Electronic Journals
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- 027.7 : Zeitschrift für Bibliothekskultur = Journal for Library Culture (2013 - 2020)
- 25 de abril
- 7 Poetas Hispano-Americanos: Revista de Poesía
- A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományok Osztályának Közleményei
- AAOS Now
- ABB Review (ABB-Technik, ABB Revista, ABB Revue)
- Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
- Abortion Surveillance Report (via JSTOR)
- AC-quarterly
- Academic Journal of Theatre Department / National Taiwan University of Arts
- Ação Midiática : Estudos em Comunicação, Sociedade e Cultura
- Accounting and the Public Interest
- ACI Open
- ACM SIGCAPH Newsletter: Computers and the Physically Handicapped (Formerly: ACM SICCAPH Newsletter)
- ACM SIGMICRO Newsletter (Formerly: SIGMICRO TCMICRO Newsletter) (1969-1992)
- ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (Formerly: ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications)
- ACM Transactions on Social Computing
- ACS - Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus
- ACS Synthetic Biology
- Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (-2002)
- Acta Botanica Hungarica (ältere Jahrgänge)(formerly: Acta botanica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae: A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Botanikai Közleményei)
- Acta Crystallographica Section A : Foundations and Advances
- Acta Gastroenterologica Latinoamericana
- Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
- Acta Marisiensis / Seria Technologica (formerly: Scientific Bulletin of the Petru Maior University of Targu Mures)
- Acta Medica Portuguesa
- Acta Neurologica Taiwanica
- Acta Paedagogica
- Acta Politica
- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum / Technica Agraria
- Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - informatics
- Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki Humanistyczno-Spoleczne. Pedagogika
- Actas das Sessões da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa no Anno de ...
- Action Research and Innovation in Science Education
- Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana
- Ad Astra
- Addictive Behaviors
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
- Adreß-Buch deutscher (nicht jüdischer) Geschäfte für Köln a. Rh. und Umgegend
- Adreßbuch der Gemeinden des Amtes Herne
- Adressbuch der Stadt Honnef am Rhein
- Adressbuch für Berlin und seine Vororte
- Adreßbuch oder vollständiger Wohnungs-Anzeiger für die Stadt Erfurt
- ADV-Marktbarometer Luftverkehr
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis
- Advances in Applied Microbiology
- Advances in Calculus of Variations
- Advances in Computers
- Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations
- Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research
- Advances in Manufacturing
- Advances in Nanoporous Materials
- Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Advances in Reproductive Sciences
- Advances in Traditional Medicine (formerly: Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine)
- Aechtes vollständiges Protokoll des Kurfürstl. Hohen Wahlkonvents zu Frankfurt
- Aerosol Science and Technology ( - älter als 12 Monate)
- AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik)
- Africa Data Revolution Report ...
- Africagrowth Agenda
- African Identities
- African Journal of Emergency Medicine
- African Journal of Paediatric Surgery (HTML-Text free)
- African Media Barometer / Benin
- African Security Review
- Afrique Explorée et Civilisée, Le
- Agenda de la Démocratie
- Ágora de Heterodoxias
- Agrarrecht : Jahrbuch (via RDB)
- Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (1993-2015)
- Agricultural Science and Technology
- Agriculturists , The
- Agronomie Africaine / Association Ivoirienne des Sciences Agronomiques (AISA)
- Ahoi!: Zeitschrift für Wassersport
- AIDS Book Review Journal
- AINS - Anästhesiologie Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin Schmerztherapie
- Aisle Say: The Internet Magazine of Stage Reviews and Opinion
- Akademičen Forum integralna muzikalna teorija ... = Academic Forum Integral Music Theory ...
