Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- iam : intellectual Asset Management
- Ibero-online.de
- ICAN : Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
- Ichthyological Research (Formerly: Gyoruigaku-zasshi = Japanese Journal of Ichthyology)
- ID On Line - Revista de Psicologia
- Ideo : Romanian Journal of Philosophical and Social Studies
- IEE Proceedings E - Computers and Digital Techniques
- IEEE Communications Society Magazine
- IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
- IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics
- IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems
- IET Computing & Control Engineering (Formerly: IEE Computing & Control Engineering, The ; Computing & Control Engineering Journal)
- IET Wireless Sensor Systems (2011 - 2020)
- IfP-News
- IHK.Wirtschaft / IHK Dresden, Ausgabe Bautzen und Görlitz
- IJU Case Reports
- Ilin: Istoriko-Geograficeskij, Kulturologiceskij Zurnal (IL)
- Illustrated Botany: Comprising an Introduction to the Natural System a Treatise on Vegetable Physiology and on the Botany of Fossils Together With Descriptions of Numerous Species of Plants, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Illustrirte (Illustrierte) Depeschen
- Im Einsatz für das wachsende Berlin
- Imaging & Machine Vision Europe
- Immaterieel erfgoed
- ImmunoAnalysis
- Impact Report / RSA
- Imprimatur: Nachrichten und kritische Meinungen aus der katholischen Kirche (2014 - 2022)
- In Silico Pharmacology (2017-)
- Incontri di Filologia Classica
- Índex: Revista de Arte Contemporáneo
- Indian Chemical Engineer
- Indian Journal of Child Health (IJCH)
- Indian Journal of History of Science (2021-)
- Indian Journal of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics
- Indian Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery: Official Publication of Vascular Society of India (nur HTML)
- Indiana Magazine of History (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Indikator Industri Manufaktur: Indonesia = Manufacturing Industrial Indicator
- Indonesian Journal of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
- Industria, L' : Rivista di Economia e Politica Industriale
- Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, The (TIP)
- Industry Statistics ...
- Info BirdLife Schweiz : Das Interne Mitteilungsblatt von BirdLife Schweiz und seinen Landesorganisationen, Kantonalverbänden und Lokalen Sektionen
- Infodienst SchulNews online
- Informal Employment Survey ..., The
- Information Bulletin / Office of US High Commissioner for Germany
- Information Professional (Formerly: IET Information Professional; IEEE Information Professional)
- Information Technology and Tourism
- Informationsbrief der Bundes-SGK
- Informe Anual de l'R + D i la Innovació a Catalunya
- Informe / Fundación Alternativas
- INFORMS Journal on Computing (früher: ORSA Journal on Computing / Operations Research Society of America)
- Ingeniería Naval : Revista del Sector Marítimo
- Inkanyezi Yokusa (via EBSCO Host)
- Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales (1994-) (via JSTOR)
- Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering : A NASA Journal
- Inorganic Chemistry of the Transition Elements
- Insajt = Insight
- Inside the Navy (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Instant Research on Peace and Violence (via JSTOR)
- Ínsula : Revista de Botânica
- Integrated Household Survey (IHS...) ... Report, The ...
- Integratus : The Journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association
- Intelligent Data Analysis
- Inter : Art Actuel
- Interagir: Pensando a Extensão
- Interdisciplinary Literary Studies (2007-)
- Interfaces Científicas - Educação
- Internal Security
- International Bibliography of Historical Sciences / Internationale Bibliographie der Geschichtswissenschaften
- International Circular of Graphic Education and Research
- International Conference on Pragmatic Web (ICPW)
- International Econometric Review
- International Food Research Journal (Formerly ASEAN Food Journal)
- International Investment Law : a companion volume to international investment perspectives (2005)
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion
- International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting
- International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
- International Journal of Aeroacoustics
- International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch (IJAEB)
- International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology
- International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, The
- International Journal of Arts & Sciences
- International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research
- International Journal of Biological & Medical Research
- International Journal of Brain Science
- International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling
- International Journal of Chemical Sciences and Research (IJCSR)
- International Journal of Clinical Legal Education
- International Journal of Communication (IJOC)
- International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements
- International Journal of Computer Science Research and Application (IJCSRA)
- International Journal of Control
- International Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR)
- International Journal of Design
- International Journal of Disability and Social Justice, The (via JSTOR)
- International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (2020-)
- International Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Management Studies
- International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC)
- International Journal of Empirical Economics
- International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD)
- International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Creative Economy
- International Journal of Ethics and Systems
- International Journal of Financial Studies
- International Journal of Frontier Sciences, The (TIJFS)
- International Journal of Geoscience, Engineering and Technology
- International Journal of Health and Economic Development
- International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications
- International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, The (IJHSS)
- International Journal of Industrial Entomology
- International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (IJISSCM) (2008 - 2021)
- International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering (IJIRSE)
- International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS)
- International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) (2005 - 2021)
- International Journal of Legal and Social Order
- International Journal of Management and Applied Research
- International Journal of Maritime History
- International Journal of Mechanics
- International Journal of Mental Health Systems
- International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management : IJMOM
- International Journal of Music Business Research
- International Journal of Next-Generation Networks (IJNGN)
- International Journal of Ocean and Coastal Engineering
- International Journal of Organisational Behaviour
- International Journal of Pediatrics
- International Journal of Pharmacology, Phytochemistry and Ethnomedicine
- International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education
- International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM)
- International Journal of Public Theology
- International Journal of Regulation and Governance
- International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology (IJREAT)
- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
- International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN)
- International Journal of Social and Organizational Dynamics in IT
- International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI)
- International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics (2016-2021,2)
- International Journal of Surgery (-2022)
- International Journal of Systems and Society
- International Journal of Terrestrial Heat Flow and Applied Geothermics
- International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
- International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare
- International Journal of West Asian Studies (IJWAS)
- International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering
- International Law Forum / Forum du Droit International
- International Mining
- International Political Science Review = Revue Internationale de Science Politique
- International Research Journal of Microbiology (IRJM)
- International Review of Neurobiology
- International Social Science Review (2014,3 -)
- International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)
- International Transport Forum Policy Papers
- International Zoo Yearbook
- Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie
- Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases, The
- Internet Mathematics
- InterRidge News
- Intervirology (2021-)
- Invertebrate Survival Journal
- Investigaciones Sobre Lectura
- Inzenerno-Stroitel'nyj urnal : Naučno-Prikladnoe Izdanie = Magazine of Civil Engineering
- Iparjogvédelmi és Szerzői Jogi szemle = Industrial Property and Copyright Review / Magyar Szabadalmi Hivatal
- Iran Namag : a quarterly of Iranian studies
- Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences
- Iranica Antiqua (via PAO)
- IRE Transactions on Audio
- Iris & Record (via EBSCO Host)
- Irish Library News
- IRS aktuell
- Isis: Journal of the History of Science Society (1913-1925)
- Islamika Indonesiana
- Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution (Formerly: Israel Journal of Zoology)
- ISRN Bioinformatics
- ISRN Mathematical Analysis
- ISRN Soil Science
- Issues in Special Education & Inclusion (ISEI) = Sugyot be-ḥinukh miyuḥad u-ve-shiluv (S.Ḥ.I.Sh.) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Istorija 20. Veka = History of The 20th Century, The
- IT-Governance
- Italian Journal of Pediatrics, The (2008-)
- ITE Journal (2020-)
- ITUC Africa news
- Iustinianus Primus Law Review
- Izdatel = Publisher (1994-2018)
- Izvestija Saratovskogo Universiteta / Serija Filogogija, Zurnalistika