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Social Science Research Center Berlin

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Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho (2002-)
  Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho (2002-)  
  Nihon-d¯obutsugaku-ih¯o / Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses  
  Nihon Daigaku Bunrigakubu Shizen Kagaku Kenkyūsho kenkyū kiyō = Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences, Nihon University  
  Nihon-doj¯o-hiry¯ogaku-zasshi / Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition  
  Nihon-enerug¯i-gakkaishi / Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy  
  Nihon-Faji-Gakkaishi / Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems  
  Nihon Fukugō Zairyō Gakkaishi = Journal of the Japan Society for Composite Materials  
  Nihon Furudo Pawã Shisutemu Gakkai Ronbunshu / Transactions of the Japan Fluid Power System Society  
  Nihon-gakushiin-kiy¯o = Proceedings of the Japan Academy  
  Nihon-gasu-t¯abin-gakkaishi / Journal of the Gas Turbine Society of Japan  
  Nihon-Gaz¯o-Gakkai-shi = Journal of Imaging Society of Japan  
  Nihon-geka-gakkai-zasshi / Journal of the Japan Surgical Society  
  Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai shi Atomos = Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan  
  Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai shi = Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan  
  Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai wabun ronbunshi = Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan  
  Nihon Gomu Kyoukaishi = Journal of the Society of Rubber Industry  
  Nihon-H¯oshasen-Gijutsu-Gakkai-zasshi / Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology  
  Nihon-H¯otetsu-Shika-Gakkai-zasshi = Journal of the Japan Prosthodontic Society  
  Nihon Hikaku Seiji Gakkai nenpō  
  Nihon-Hinyokika-Gakkai-zasshi = The Japanese Journal of Urology (-1988)  
  Nihon-Hinyokika-Gakkai-zasshi (= The Japanese Journal of Urology; ab 1989)  
  Nihon Ika Daigaku Igakkai Zasshi  
  Nihon-j¯uigaku-zasshi / Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science, The  
  Nihon Jibiinnkouka Gakkai Kaihou (1893-1896)  
  Nihon Jibiinnkouka Gakkai Kaihou = Journal of the Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan (1893-1944)  
  Nihon Jibiinnkouka Gakkai Kaihou = Journal of the Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan (1948-)  
  Nihon-Jikken-Rikigakkai-shi / Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics  
  Nihon Jinetsu Gakkai shi = Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan  
  Nihon Jishin Kōgakkai ronbunshū = Journal of Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering  
  Nihon Jōzō Kyōkai Zasshi = Journal of the Brewing Society of Japan  
  Nihon-kachiku-kanri-gakkaishi / Animal Behaviour and Management  
  Nihon Kaisui Gakkai shi = Bulletin of the Society of Sea Water Science, Japan  
  Nihon Kasai Gakkai ronbunshū = Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering  
  Nihon-Kasei-Gakkaishi / Journal of Home Economics of Japan  
  Nihon-Keiei-K¯ogakkai-ronbunshi = Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association  
  Nihon Keshōhin Gijutsushakai shi = Journal of Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan : Journal of SCCJ  
  Nihon-Kessen-Shiketsu-Gakkaishi / Japanese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis  
  Nihon-Kessh¯o-Seich¯o-Gakkai-shi / Journal of the Japanese Association of Crystal Growth  
  Nihon Kesshō Gakkai shi = Journal of the Crystallographic Society of Japan  
  Nihon-Kikai-Gakkai-ronbun-sh¯u / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (1935-1937)  
  Nihon-Kikai-Gakkai-ronbun-sh¯u / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (1938-1978)  
  Nihon-Kikai-Gakkai-ronbun-sh¯u / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers / Series A, Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering  
  Nihon-Kikai-Gakkai-ronbun-sh¯u / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers / Series B, Fluids and Thermal Engineering  
  Nihon-Kikai-Gakkai-ronbun-sh¯u / Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers / Series C, Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements, Design and Manufacturing  
  Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshū = Transactions of the JSME : Bulletin of the JSME  
  Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho  
  Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho (ältere Jahrgänge)  
  Nihon Kōgyōkai shi = Journal of the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of Japan  
  Nihon Kōkū Gakkai shi = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences