Electronic Journals
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- iḥṣāʾāt al-inaāt = Construction Statistics
- IAM journal / International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Ibero-online.de
- ICAN : Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
- Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly: Copeia)
- Idäntutkimus = Östeuropaforskning
- Ideo : Romanian Journal of Philosophical and Social Studies
- IEE Proceedings - Electric Power Applications
- IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
- IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (J-QE)
- IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society
- IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (T-AP)
- IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability (T-DMR)
- IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications
- IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics
- IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing
- IET Signal Processing (2013 -)
- Ifo Jahresbericht
- IHK-Geschäftsbericht / Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main
- IJID (International Journal on Informatics for Development)
- Ilâhiyat Fakültesi dergisi / Ankara Üniversitesi (Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University)
- Illustrierte Fremden-Zeitung
- ILR Review (formerly Industrial & Labor Relations Review) (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Imagen Diagnóstica
- iMetaOmics
- Immobilienmarktbericht Berlin ...
- Immunometabolism
- Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA)
- In dem Jahr ... blühende Jena, Das
- Inatura Aktuell
- Independent Review, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Indian Affairs Annual Reports
- Indian Journal of Burns (PDF)
- Indian Journal of Gender Studies
- Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (1997 - älter als 12 Monate)
- Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
- Indiana Journal of Constitutional Design
- Indigenous Law Journal at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, The
- Indonesian journal of agricultural science
- Industria della Comunicazione in Italia, L'
- Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, The (TIP)
- Industry = Industrija
- Infectious Diseases Newsletter
- Info-Bulletin : Informationen zum Straf- und Massnahmenvollzug = Bulletin Info
- Infoheft / Kanton Basel-Landschaft
- Informal Employment Survey ..., The
- Information Bulletin / Office of US High Commissioner for Germany
- Information Psychiatrique, L'
- Information Technology, Education and Society
- Informationsbrief / hrsg. im Auftr. d. Sektion Rechtssoziologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
- Informe Anual del Comité Jurídico Interamericano (CJI) al ... Período Ordinario de Sesiones de la Asamblea General
- Informe GEPEC
- INFORMS Transactions on Education
- Ingeniería Revista Académica
- Inklusionsbarometer Arbeit
- Innovation and Education
- Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization
- Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms (2002)
- Insect Molecular Biology
- Insight Asia-Pacific
- Institute, The : Newspaper of IEEE
- Intégral: The Journal of Applied Musical Thought (1987 -)
- Integrative Medicine Case Reports
- Intellectus: Revista de Proprietate Intelectuala
- Intensiv-News
- Interactive Digs: Archaeological Institute of America and Archaeology Magazine's
- Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (J-RaT)
- Interface Focus (älter als 12 Monate)
- Intermédiaire des Chercheurs et Curieux, Le : Mensuel de Questions et Réponses Historiques, Littéraires, Artistiques et sur toutes autres Curiosités
- International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology
- International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. L, General Biology
- International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
- International - Die Zeitschrift für internationale Politik
- International Finance Discussion Papers / Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- International Insights / Canadian International Council (formerly: International Insights / Canadian Institute of International Affairs)
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
- International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
- International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Review
- International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research (IJASR)
- International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (2023 -)
- International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research
- International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Knowledge Discovery (IJAIKD)
- International Journal of Bacteriology
- International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- International Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT)
- International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering
- International Journal of Chemical and Analytical Science
- International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (IJCDR)
- International Journal of Collaborative Practices
- International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security (IJCIIS)
- International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJCSSE)
- International Journal of Contemporary Composition
- International Journal of Cultural Management (Dublett)
- International Journal of Decision Support Systems
- International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)
- International Journal of Dynamics of Fluids (IJDF)
- International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
- International Journal of Educational Sciences
- International Journal of Emergency Medicine
- International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)
- International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) (2022-)
- International Journal of Epidemiology
- International Journal of Fertility & Sterility
- International Journal of Forensic Odontology
- International Journal of Genomics
- International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, The (2001 - 2015)
- International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS)
- International Journal of Human Genetics
- International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, The
- International Journal of Information Science and Technology
- International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
- International Journal of Intelligent Networks (IJIN)
- International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, The (-2016)
- International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review
- International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives (IJLSCMP)
- International Journal of Managerial Finance
- International Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Applications (IJMSA)
- International Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharma Research (IJMSPR)
- International Journal of Mining, Materials, and Metallurgical Engineering (IJMMME)
- International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU)
- International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO)
- International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology and Neurological Diseases
- International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering (IJOCE)
- International Journal of Particle Therapy
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care
- International Journal of Plant Biology
- International Journal of Preventive and Clinical Dental Research
- International Journal of Public and Private Perspectives on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (2017 - 2022)
- International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification & Wireless Sensor Networks
- International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy
- International Journal of Retina and Vitreous
- International Journal of Scientific Knowledge (IJSK)
- International Journal of Simulation : Systems, Science & Technology
- International Journal of Social Sciences Management and Entrepreneurship
- International Journal of Sport Communication
- International Journal of Stress Management (2003-)
- International Journal of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility
- International Journal of Technology Diffusion (2010 - 2022)
- International Journal of Thermal Technologies (IJTT)
- International Journal of Tropical Veterinary and Biomedical Research
- International Journal of Water Governance
- International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT)
- International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC)
- International Medicine
- International Perspectives on Higher Education Research
- International Research in Early Childhood Education (IRECE)
- International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) (Formerly International Journal of Information Ethics, IJIE)
- International Scientific and Vocational Studies Journal
- International Studies Review (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- International Trade Statistics Yearbook
- International Yearbook for Hermeneutics
- Internationales Centralblatt für Anthropologie und verwandte Wissenschaften
- Internet Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, The
- Internet Journal of Surgery, The
- Interpreter and Translator Trainer, The
- Interventional Neuroradiology (1999 - älter als 12 Monate)
- Inversión Extranjera Directa en América Latina y el Caribe, La
- Investigaciones Feministas
- Invurnus
- Ipertensione e Prevenzione Cardiovascolare
- Iranian Biomedical Journal (IBJ)
- Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
- Iraqi Journal for Applied Science (IJAS)
- IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory
- Irish Fisheries Investigations
- Irish Statute Book / Statutory Instruments
- iScience
- Islam, Islamism, and Politics in Eurasia Report / Monterey Institute of International Studies
- Isonomía: Revista de Teoría y Filosofía del Derecho
- ISRN Agronomy
- ISRN Hematology
- ISRN Psychiatry
- Issues in interdisciplinary studies
- Istoričeskij bjulletenʹ = Historical Bulletin
- iSys : Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação
- Italian Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine
- Itamar: Revista de Investigación Musical
- ITnow (formerly: Computer Bulletin, The)
- Ius Novum
- IZA Journal of Migration