- Akten zur Auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- Aktuelle Informationen aus dem Arbeits- und Sozialrecht : DRdA infas (via RDB)
- AL GHAREE for Economics and Administration Sciences = مجلة الغري للعلوم الاقتصادية وال&
- Alas y Raíces
- Alcántara
- Aletria. Revista de Estudos de Literatura
- Algebraic Statistics
- Aliphatic and Related Natural Product Chemistry
- Allergologie Select
- Allgemeine Gerichtszeitung
- Allgemeiner Beamten-Kalender
- Alltag im Rheinland : Mitteilungen der Abteilungen Sprache und Volkskunde des LVR-Instituts für Landeskunde und Regionalgeschichte ; eine Jahresgabe für die ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter
- Almanach fürs Theater
- Alpha Psychiatry
- Altenburger Land, Das: Amtsblatt des Landkreises Altenburg
- Alternative health practitioner (1995-1998)
- Alumni : Revista Discente da UNIABEU
- AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment (2010-)
- American Antiquity
- American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- American Indian Quarterly, The (AIQ) (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
- American Journal of Database Theory and Application
- American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Open Science, Education, and Practice, The (AJGP: OSEP)
- American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
- American Journal of Organic Chemistry
- American Journal of Polymer Science & Engineering (AJPSE)
- American Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
- American Magazine of Aeronautics
- American Religion
- Americas, The (TAm) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Amour à Tous: Journal de la Religion Saint-Simonienne
- Amtliche Mitteilung / Berliner Hochschule für Technik
- Amtliches Erbschaftsteuer-Handbuch ...
- Amts- und Nachrichtenblatt für das Fürstentum Gera
- Amtsblatt der Königlichen Eisenbahn-Direktion / Auszug
- Amtsblatt der Verwaltungsgemeinde Straußfurt
- Amtsblatt des Oberpräsidenten der Provinz Kurhessen und des Regierungspräsidenten in Kassel / Ausgabe A
- Amtsblatt für die Region Hannover
- An Hui Shang Mao Zhi Ye Ji Shu Xue Yuan Xue Bao (She Hui Ke Xue Ban ) = Journal of Anhui Business College of Vocational Technology
- Anais da Faculade de Sciências
- Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi. Teologie Ortodoxă
- Anales de Antropología / Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu = Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review
- Analysestandpunkt / Analytical Standpoint
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (formerly: Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin : Reihe C)
- Andere Deutschland, Das = La Otra Alemania
- Angenehme Lectüre für Frauenzimmer
- Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
- Animal Science Research Report
- Annalen der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften = Annales de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles
- Annalen des Wiener Museums der Naturgeschichte
- Annales de démographie historique (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Annales de la Propagation de la Foi (formerly: Annales de l'Association de la Propagation de la Foi)
- Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg
- Annales Nestlé / Ed. Española
- Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio J, Pedagogia - Psychologia
- Annali della R. scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia (via JSTOR)
- Annali Universali di Agricoltura, Industria ed Arti Economiche
- Annals of Behavioural Science
- Annals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AEEE)
- Annals of Japan Prosthodontic Society
- Annals of Oncology Research and Therapy
- Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research
- Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (Dublette)
- Année du Maghreb, L'
- Annuaire du Département de la Moselle
- Annual Bulletin on the Climate in WMO Region VI, Europe and Middle East (RA VI Bulletin)
- Annual Foreign Trade Statistics Report ... / Kingdom of Lesotho, Bureau of Statistics
- Annual Publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer Register, Los Angeles (via JSTOR)
- Annual Report and Resolutions of the Council of Ministers
- Annual Report / Bank of Mongolia
- Annual Report / Central Bank of Kuwait
- Annual Report / CPVO (mit Annex)
- Annual Report ... / European Fisheries Control Agency
- Annual Report / Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region (FFTC Annual Report)
- Annual Report India / Terre des Hommes Germany
- Annual Report / IOSCO
- Annual Report / Monetary Authority of Macao
- Annual Report / NSW Department of Agriculture
- Annual Report of the Public Service Staffing Tribunal
- Annual Report / OSCE
- Annual Report / Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre
- Annual Report / The Canada Council for the Arts
- Annual Report / World Fish Center (formerly: ICLARM Report)
- Annual Review / Intellectual Property Office (Formerly: Facts and Figures / The Patent Office)
- Annual Review of Food Science and Technology
- Annual Review of Public Health
- Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL)
- Antenne: Magazin der Evangelischen Jugend Nürnberg
- Anthropology & Education Quarterly
- Antibodies
- Antiquaries Journal, The
- Antropologija = Anthropology
- Anuario de Derecho: Organo de la Facultad de Sciencías Jurídicas y Politícas
- Anuario de Psicología Jurídica = Annual Review of Legal Psychology
- Anuário Estatístico / Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Moçambique
- Anuarul Istoriografic al României
- Anzeige einer ansehnlichen Kupferstich-Sammlung alter, neuer und seltener Blätter berühmter Meister
- APD-Informationen / Adventistischer Pressedienst
- Apoldaer Adreßbuch ...
