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Social Science Research Center Berlin
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| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- J.B. Lippincott & Co.'S Monthly Bulletin of New Publications (via EBSCO Host)
- Jaarverslag van den Nederlandschen Vrouwenbond tot Verhooging van het Zedelijk Bewustzijn (via Gerritsen Collection)
- Jahrbuch ... / a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
- Jahrbuch der Lehrer der höheren Schulen
- Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Glarus
- Jahrbuch / Fachbereich 03, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
- Jahrbuch für Kunstsammler
- Jahrbuch / Hanns-Lilje-Stiftung
- Jahrbuch Wirtschaftsrecht Schweiz - EU
- Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics (1863-2022)
- Jahresabschluss / Stadt Karlsruhe, Stadtkämmerei
- Jahresbericht ... / Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung
- Jahresbericht / Centre for Financial Economics
- Jahresbericht der Handelskammer in Duisburg
- Jahresbericht : der Rhein / RIWA Rhein, Verband der Flusswasserwerke
- Jahresbericht des Jüdisch-Theologischen Seminars Fraenckel'scher Stiftung
- Jahresbericht des Vereins für Naturkunde zu Zwickau
- Jahresbericht ... / DHBW, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim
- Jahresbericht ... / Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung IAP = Annual Report ... / Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research
- Jahresbericht / Hamburg Media School
- Jahresbericht / Institut für Agrar- und Stadtökologische Projekte an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IASP)
- Jahresbericht / Landesgesundheitsamt Baden-Württemberg
- Jahresbericht ... / Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum
- Jahresbericht / Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv
- Jahresbericht über das K.K. Franz-Joseph-Gymnasium in Wien
- Jahresbericht / UNITI, Bundesverband Mittelständischer Mineralölunternehmen
- Jahresbericht / Vereinigung der Unternehmensverbände in Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.
- Jahresbericht ... zur kooperativen DV-Versorgung / Technische Universität Dresden, Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen
- Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg
- Jahrschrift für Theologie und Kirchenrecht der Katholiken
- JAMMI: Official Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada = Journal Officiel de l'Association pour la Microbiologie Médicale et l'Infectiologie Canada
- Japan review
- Japanese Journal of Hygiene
- Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
- Jassa : Journal of Applied Science in Southern Africa
- JCO Precision Oncology (JCO PO)
- Jenaische gelehrte Zeitungen
- Jewett's Advertiser: Devoted to Medical and Scientific Research (via EBSCO Host)
- JFO Open Ophthalmology
- Jiang Xi Gong An Zhuan Ke Xue Xiao Xue Bao = Journal of Jiangxi Public Security College
- JIM-Studie
- Jishou-Daxue-xuebao Ziran kexue ban = Journal of Jishou University: Natural Science Edition
- JMM Case Reports = Journal of Medical Microbiology - Case Reports
- Joint Bone Spine
- Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia
- Journal Africain du Cancer = African Journal of Cancer
- Journal de l'Association Dentaire Canadienne
- Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie
- Journal des Femmes : Organe du Mouvement Feministe, Le (via Gerritsen Collection)
- Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education
- Journal for Multimedia History
- Journal for the Study of Radicalism
- Journal für Gesetzkunde und Rechtsgelehrsamkeit
- Journal Général de la Littérature de France
- Journal of Academy of Medical Sciences
- Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy (2004-)
- Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology
- Journal of Aesthetic Education, The (2003-)
- Journal of African Union Studies
- Journal of Agricultural Machinery
- Journal of Air Law and Commerce, The (via PAO)
- Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
- Journal of Ancient History
- Journal of Anthropological Psychology
- Journal of Applied Biomaterials (-1995)
- Journal of Applied Genetics (2006-)
- Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Research
- Journal of Applied Statistics (2020- nicht die aktuellen Hefte)
- Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications
- Journal of Asian Architecture & Building Engineering (JAABE)
- Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences (JASS)
- Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research : JAAER
- Journal of Behavior, Health and Social Issues
- Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods
- Journal of Biology and Life Science
- Journal of Bionanoscience
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) / Case Connector
- Journal of Burn Care & Research (via Ovid)
- Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
- Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation (JCR)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (- 2007)
- Journal of Cell Science (formerly Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science)
- Journal of Chemical Health and Safety
- Journal of China Medical University
- Journal of Christian Nursing
- Journal of Climate (älter als 12 Monate)
- Journal of Clinical Imaging Science
- Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology
- Journal of Cognitive Science
- Journal of Communication Inquiry
- Journal of Comparative Politics
- Journal of Computational Literary Studies (JCLS)
- Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques (Formerly: Journal in Computer Virology)
- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Journal of Contemporary Religion (Formerly: Religion Today)
- Journal of Counseling Psychology
- Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (JoCI)
- Journal of Defence Studies
- Journal of Design and Science (JoDS)
- Journal of Diabetic Complications
- Journal of Distance Learning and Open Learning, The (JDLOL)
- Journal of Early Modern Christianity
- Journal of Ecology and Environment
- Journal of Economic Policy and Research
- Journal of Ecosystems
- Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science
- Journal of Educational Technology and Society (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
- Journal of Emotional Abuse
- Journal of Engineering
- Journal of English-Medium Instruction : EMI
- Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (JECE)
- Journal of Environmental Systems
- Journal of Ethnobiology
