Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- IAM journal / International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Iberoamérica Social
- ICAO Journal
- Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly: Copeia)
- Idäntutkimus
- Ideology and Politics
- IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications
- IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (2020-)
- IEEE OSA Journal of Display Technology (J-DT)
- IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (T-ASL)
- IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing (T-EPM)
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (T-NN)
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (T-VCG)
- IET Control & Automation
- IET Wireless Sensor Systems (2013 -)
- IFRS-Texte
- IHK.Wirtschaft / IHK Dresden, Ausgabe Dresden
- IJVES : International Journal of Vocational Education Studies
- ilinx - Berliner Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft
- Illustrated Catalogue of Microscopes, and their Appendages, Suitable for the Students of the Various Medical Schools for Sale By James W Queen No924 Chestnut Street, East of Tenth Street, Philadelphia Established In 1853 (via EBSCO Host)
- Illustrirte kunstgewerbliche Zeitschrift für Innendekoration
- Im Familienkreise: Zur Unterhaltung, Belehrung und Erheiterung
- Imaging & Microscopy
- Immediate Science Ecology
- Immunobiology (2024-)
- Impact (Science Impact Ltd)
- Imprint / National Student Nurses' Association
- In Silico Pharmacology (nicht die aktuellen Hefte)
- Incontri Linguistici
- Index Scholarum Publice et Privatim in Universitate Litterarum Ienensi ... Habendarum
- Indian Claims Commission Proceedings / Actes de la Commission des Revendications des Indiens
- Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
- Indian Journal of Horticulture
- Indian Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy
- Indiana Medical Journal, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis : Scientific Journal of Management & Business
- Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (JITV)
- Industria Nacional, La
- Industrial Portuense, O (via GALE)
- Industry Survey : Mining, Quarrying, Manufacturing & Electricity
- Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology (1996-2000)
- Info-Brief / Wissenschaftliche Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages
- Infoheft / Kanton Basel-Landschaft
- Informal Logic
- Information Bulletin on Variable Stars
- Information Psychiatrique, L'
- Information Technology, Education and Society
- Informationsbrief für Rechtssoziologie
- Informe Anual de Prospectiva
- Informe General del Estado de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación 2002-2013
- INFORMS Journal on Data Science
- Ingeniería Naval : Revista del Sector Marítimo (1929-2010)
- Inkanyiso : The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Innovare: Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
- Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences - ITALICS
- Inorganic Materials
- INSAM Journal of Contemporary Music, Art and Technology
- Inside the Pentagon (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- INSTED : interdisciplinary studies in education & society = Teraźniejszość, Człowiek, Edukacja
- Insulin
- Integrated Journal of Engineering Research and Technology
- Integrierte Statistik der Lohn- und Einkommensteuer / hrsg. von Statistik Austria
- Intelligent Energy News Review
- Inter Ciencia: Boletín de Divulgación Científica de la UNRC
- Interamerican Journal of Psychology / Revista Interamericana de Psicología
- Interdisciplinary Medicine
- Interfaces da Educação
- Internasjonal Politikk (2016 -)
- International Biodefense Handbook
- International Clinical Psychopharmacology (via OVID)
- International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC)
- International Economic Review (1999-)
- International Forest Fire News
- International Investment Perspectives
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care
- International Journal of Accounting Research
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences
- International Journal of Aerospace Innovations
- International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research
- International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG) (1999-2019)
- International Journal of Applied Research in Business and Management IJARBM
- International Journal of Asian Christianity
- International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (IJBS)
- International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
- International Journal of Bullying Prevention
- International Journal of Business Quantitative Economics and Applied Management Research
- International Journal of Chemistry (IJC)
- International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
- International Journal of Communications
- International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
- International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS)
- International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction
- International Journal of Design Education, The
- International Journal of Disaster Management
- International Journal of E-Planning Research (2020 -)
- International Journal of Ecophysiology
- International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
- International Journal of Endocrine Oncology (2018-)
- International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT)
- International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics
- International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies
- International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture (IJFA)
- International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (IJFAS)
- International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (2023-)
- International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
- International Journal of High Technology Ceramics
- International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- International Journal of Industrial Mathematics
- International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector
- International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy
- International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (2009 - 2022)
- International Journal of Korean History
- International Journal of Legal Studies (IJOLS)
- International Journal of Marketing Studies
- International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation
- International Journal of Metals
- International Journal of Modern Education Forum (IJMEF)
- International Journal of Myriapodology (- 2010)
- International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control
- International Journal of Odonatology (formerly: Pantala)(-2020)
- International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (2023 -)
- International Journal of People-Oriented Programming
- International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP)
- International Journal of Political Economy (1988-)
- International Journal of Project Management and Productivity Assessment
- International Journal of Pure & Applied Research in Engineering and Technology (IJPRET)
- International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE)
- International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering
- International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA) (2019-)
- International Journal of Sediment Research (2024 - )
- International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- International Journal of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications
- International Journal of Statistics and Economics
- International Journal of Surgery (nicht die aktuellen 24 Monate)
- International Journal of Systems Biology and Biomedical Technologies
- International Journal of the Commons
- International Journal of Training and Development
- International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems (IJVAS)
- International Journal of Wine Marketing
- International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
- International Law Studies
- International Multimedia Conference (MM)
- International Politics : A Journal of Transnational Issues and Global Problems (via CIAO)
- International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management (IRJSTEM)
- International Review of Psycho-Analysis, The
- International Socialist Review
- International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM)
- International Transport Workers' Federation: Progress report
- Internationale katholische Zeitschrift Communio (IKaZ)
- Internationales Verkehrswesen
- Internet Journal of Medical Education
- Internet Network Management (INM)
- Intersecciones en Antropología
- Inti : Revista de Literatura Hispánica
- Investicii v Kyrgyzskoj Respublike
- Investigações em Ensino de Ciências
- Inżynieria Przetwórstwa Spożywczego : IPS = Polish Journal of Food Engineering
- IPG - Mezdunarodnaja Politika i Obscestvo
- Iranian Biomedical Journal (IBJ)
- Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
- Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining = مجلة الجيولوجيا والتعدين العراقية
- IRE Transactions on Broadcasting
- Irish Archaeological Research Forum (via JSTOR)
- Irish Migration Studies in Latin America
- IRU-Courier
- Iskos
- Islamskaja mysl = Islamic thought
- Israel Journal of Plant Sciences (Formerly: Israel Journal of Botany)
- ISRN Biomedical Imaging
- ISRN Microbiology
- ISRN Thermodynamics
- Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers
- Istorija i Istoričeskaja Pamjat = History and Historical Memory
- IT & Production - Zeitschrift für erfolgreiche Produktion
- Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Items & Issues / Social Science Research Council
- IUCN Pan-European Newsletter (Formerly: IUCN European Newsletter)
- Ivan Ohijenko i Sučasna Nauka ta Osvita. Serija Istoryčna ta Filolohična = Ivan Ohienko and Modern Science and Education. History and Philology
- Izkustvo i Kritika = Art and Critique
- Izvestija Tulʹskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta / Estestvennye Nauki