- Apples: Applied Language Studies
- Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (2003 - 2014)
- Applied Financial Economics Letters
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2024-)
- Applied Research on English Language
- APS Observer / American Psychological Society
- Aquaculture Reports
- Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2011 - 2019)
- Arachnologische Mitteilungen
- Arbeiten aus der Biologischen Abteilung für Land- und Forstwirtschaft am Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte
- Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover : Zeitschrift für Amateur-Paläontologen
- Arbeitsplan des Kreistages Eisenach
- Arbutus Review , The
- Archäologie der Schweiz = Archéologie suisse = Archeologia svizzera
- Archangelskij Eparchialnyj Vestnik
- Archimaera
- ArchitectureWeek
- Archiv für Buchgewerbe
- Archiv für Geschichte und Landeskunde Vorarlbergs
- Archiv für systematische Philosophie
- Archive of Orofacial Data Science
- Archives Néerlandaises des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
- Archives of Epilepsy
- Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
- Archivio Storico per la Città e i Comuni del Circondario e della Diocesi di Lodi
- Archivos Rio-Grandenses de Medicina
- Arctic Science
- Argos: La Revue des BCD et CDI
- Arhivska Praksa = Archival Practice
- Arkeologi i Norr
- Armierter Beton
- Arquetipo
- Arroba
- Årsmelding / Norsk Polarinstitutt
- Art in Translation
- Arte, Individuo y Sociedad
- Arthritis Care and Research (älter als 12 Monate)
- Artificial Intelligence (1995 bis älter als 48 Monate)
- Arts and Design Studies
- Arzneimittelbrief, Der (älter als 2 Jahre)
- ASEAN Economic Bulletin (via JSTOR)
- Asia-Pacific Biotech News : APBN
- Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology
- Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Report
- Asian Development Outlook : ADO / Asian Development Bank
- Asian Journal of Biochemistry
- Asian Journal of Green Chemistry (AJGC)
- Asian Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Research (AJPCR)
- Asian Media Barometer / Thailand [in Thai]
- Asian Studies Review (formerly: Asian Studies Association of Australia. Review)
- Aspects, Components, and Patterns for Infrastructure Software (ACP4IS)
- Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca
- Astrodynamics
- Astrophysical Bulletin
- ATeM Archiv für Textmusikforschung
- Atlante Tematico di Topografia Antica
- Atmospheric Environment: X
- Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe de Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali : AAPP
- Audiology Today
- Augmented Human (AH)
- Aurora del Comercio, La
- Ausgrabungen und Funde im Freistaat Thüringen
- Austral - Brazilian Journal of Strategy & International Relations
- Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs
- Australian Dental Journal
- Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, The (via JSTOR)
- Australian Journal of Politics and History
- Australian Systematic Botany
- AUTEX Research Journal : The Journal of Association of Universities for Textiles (AUTEX)
- Automation Technological and Business Processes = Avtomatyzacija technolohičnych ta biznes-procesiv = Avtomatizacija technologičeskich i biznes-processov
- Avances
- Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors
- AWV-Newsletter
- Aziatische Kunst