Electronic Journals
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- IAM journal / International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Iberoamérica Social
- ICAO Journal
- Ichthys: Theologische Orientierung für Studium & Gemeinde
- Idäntutkimus
- Ideology and Politics
- IEE Proceedings F - Communications, Radar and Signal Processing (1980 - 1988)
- IEEE Communications Surveys
- IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Sensors
- IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (T-ASC)
- IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation
- IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (T-NANO)
- IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Engineering
- IET Computer Vision (2007 - 2020)
- IET Software (2013 -)
- Ifo-Schnelldienst (ab 2001)
- IHK-Konjunkturbericht Rheinland-Pfalz / Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Industrie- und Handelskammern Rheinland-Pfalz
- IJRASET - International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
- ILCEA: Revue de l'Institut des Langues et Cultures d'Europe et d'Amérique
- Illustrierte westdeutsche Wochenschau
- Ilustración Liberal, La
- ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies
- Immobilienmarktbericht ... Thüringen. Kyffhäuserkreis, Landkreis Nordhausen
- Imono = The Journal of the Japan Foundrymen's Society
- Imponderabilia
- In-Mind Magazin [IM]: Psychologie für alle
- Inclusão Social
- Índex: Revista de Arte Contemporáneo
- Indian Economic and Social History Review, The
- Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine (2020-)
- Indian Journal of Industrial Relations (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
- Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery
- Indicadores de Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas Edición en Bolsillo
- Indkomster
- Indonesian Journal of Dental Medicine (IJDM)
- Industrial Archaeology News. The Bulletin of the Association for Industrial Archaeology
- Industrial Safety Series
- Infant Observation
- Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets
- Info : The Journal of Policy, Regulation, and Strategy for Telecommunications, Information and Media
- Inform - Magazin für die hessische Landesverwaltung
- Informatik aktuell
- Information for Interlinguists (ifi)
- Information Security (InfoSecu)
- Informationen des Deutschen Berufsverbandes der Altenpflegerinnen/ -pfleger (über CareLit)
- Informationsmittel (IFB)
- Informe de Coyuntura de la Provincia de Entre Ríos / Instituto Sociedad y Economía, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos
- Informe sobre la Desigualdad en España
- InfraMatics
- Ingenius : Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
- Innenpolitik
- Innovation og Forskning
- Innovative Marketing
- Inquérito ao Comércio por Grosso e a Retalho
- Insektenatlas
- Insights into Regional Development
- Instruction zur Ausführung der Gesetze und Reglements über die Conscription
- Integrated Household Survey (IHS...) ... Report, The ...
- Integratus : The Journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association
- Intelligent Energy News Review
- Inter Ciencia: Boletín de Divulgación Científica de la UNRC
- Interamerican Journal of Psychology / Revista Interamericana de Psicología
- Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery
- Interfaces de Saberes
- Internationaal Humanitair Recht in de Kijker / Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen
- International Boundary Study
- International Communication Gazette, The
- International Conference Synergies in Communication : Proceedings
- International Economy, The
- International Forum of Teaching and Studies
- International Journal Bioautomation (formerly: Bioautomation)
- International Journal for Researcher Development
- International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)
- International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics (formerly: Advanced Trends in Mathematics)
- International Journal of Ageing and Later Life
- International Journal of Algebra and Statistics
- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER)
- International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research
- International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences
- International Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Engineering
- International Journal of Business and Economic Development
- International Journal of Canadian Studies = Revue internationale détudes canadiennes (2007-2012)
- International Journal of Childbirth
- International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (IJCPT)
- International Journal of Community Music (2007-)
- International Journal of Computer Applications
- International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing (2011 - 2021)
- International Journal of Corporate Governance
- International Journal of Cyber Criminology
- International Journal of Development and Sustainability
- International Journal of Disaster Risk Management
- International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE)
- International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce
- International Journal of Energy and Environment
- International Journal of Engineering Research & Innovation (IJERI)
- International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment
- International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring
- International Journal of Fluid Power
- International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA) (2023-)
- International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness
- International Journal of Health Policy and Management
- International Journal of Histopathological Interpretation
- International Journal of Hypersonics
- International Journal of Informatics, Media and Communication Technology, The (IJIMCT)
- International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM)
- International Journal of Instruction
- International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA)
- International Journal of Language and Awareness
- International Journal of Library and Information Sciences (IJLIS)
- International Journal of Management Cases
- International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics
- International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports
- International Journal of Microbiology
- International Journal of Modern Physics B (IJMPB): Condensed Matter Physics etc.
- International Journal of Nanotechnology
- International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology (IJNGEE)
- International Journal of Oncology
- International Journal of Orthodontia and Oral Surgery (1919-1921)
- International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, The: IJPCM
- International Journal of Photoenergy
- International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (Formerly: International Journal of Polymeric Materials)
- International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, The (IJPM)
- International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences
- International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER)
- International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS)
- International Journal of School & Educational Psychology
- International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control
- International Journal of Social Psychology: Revista de Psicología Social
- International Journal of Solids and Structures (2005 bis älter als 24 Monate)
- International Journal of Stem Cells (Int J Stem Cells)
- International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy (formerly: International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy)
- International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development (2023-)
- International Journal of the Legal Profession
- International Journal of Translational Medicine
- International Journal of Veterinary Health Science & Research (IJVHSR)
- International Journal of Women's Dermatology
- International journal on group rights (via JSTOR)
- International Linguistics Research
- International Online Journal of Educational Sciences (IOJES)
- International Public Management Journal (-2001)
- International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
- International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- International Studies in Educational Administration
- International Theory : A Journal of International Politics, Law and Philosophy (2024-)
- International Women Online Journal of Distance Education
- Internationale Schulbuchforschung (via JSTOR)
- Internet Journal of Anesthesiology, The
- Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery
- Internetworking Indonesia Journal
- Intertext
- Invasive Plant Science and Management
- Investigación en Enfermería
- Investment Management and Financial Innovations
- Iowa Literaria
- IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies
- Iranian Journal of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (IJHFC)
- Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery (IJVS)
- iRASD Journal of Energy & Environment (JEE)
- Iris, El: Revista Literaria Ilustrada
- Irish Marketing Review
- IRZ - Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung (via Beck)
- Iskusstvoznanie = Art Studies Magazine
- Işletme Bilimi Dergisi = Journal of Business Science, The
- Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, The (IJOT) = Ketav ʿet Yiśreʾeli le-ripuy be-ʿisuḳ (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- ISRN Economics
- ISRN Orthopedics
- Issue: A Journal of Opinion (via JSTOR)
- İstatistiklerle Yașlılar = Elderly Statistics
- Istoriko-Biologičeskie Issledovanija = Studies in the History of Biology
- Italian Culture
- Italica (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Itinerario
- Ius Commune: Zeitschrift für europäische Rechtsgeschichte
- IZA Compact
- Izvestija KGTU: Naučnyj urnal = KSTU News: Scientific Journal