- Journal of Excellence, The
- Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
- Journal of Family Social Work
- Journal of Finance, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of FisheriesSciences.com / Su ÜrünleriBilimeri.com
- Journal of Food Protection
- Journal of Forest and Natural Resource Management
- Journal of Fungi
- Journal of General Virology
- Journal of Geometry and Physics
- Journal of Global Ethics
- Journal of Graphics Tools (Formerly: Journal of Graphics, GPU, and Game Tools)
- Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (formerly: Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management)
- Journal of Health Science
- Journal of Heritage Tourism
- Journal of Historical Research in Music Education (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management (Formerly: Journal of Hospitality & Leisure Marketing)
- Journal of Human Security (2013 -)
- Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (JHDE)
- Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education
- Journal of Industrial Economics, The (1997-)
- Journal of Information and Telecommunication
- Journal of Infrastructure Systems
- Journal of Instructional Pedagogies
- Journal of Intelligent Computing (JIC)
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine
- Journal of International Economic Law
- Journal of International Social Research
- Journal of Investigative Dermatology, The (älter als 12 Monate)
- Journal of Islamic Studies
- Journal of Juvenile Justice
- Journal of Labor Economics
- Journal of Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies
- Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour
- Journal of Lie Theory (formerly: Seminar Sophus Lie)
- Journal of Liver Cancer
- Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
- Journal of Management Scientific Reports (JOMSR)
- Journal of Marketing Research & Case Studies
- Journal of Materials Shaping Technology
- Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
- Journal of Mediation & Applied Conflict Analysis, The
- Journal of Medical Microbiology (älter als 12 Monate)
- Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, The
- Journal of Meteorological Research (formerly: Acta Meteorologica Sinica)
- Journal of Military History, The (1989-2007; via JSTOR)
- Journal of Modern Management Process (JMMP)
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (2002-2006)
- Journal of Multivariate Analysis (JMVA)
- Journal of Nanotheranostics
- Journal of Neonatal Nursing
- Journal of Neuroimmunology
- Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology (via OVID)
- Journal of Nonlocality
- Journal of Nursery Education, The (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
- Journal of Oilseeds Research
- Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures (JOPN)
- Journal of Organizational Knowledge Management : JOKM
- Journal of Osteoporosis
- Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology (JPVB)
- Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) (via OVID)
- Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control
- Journal of Philology and Intercultural Communication
- Journal of Physical Education & Health: Social Perspective
- Journal of Physiotherapy
- Journal of Plant Sciences
- Journal of Political Studies
- Journal of Poultry Science
- Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics
- Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics (JPO) (via OVID)
- Journal of Psychopharmacology
- Journal of Public Policy (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Radiation Oncology
- Journal of Regional and City Planning (JRCP) = Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (Jurnal PWK)
- Journal of Religious Leadership
- Journal of Research in Education
- Journal of Resistance Studies
- Journal of Romance Studies
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
- Journal of Search and Rescue (JSAR)
- Journal of Sex Education and Therapy
- Journal of Sleep Research (älter als 12 Monate)
- Journal of Social Ontology
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
- Journal of Southeast University (English Edition) (via CAJ)
- Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, The (2005- älter als 12 Monate)
- Journal of Statistics and Management Systems (1998-2022)
- Journal of Student Award Winners
- Journal of Surveying Engineering
- Journal of Systematics and Evolution (-2008)
- Journal of Technology Innovations in Renewable Energy
- Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology
- Journal of the American Dental Association, The (JADA)
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science (formerly: American Documentation) (via PAO)
- Journal of the ASFMRA (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2, Molecular and Chemical Physics
- Journal of the Egyptian Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (2016-2018)
- Journal of the Faculty of Science / Hokkaido University: Series 7, Geophysics
- Journal of the History of Ideas (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1851-1994)
- Journal of the International Hemp Association
- Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
- Journal of the New York Microscopical Society
- Journal of the Polynesian Society, The (JPS) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) (1908-)
- Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation (via JSTOR)
- Journal of the United States Association of Charcoal Iron Workers
- Journal of Therapy and Management in HIV Infection
- Journal of Tourism Futures, The
- Journal of Transpersonal Research
- Journal of Tropical Life Science (JTLS)
- Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning, The (JUAL)
- Journal of Vascular Diseases
- Journal of Vibration and Acoustics (formerly: Journal of Vibration Acoustics Stress and Reliability in Design)
- Journal of Water and Climate Change
- Journal of Wildlife Management, The (2004-)
- Journal of Worlds Poultry Science (JWPS)
- Journal Officiel de la République Française. Documents Administratifs
- Journal von und für Franken
- JoVE Core / Introduction to Psychology
- JPRI Critique
- Judaica Ukrainica
- Jüdisches Gemeindeblatt für das Gebiet der Hansestadt Hamburg
- Junctures. The Journal of Thematic Dialogue
- Juridičeski Sbornik = Journal of Legal Studies (2011-2013)
- Juristische Zeitung für das Königreich Hannover
- Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan
- Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia
- Jus. Rivista di Scienze Giuridiche
- Juvenile Gazette (Rhode Island) (via EBSCO Host)