Electronic Journals
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Cadastre: Fachzeitschrift für das schweizerische Katasterwesen
- Cadernos de Estudos e Pesquisa na Educação Básica
- Cadernos do GEEvH = Notes in Human Evolution
- Caesaraugusta: Publicaciones de la Cátedra José Galiay
- Cahiers d'Histoire : revue d'Histoire Critique
- Cahiers de Lexicologie
- Cahiers du GRM
- Cahiers Sens Public
- Caldasia (via JSTOR)
- California Schools Magazine
- Cambridge Manufacturing Review (IfM Review)
- Campanae Helveticae: Organe de la Guilde des Carillonneurs et Campanologues Suisses = Organ der Gilde der Carilloneure und Campanologen der Schweiz
- Canada Pension Plan
- Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (formerly: Canadian Foreign Policy)
- Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy = Revue Canadienne de Counseling et de Psychothérapie (älter als 12 Monate)
- Canadian Journal of Media Studies = Revue Canadienne dÉtudes Médiatiques)
- Canadian Journal of Statistics, The / Revue Canadienne de Statistique, La (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Canadian Review of American Studies
- Cancer Communications (2011-)
- Cancer Research and Treatment
- Cape Jewish Chronicle
- Carbon Energy
- Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy
- Caribbean Journal of Science (CJS)
- Carnets de Géographes
- Cartel : Panorama Mensual de Literatura, Arte y Polemica
- Case Reports in Immunology
- Časopis Lékařu Českých
- Catálogo de obras Restauradas / Centro de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales de Castilla y Leon
- Catholic Social Science Review
- CCS Chemistry
- Celestinesca (via JSTOR)
- Cell Metabolism (älter als 12 Monate)
- Cellular Microbiology (älter als 24 Monate)
- Census of Population and Dwellings / Cook Islands
- Central European Cultures
- Central-Verein-Zeitung : Blätter für Deutschtum und Judentum
- Ceramurgia International
- CES Working Papers Series / Center for European Studies Working Paper Series
- CH Working Papers
- Changjiang-Kexueyuan-yuanbao = Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute
- Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology
- Chemical Engineering Research and Design : Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers: Part A (1996-)
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
- CHEST Critical Care
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
- Children's Museum News, The (via JSTOR)
- China Foundry (Dublette)
- China Security
- Chinese Journal of Cancer Research (1988 - 2012)
- Chinese Journal of Traumatology (2008- )
- CHIP Online (Tschechisch)
- Choonpa Igaku = Japanese Journal of Medical Ultrasonics (japanische Ausgabe)
- Christliches Kunstblatt für Kirche, Schule u. Haus
- Chronique Archéologique = Archäologischer Fundbericht
- Church and Theology in Context
- Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina / Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
- Ciencia y Tecnologia
- CIMeC On-line
- CiOS: Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery
- Circulation: Heart Failure (älter als 12 Monate)
- Città Nuova, La
- Civilisations : Revue Internationale d'Anthropologie et de Sciences Humaines (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Classical Journal, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Cleaner and Responsible Consumption
- Climate Dynamics
- Clinical and Experimental Hypertension (2023-)
- Clinical Case Reports
- Clinical Immunology Communications
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Urology
- Clinical Oral Investigations
- Clinical Respiratory Journal, The (2022) -
- Clinics in Oncology
- CLR James Journal, The
- Co-Operation
- Code of Federal Regulations / Title 18, Conservation of Power and Water Resources
- Codicillus : Nuusbrief van die Regsfakulteit
- Cognition, Technology & Work
- Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine (älter als 24 Monate)
- Collection l`Intime
- Collnet Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management
- Colloquium Wydziału Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Akademii Marynarki Wojennej
- Colorectal Disease
- Comcec : Transport and Communications Outlook
- Commercium: Revista Venezolana del Posgrado de Derecho Mercantil
- Communicating Astronomy with the Public Journal
- Communication Theory
- Communications in Plant Sciences
- Community College Journal of Research and Practice
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part D: Genomics and Proteomics
- Comparative Southeast European Studies
- Competitiveness in South East Europe
- Components
- Comprehensive Therapy
- Comptes Rendus Palevol (2002 - 2019)
- Computational Mechanics
- Computer Fraud & Security (1996 - 2021)
- Computer Sciences and Telecommunications
- Computers in Biology and Medicine
- Comunicação Mídia e Consumo
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, Part A : Bridging Education and Research (1989-2018)
- Confederation of Australian Critical Care Nurses Journal
- Conflict Trends
- Coniectura Physico-Astrologica, Oder Naturmässige und aus dem Lauff des Gestirns-Geschöpfe Muthmassung Von Der Beschaffenheit/ Gewitter/ Frucht- und Unfruchtbarkeit/ Gesund-und Kranckheiten/ Krieg oder Frieden/ Finsternissen an Sonn/ Mond und Sternen ...
- Conrad Studies
- Considerations in Medicine
- Construction Innovation
- Contabilidade Vista & Revista
- Contemporary Engineering Sciences
- Contemporary Poetry Review
- Contexto Internacional
- Contraception
- Contributions to Canadian Economics (via JSTOR)
- Controversia : Para el Examen de la Realidad Argentina
- COPD Research and Practice
- Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy
- Corpus : Internet-Magazin für Performance, Philosophie, Politik
- Cortex
- Councilor, The
- Country Report Argentina
- Country Report El Salvador
- Country Report Mali
- Country Report Solomon Islands
- Coupled Systems Mechanics
- CQ Unbound
- Creativity Studies
- CRIMEN : časopis za krivične nauke : journal for criminal justice
- Cristion
- Critical Ethnic Studies
- Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
- Croatian Journal of Fisheries
- Crop Sector Development Strategy for Eastern Africa
- Crux Mathematicorum : with Mathematical Mayhem (Formerly: Eureka)
- CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
- Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural
- Cuadernos de Investigación Musical
- Cuadernos del CEPED
- Cube / Berlin
- Cultura e Scienza del Colore - Color Culture and Science
- Cultural Studies Review
- Culture Unbound : Journal of Current Cultural Research
- Current Anesthesiology Reports
- Current Developmental Disorders Reports
- Current Health Sciences Journal
- Current Medicinal Chemistry. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents
- Current Opinion in Food Science
- Current Pedorthics
- Current Psychiatry Reports
- Current Research on Peace and Violence (via JSTOR)
- Current Treatment Options in Oncology
- Curved and Layered Structures
- Cyborg and Bionic Systems
- Czech Aerospace Proceedings = Letecký zpravodaj