nach Fächern
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Y Brython
Y Brython |
Y¯ogy¯o-ky¯okai-shi / Journal of the Ceramic Association, Japan |
Y¯osetsu-gakkai-shi / Journal of the Japan Welding Society |
Yaġmā : Revue Mensuelle Littéraire, Scientifique et Sociale = Yagma |
Ya dong cong bao |
Ya Redai Nongye Yanjiu = Subtropical Agriculture Research |
Ya Tai Jing Ji Guan Li Ping Lun = Asia-Pacific Economic and Management Review |
Ya Ti Ya Sui Ya Zhou Bing Xue Za Zhi = Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry |
Ya Zhou Jia Ting Bao Li Yu Xing Qin Hai Qi Kan = Asian Journal of Domestic Violence and Sexual Offense |
Yacht |
Yād: Faṣlnāma-i taḫaṣṣuṣī-i Bunyād-i Tārīḫ-i Inqilāb-i Islāmī-i Īrān |
Yadernaya fizika i inzhiniring = Nuclear physics and engineering |
Yä-ʾItioṗyā betäkrĕstiyān ṭĕnāt mäṣḥet = Journal of Ethiopian Church Studies (JECS) |
Yakhakhoe-hoeji (Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea) |
Yakugaku-Zasshi /Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan |
Yale Art Gallery Bulletin (via JSTOR) |
Yale courant, The (via JSTOR) |
Yale French Studies (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal (YHRDLJ) |
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine |
Yale Journal of Criticism, The (1996-2005) |
Yale Journal of International Law, The |
Yale Journal of Law and Technology (YJOLT) (formerly: Yale Symposium on Law and Technology) |
Yale Journal of Music and Religion |
Yale Journal of Sociology |
Yale Law and Policy Review |
Yale Law and Policy Review (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Yale Law Journal, The (älter als 96 Jahre) (via JSTOR) |
Yale Law Journal, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Yale Law Journal, The (aktuelle Jahrgänge) |
Yale Law & Policy Review Inter Alia |
Yale Philosophy Review, The |
Yale Political Quarterly, The |
Yale review, The |
Yale Review, The (1997-2020) |
Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Yale University Library Gazette, The (via JSTOR) |
Yalova Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi = Yalova University Journal of Sport Sciences |
Yamaguchi Medical Journal |
Yan'an-Daxue-xuebao Shehui kexue ban = Journal of Yan'an University: Social Science Edition |
Yan Jiu Yu Fa Zhan Guan Li = R & D Management |
Yan Ke Yan Jiu = Chinese Ophthalmic Research |
Yan Shi Guang Xue Za Zhi = Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology |
Yan Wai Shang Zhi Ye Yan Bing Za Zhi = Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease with Ophthalmic Surgery |
Yanbian-Daxue-xuebao Shehui-kexue-ban = Journal of Yanbian University: Social Sciences Edition |
Yanbian-Daxue-xuebao Ziran kexue ban = Journal of Yanbian University: Natural Science |
Yanbian-Yixueyuan-xuebao = Journal of Yanbian Medical College |
Yangzhou-Daxue-xuebao Ziran kexue ban = Journal of Yangzhou University: Natural Science Edition |
Yanhuang-chunqiu : yuekan |
Yankuang-ceshi = Rock and Mineral Analysis |