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  Physics Procedia

Zeitschrift frei zugänglich: Jg. 1, H. 1 (2008) - Jg. 90 (2017) 
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Open Access Policy des Verlages in SHERPA/RoMEO suchen
Schlagwort(e):Allgemeine Physik
erste Volltextausgabe:Jg. 1, H. 1 (2008)
letzte Volltextausgabe:Jg. 90 (2017)
Erscheinungsweise:Volltext, nur online
Bemerkung:Permanent free access to all issues available. E-only product focussed entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings There will be an agreed fee, based on the size of the proceedings, which will include online publication on ScienceDirect and free access after acceptance. In addition to the online version there will be the possibility to purchase paper copies, CD-ROMs and USB sticks. Moreover, interactive media possibilities such as webcasts and web seminars can be acquired for extra exposure both before and after the conference.
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