Elektronische Zeitschriften
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- IAM journal / International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Iberoamérica Social
- ICAO Journal
- Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly: Copeia)
- Idäntutkimus
- Ideology and Politics
- IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications
- IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (2020-)
- IEEE OSA Journal of Display Technology (J-DT)
- IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (T-ASL)
- IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing (T-EPM)
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (T-NN)
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (T-VCG)
- IET Control & Automation
- IET Wireless Sensor Systems (2013 -)
- IFRS-Texte
- IHK.Wirtschaft / IHK Dresden, Ausgabe Dresden
- IJVES : International Journal of Vocational Education Studies
- ilinx - Berliner Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft
- Illustrated Catalogue of Microscopes, and their Appendages, Suitable for the Students of the Various Medical Schools for Sale By James W Queen No924 Chestnut Street, East of Tenth Street, Philadelphia Established In 1853 (via EBSCO Host)
- Illustrirte kunstgewerbliche Zeitschrift für Innendekoration
- Im Familienkreise: Zur Unterhaltung, Belehrung und Erheiterung
- Imaging & Microscopy
- Immediations
- Immunobiology : Experimental and Clinical (1980-2023)
- Impact Strategic
- Imprint, The
- In silico Plants
- Incontri: Rivista Europea di Studi Italiani
- Index Seminum / Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin
- Indian Coconut Journal
- Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (älter als 12 Monate)
- Indian Journal of Human Development (IJHD)
- Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research: Official Publication of KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy Belagavi
- Indian journal of veterinary and animal sciences research
- Indiana Quarterly Magazine of History, The
- Indikator Kesejahteraan Rakyat = Welfare Indicators
- Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics
- Industria / Panamá, Contraloría General de la República, Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo
- Industrial Preparedness Bulletin (via JSTOR)
- Industry Trade and Technology Review
- Infectious Diseases News Brief
- Info-Bulletin : Informationen zum Straf- und Massnahmenvollzug = Bulletin Info
- InFolio
- Informal Proceedings / British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
- Information Bulletin / Society for Latin American Studies (via JSTOR)
- Information Psychiatrique, L' (älter als 3 Jahre)
- Information Technology Education (SIGITE)
- Informationsbrief / hrsg. im Auftr. d. Sektion Rechtssoziologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
- Informe Anual del Comité Jurídico Interamericano (CJI) al ... Período Ordinario de Sesiones de la Asamblea General
- Informe GEPEC
- INFORMS Journal on Optimization
- Ingeniería Revista Académica
- Inklusionsbarometer Arbeit
- Innovate: Journal of Online Education
- Innovations: Newsletter of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
- Inorganic Materials: Applied Research
- Insaniyat : Revue algérienne d'anthropologie et de sciences sociales
- Inside Track
- Institut Finanzen und Steuern: ifst
- Insurance Advocate (1876) (via EBSCO Host)
- Integrated Labour Force Survey
- Integrierter Bericht / Deutsche Bahn
- Intelligent Enterprise
- Inter-Dialogos: Action Sociale et Éducation en Contextes Pluriculturels = Soziales Engagement und Bildung in einer plurikulturellen Umwelt
- Interazioni
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases
- Interfaces : Image, Texte, Language
- InternationaI Numismatic e-Newsletter (INeN)
- International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
- International Clinical Trials (ICT)
- International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT)
- International Economic Review / United States International Trade Commission, Office of Economics (1997-2004, aber sehr lückenhaft)
- International Forestry Review, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- International Issues & Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs (via CIAO)
- International Journal for Quality Research (IJQR)
- International Journal of ACM Jordan (IJJ)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)
- International Journal of Aerospace Sciences
- International Journal of Agroforestry and Silviculture
- International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies
- International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (2019 - 2022)
- International Journal of Asian Management
- International Journal of Behavioral Development
- International Journal of Biology (IJB)
- International Journal of Business Administration
- International Journal of Business Research and Management : IJBRM
- International Journal of ChemTech Research
- International Journal of Clinical Oncology
- International Journal of Community and Social Development, The
- International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
- International Journal of Computer Techniques (IJCT)
- International Journal of Cooperative Studies (IJCS)
- International Journal of Curriculum Development and Learning Measurement (2023-)
- International Journal of Developing Societies (IJDS)
- International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment
- International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (2022-)
- International Journal of Education
- International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications
- International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR)
- International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)
- International Journal of Environment and Resource (IJER)
- International Journal of Evangelization and Catechetics
- International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
- International Journal of Future Computer and Communication (IJFCC)
- International Journal of Gerontology (2007-2018)
- International Journal of Health Geographics
- International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability
- International Journal of Hydromechatronics
- International Journal of Infectious Diseases
- International Journal of Information Technology
- International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Formerly: Research Letters in Inorganic Chemistry)
- International Journal of Internal Medicine
- International Journal of Kurdish Studies (IJOKS)
- International Journal of Lexicography
- International Journal of Management and Network Economics
- International Journal of Mass Customisation
- International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics
- International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering (IJMQE) (2010-2014)
- International Journal of Modern Management and Foresight (IJMMF)
- International Journal of Nano Dimension (IJND)
- International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law
- International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering
- International Journal of Orofacial Biology
- International Journal of Performability Engineering
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies (IJPS)
- International Journal of Political Theory (IJPT)
- International Journal of Prosthodontics
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM)
- International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (2022 -)
- International Journal of Research in Marketing
- International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering
- International Journal of Self-Help & Self-Care
- International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL)
- International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (2009 - 2022)
- International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research
- International Journal of Surgical Oncology
- International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics (IJSS: O&L)
- International Journal of the Digital Human
- International Journal of Transgender Health (Formerly: International Journal of Transgenderism, The) (2005 - )
- International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (JVNV)
- International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies
- International Journal on Engineering Technologies and Informatics : IJETI
- International Legal Materials (ILM)
- International Polymer Processing
- International Review for Social History (1936-1939)
- International Review of Public Policy
- International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW)
- International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)
- International Transport Workers' Federation: Report of the international congress / International Transport Workers' Federation
- Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift : neue Folge der Revue Internationale de Théologie
- Internationalisation of Higher Education
- Internet Journal of Medical Simulation, The
- Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Interseções
- InToba: İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Akademi Dergisi = InToba: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Academy
- Investicije u stalna sredstva = Gross fixed capital formation(Formerly: Investicije u Stalna Sredstva u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine = Gross fixed Capital Formation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Investigation Papers / Women's Co-Operative Guild (via Gerritsen Collection)
- IO-Management (formerly: IO New Management)
- IPN Journal
- Iranian Economic Review
- Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology
- Iraqi Journal for Applied Science (IJAS)
- IRE Transactions on Communications Systems
- Irish Arts Review (2002 -) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Irish Monthly (via JSTOR)
- Iryō jōhōgaku = Japan Journal of Medical Informatics : JJMI
- Iskusstvennyj intellekt i prinjatie reenij = Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
- Ísland
- Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine
- ISRN Biotechnology
- ISRN Molecular Biology
- ISRN Toxicology
- Issues & Studies: An International Quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian Affairs
- Istorija i Kultura Prydniprov'ja
- IT-Rechts-Berater, Der IT-Rechtsberater (ITRB)
- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (formerly: Giornale Italiano di Chirurgia Vascolare)
- ITER CTA Newsletter
- IUCrData
- IVES Technical Reviews : Vine & Wine [Englische Ausgabe]
- Izmir Review of Social Sciences
- Izvestija Ural'skogo Federalʹnogo Universiteta. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki = Ural Federal University Journal. Series 2. Humanities and Arts