Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- C̆ernaja kniga Rastraty Bjudetnych sredstv v Respublike Moldova... = Чёрная книга растраты бюджет
- Cabo
- Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia
- Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar
- Cadet: A Monthly Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Cahiers d' Études et de Recherches Francophones (Santé)
- Cahiers de l'Islam , Les
- Cahiers des Thèmes Transversaux ArScAn
- Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (2001 -)
- Caikuang-yu-anquan-gongcheng-xuebao = Journal of Mining & Safety Engineering
- CALICO Journal (älter als 36 Monate)
- Calíope : Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry
- Cambridge Opera Journal
- Campaigns & Elections
- Canada Evangelist, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Canadian Ethnic Studies
- Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing = Revue Canadienne de Soins Infirmiers Cardiovasculaires
- Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine
- Canadian Naturalist & Geologist (via EBSCO Host)
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law, The = Annuaire Canadien de Droit International
- Cancer Immunity: a Journal of the Academy of Cancer Immunology
- Candela : revistă de teologie și cultură a Arhiepiscopiei Sucevei și Rădăuților = Candle : Journal of Theology and Culture of the Archdiocese of Suceava and Rădăuţi
- Capitalism and Society
- Card Technology Today
- Cardiovascular Medicine / Kardiovaskuläre Medizin / Médecine Cardiovasculaire
- Caribisch Juristenblad : CJB
- Carnets : Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses / Carnets : Revue Electronique d'Etudes Françaises
- Carte Semiotiche: Rivista Internazionale di Semiotica e Teoria dell' Immagine
- Case Reports in Genetics
- Cash: Das Handelsmagazin
- Catalan Review (1986-2007)
- Cathedra for the History of Eretz Israel and its Yishuv = Katedrah : le-toldot Erets Yiśraʾel ṿe-yishuvah ( ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- CAUCE. Revista de Filologia y su Didáctica
- CEAS Space Journal
- Cell Biology and Toxicology (1984 - 2023)
- Cell Stem Cell (älter als 12 Monate)
- Cellulose
- Centennial Mayflower (via EBSCO Host)
- Central European Cultures
- Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
- Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings CESP
- CertiUni Journal = Revista CertiUni
- CFC Intersections
- Champs de Mars, Les (älter als 3 Jahre)
- Charivari, Le
- Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture
- Chemical Papers (formerly: Chemické Zvesti) (1947 - 2005)
- Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Zentralblatt
- ChemNanoMat
- Chi Zhou Xue Yuan Xue Bao = Journal of Chizhou College
- Child and Family Behavior Therapy
- Children and Young People Now
- China: An International Journal
- China Leadership Monitor
- China Welding
- Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment (via CAJ)
- Chinese Science (via JSTOR)
- Chisik chaesan yŏn'gu = The Journal of Intellectual Property
- Christian Banner Tract Journal (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian Intelligencer & Gospel Advocate (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian Reformer & Signs of the Times (via EBSCO Host)
- Christian World (1843-1845) (via EBSCO Host)
- Chronic Stress
- Chronique internationale de l'IRES
- Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- CICSJ Bulletin
- Ciencia Política
- Científica : Revista de Ciências Agrárias
- Cine: Revista Mensal de Arte Cinematográfica
- Circuit: Musiques Contemporaines (ältere Jahrgänge)
- CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology
- City, Culture and Society
- Civilisations : Revue Internationale d'Anthropologie et de Sciences Humaines (2004-)
- Classica Cracoviensia (2009-)
- CLCWeb : Comparative Literature and Culture : A WWWeb Journal
- Clima: Cuadernos de Arte
- Clinica Terapeutica, La (2018 -)
- Clinical and Translational Neuroscience
- Clinical & Experimental Allergy
- Clinical Lymphoma
- Clinical Neuroscience = Ideggyógyászati Szemle
- Clinical Positron Imaging
- Clinical Therapeutics
- Clio Medica
- Cluj Veterinary Journal
- Coaching Psykologi
- Code of Federal Regulations / Title 13, Business Credit and Assistance
- CoDesign
- Cognitio - studentisches Forum für Recht und Gesellschaft
- Coin Collector's Journal (via EBSCO Host)
- Collectanea Botanica
- College Days (via EBSCO Host)
- Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management
- Colloquium Vitae
- Colorado Environmental Law Journal
- Com a Palavra, o Professor
- Comique-annonces, Le : journal hebdomadaire
- Common Defense, The (via JSTOR)
- Communicatio: Kultur Text Medium
- Communication Today
- Communications in Partial Differential Equations
- Community and Junior College Libraries
- Comparative and Continental Philosophy
- Comparative Medicine (formerly Laboratory Animal Science)
- Compensation and Benefits Review
- Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
- Compounding World
- Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. Series IIA, Earth and Planetary Science
- Computational biology (CompBio)
- Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering (CWEEE)
- Computer Methods in the Geosciences
- Computern im Handwerk
- Computing Education (WCCCE)
- Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură = Intercultural Communication and Literature (2016-)
- Concrete Operators
- Conference proceedings / IEEE Computer Society
- Confronti
- Connect (Universität Augsburg)
- Conrad Grebel Review, The
- Conservator, The
- Construction Economics and Building
- Consumption, Markets and Culture
- Contemporary Economy = Współczesna gospodarka
- Contemporary Oncology - Wspolczesna Onkologia
- Context-aware Movie Recommendation (CAMRa)
- Continuing Cardiology Education
- Contributions from the Herbarium of Columbia College
- Control Engineering Europe
- Cook : a Weekly Handbook of Domestic Culinary Art for all Housekeepers, The (via Gerritsen Collection)
- CORDIS Express
- Corpora: Corpus-Based Language Learning, Language Processing and Linguistics
- Correo de Sevilla
- Cosmica = Ky¯oto Gaikokugo Daigaku S¯og¯o Kenky¯usho
- Counseling et Spiritualité / Counselling and Spirituality
- Country Report Angola
- Country Report Egypt
- Country Report Maldives
- Country Report Slovenia
- Covid Economics
- Creating Out of the Machine (Creating)
- CRESST Line Newsletter
- Criminología y Justicia
- Critica , La : Rivista di Letteratura, Storia e Filosofia
- Critical Housing Analysis
- Critical Reviews in Toxicology
- Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR)
- Crop Prospects and Food Situation
- Cruise Report / Geological Survey of Japan
- CSA Newsletter. Computer Technologies for Archaeologists & Architectural Historians
- Cuadernos de Antropologia
- Cuadernos de Historia de España
- Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada
- Cuadernos sobre Relaciones Internacionales, Regionalismo y Desarrollo
- Cuihua-xuebao = Chinese Journal of Catalysis
- Cultural Anthropology (2014-)
- Culture e Studi del Sociale (CuSSoc)
- Curaviva (2012 - 2021)
- Current Cancer Drug Targets
- Current Drug Therapy
- Current Issues in Economics and Finance
- Current Neurovascular Research
- Current Opinion in Microbiology
- Current Pediatric Research
- Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology
- Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences
- Current Trauma Reports
- Cursor_: Zeitschrift für explorative Theologie
- Cybernetics and Systems (CBS)
- Czas Kultury = Time of Culture