Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- iḥṣāʾāt al-inaāt = Construction Statistics
- iam : intellectual Asset Management
- Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv: Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften und Geschichte (via JSTOR)
- ICAME Journal (2014-)
- Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos
- ICU Nihongo Kyōiku Kenkyū (ICU Studies in Japanese Language Education)
- Identity in the Information Society
- IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications
- IEEE Communications Letters (L-COMM)
- IEEE Journal of Microwaves
- IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society
- IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Navigational Electronics
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (T-CST)
- IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics (T-SMCB)
- IET Blockchain
- IET Science, Measurement & Technology (2007 - 2020)
- Ifo DICE Report (formerly: CESifo DICE Report)
- IHK-Exportbericht Bayern
- IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development)
- Ilâhiyat Fakültesi dergisi / Ankara Üniversitesi (Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University)
- Illuminator, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Illustrierter badischer Militär-Vereins-Kalender / hrsg. vom Präsidium des Badischen Militärvereins-Verbandes
- Ilustración Ibérica, La
- Images : The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication
- IMF Policy Discussion Paper (1993 - 2008)
- Immobilienmarktbericht ... Thüringen. Kyffhäuserkreis, Landkreis Nordhausen
- Immunotoxicology of Drugs and Chemicals: an Experimental and Clinical Approach
- Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages and Programming Systems (ICOOOLPS)
- In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi: Tydskrif van die Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging
- Inbhear. Journal of Irish Music and Dance
- Independent Republican and Miscellaneous Magazine, The (via EBSCO Host)
- India Quarterly (1954-)
- Indian Journal of Animal Health
- Indian Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (HTML)
- Indian Journal of Neurosurgery
- Indian Journal of Rheumatology (IJR)
- Indian Phytopathology (2018-)
- Indicator: or, Guide to Self-improvement (via EBSCO Host)
- Indogaku-bukky¯ogaku-kenky¯u / Journal of Indian and Buddhist studies
- Indonesian Journal of Obstretics and Gynecology
- Industrial Commodity Statistics Yearbook
- Industrie- und Handels-Adreßbuch für Groß-Berlin und die Mark Brandenburg
- Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- InfoAnimation
- Informação em Pauta
- Informatio
- Information für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht : infas (via RDB)
- Information Security Theory and Practices (WISTP)
- Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Info DaF) (1997 -)
- InformationWeek
- Informe de Estabilidad Financiera
- Informe Técnico / Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola, Programa da Banano y Platano
- Infrared Physics and Technology
- Ingleses en España o Postillón de Sevilla, Los
- Innate Immunity (1999-)
- Innovation Journalism
- Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
- Inpharma
- Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus: A Monthly Journal of Entomology
- Insight : the magazine of sports market intelligence
- Institution of Production Engineers Journal
- Insurance Monitor Weekly (via EBSCO Host)
- Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly: American Zoologist)
- Intellector : Revista Eletronica: do Centro de Estudos em Geopolítica e Relações Internacionais (CENEGRI).
- Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure
- Interações. Sociedade e as Novas Modernidades
- InterDisciplines
- Interights Bulletin
- International Affairs Forum
- International Business and Management
- International Conference European Union's History, Culture and Citizenship, The = Istorie, Cultura, Cetatenie in Uniunea Europeana
- International Corporate Rescue
- International Educational Research
- International Geophysics
- International Journal for Computational Biology (Int Jour Comp Bio.)
- International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
- International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing
- International Journal of Advanced Science and Engineering
- International Journal of Agile and Extreme Software Development
- International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (2009 - 2022)
- International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology
- International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology
- International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training (IJATT; Formerly: Athletic Therapy Today ATT)
- International Journal of Bias, Identity and Diversities in Education
- International Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
- International Journal of Business and Economics Research
- International Journal of Cancer Research
- International Journal of Childrens Literature and Education Researches = Uluslararası Çocuk Edebiyatı ve Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
- International Journal of Clinical Psychiatry and Mental Health
- International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice
- International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT)
- International Journal of Computerized Dentistry
- International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility
- International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education
- International Journal of Development Education & Global Learning
- International Journal of Disaster Risk Management
- International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)
- International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- International Journal of Energy and Environment
- International Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation (IJERI)
- International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment
- International Journal of Evidence and Proof
- International Journal of Fluid Power
- International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA) (2011 - 2022)
- International Journal of Global Business
- International Journal of Health Governance
- International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability
- International Journal of Hydromechatronics
- International Journal of Infectious Diseases
- International Journal of Information Technology
- International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Formerly: Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry)
- International Journal of Internal Medicine
- International Journal of Korean Unification Studies (Formerly Korean Journal of National Unification)
- International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing
- International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development (IJMED)
- International Journal of Markets and Business Systems
- International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems (IJMMS)
- International Journal of Metals
- International Journal of Modern Education Forum (IJMEF)
- International Journal of Myriapodology (- 2010)
- International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control
- International Journal of Odonatology (formerly: Pantala)(-2020)
- International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (2023 -)
- International Journal of People-Oriented Programming
- International Journal of Pharmacy & Integrated Health Sciences
- International Journal of Political Activism and Engagement (2023 -)
- International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management
- International Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IJPAP)
- International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health
- International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)
- International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts
- International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (IJSPPC) (2020 - 2022)
- International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services
- International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems (IJSECS)
- International Journal of Standardization Research (IJSR) (2015 - 2018)
- International Journal of Surgery (-2022) (Dublette)
- International Journal of Systems and Society
- International Journal of Terrestrial Heat Flow and Applied Geothermics
- International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
- International Journal of Value-Based Management
- International Journal of West Asian Studies (IJWAS)
- International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering
- International Law Forum / Forum du Droit International
- International Mining
- International Political Science Review = Revue Internationale de Science Politique
- International Research Journal of Microbiology (IRJM)
- International Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology, The (via JSTOR)
- International Small Business Journal
- International Symposium on Biocomputing (ISB)
- International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (ITSSA)
- International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy
- Internationales Jahrbuch für Medienphilosophie
- Internet Journal of Human Anatomy , The
- Internet Journal of World Health and Societal Politics, The
- Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology
- Intervirology (-2020)
- Invertebrate Neuroscience
- Investigaciones Históricas
- Invurnus
- IP-Rechts-Berater, Der IP-Rechtsberater IPRB
- Iran and the Caucasus (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering
- Iranian Review of Foreign Affairs : IRFA (via CIAO)
- IRIS : European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate
- Irish Journal of Psychology
- Irregular: Transylvanian Journal for Research in Visual Arts
- ISIM Review
- Islamic Perspective Journal
- ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance
- ISRN Anatomy
- ISRN Industrial Engineering
- ISRN Renewable Energy
- Issues in Political Economy
- Istoričeskij Poisk = Historical Search
- iSys : Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação
- Italian Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine
- Italus Hortus
- ITlib
- Ius et Scientia
- IZA Journal of European Labor Studies
- Izvestija Laboratorii Drevnich Technologij = Reports of the Laboratory of Ancient Technologies