance
- Cuña , La
- Current Biology
- Current Drug Discovery Technologies
- Current Housing Reports / US Census Bureau. H-150, American housing survey for the United States
- Current Molecular Pharmacology (2024-)
- Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry
- Current Optics and Photonics (COPP) (Formerly: Journal of the Optical Society of Korea (JOSK))
- Current Protocols in Human Genetics
- Current Research in Physiology (CRPHYS)
- Current Topics in Developmental Biology
- Curriculum Inquiry (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Cyberjournal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research
- Cytometry. Part B: Clinical Cytometry