Electronic Journals
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Pacific Historical Review
- Paderbornsches Intelligenzblatt
- Paediatric and Neonatal Pain
- Pain Research and Treatment (2010-2019)
- Pakistan Journal of Medical Research (2002-2019)
- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
- Paleopatología
- Palynology (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Pancreatology
- Panorama: Revista Portuguesa de Arte e Turismo
- Papers in Regional Science
- Paradigm : journal of the Textbook Colloquium
- Parasitología al día
- Parlamentsspiegel / Landtag Nordrhein Westfalen
- Partitioned Global Address Space Programing Models (PGAS)
- Past, The (via JSTOR)
- Pathology Research International
- Pawā Erekutoronikusu Kenkyūkai kōen Rronbunshū
- Peace and Conflict
- Pedagogische Studiën: Tijdschrift voor Onderwijskunde en Opvoedkunde
- Pediatric Infection & Vaccine
- PeerJ Physical Chemistry
- Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, The (PMHB) (2014-)
- Pensions dans les Pays de l'OCDE, Les
- Perceptual and Motor Skills
- Peri Historias = Peri Istorias
- PÉRIPLOS : Revista de Pesquisa sobre Migrações
- Personal- und Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Personen- und Telefonverzeichnis (Vorlesungsverzeichnisse) / Universität des Saarlandes
- Perspective of the World
- Perspectives in the Arts and Humanities Asia
- Perspectives on Urban Education
- Perú: Oferta y Demanda Global / Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática
- Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
- Petrotecnia : Revista del Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas
- Pflege & Management (formerly BALK-INFO) (über CareLit)
- Phanês : Journal for Jung History
- Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law
- Pharmacopeial Forum
- PhDAI : Reports of the Young Research Network
- Philippine Review of Economics, The
- Philosophia Naturalis
- Philosophical Studies of the American Catholic Philosophical Association
- Philosophy and Foundations of Physics
- Phlebologie
- Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
- Physica Status Solidi (A) - Applications and Materials Science
- Physical Review, The (Series I + II)
- Physics in Technology
- Physiological Entomology
- Phytologia
- Pietas Litterata
- Pirolito: Bate que Bate
- Plains Anthropologist (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Plant Biology
- Plant Omics
- Plants and Environment
- Plastir. Revue Transdisciplinaire de Plasticité Humaine
- Plinius : Supplemento Italiano all' European Journal of Mineralogy
- Poe Sie All Bum
- Points Saillants de ... / Industrie Canada, Centre de Recherches sur les Communications
- Policía Científica, La: Revista de Identificación de Interes para la Policía, Guardia Civil y Prisiones
- Policy Research Working Paper / The World Bank
- Polish Hyperbaric Research
- Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP
- Political Insight
- Politički ivot = Political Life
- Politique Etrangère (2005 bis älter als die aktuellen 4 Jahrgänge)
- Polityka Energetyczna = Energy Policy Journal
- Pollution Atmosphérique : Climat, Santé, Société
- Polymer Science Series A
- Pop : Kultur und Kritik
- Population Reports
- Portal Wissen
- Posev
- Postconvencionales. Ética, Universidad, Democracia
- Potsdamer Geographische Praxis
- Power Electronics
- Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG = Transport Geography Papers of Polish Geographical Society
- Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants
- Pragmatics (1991 -) (älter als die aktuellen 12 Monate)
- Prava Ludyny = Human Rights
- Praxis Gemeindepädagogik (formerly: Christenlehre, Religionsunterricht, Praxis : CRP)
- Precision Clinical Medicine
- PrePress - World of Print
- Presseinformationen / KIT
- PRG Working Papers
- Primary Physical Education Matters
- Principles, Systems & Applications of IP Telecommunications (IPTcomm)
- Privatliquidation aktuell
- Probability and Statistics (ESAIM-P&S)(subscribe to open)
- Problemy Istorii, Filologii, Kultury = Journal of Historical, Philological and Cultural Studies
- Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science (älter als 96 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting / Western Farm Economics Association (via JSTOR)
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: Geology
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) (älter als 6 Monate)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (1854 - 1905)
- Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society
- Product : Management & Development
- Professional Nursing Today
- Prognosticon astrologicon oder natürlich Beschreibung des Gewitters/ Vierzeiten des Jars Abwechslung oder vor Enderung der Monschein/ aus der himlischen Coerper Vorfinsterung/ und aspecten der planeten ... Gestellet auff das 5557. Jar nach erschaffung der
- Programme des exercices publics de l'Ecole Secondaire Communale de Premier Dégré ...
- Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization
- Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
- Progress with Railway Interoperability in the European Union
- Projektjahrbuch ... : Potenziale nutzen - Integration fördern
- Propagateur, Le: Recueil Stenographique d´ Eloquence de Litterature et d Histoire
- Prostir v Istoryčnych Doslidennjach = Space in Historical Research
- Protokoll des ordentlichen Bundesparteitages der SPD / Hrsg.: SPD-Parteivorstand
- Prozesstechnik & Komponenten (PuK): Magazin für Pumpen, Kompressoren und prozesstechnische Komponenten
- Przeglad Krytyczny = Critical Review
- Pscicologia Política
- Psicooncología
- Psychedelic Medicine
- PsychNology Journal
- Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy = Psycholohicne Konsul'tuvannja i Psychoterapija
- Psychology and Developing Societies
- Psychopharmakotherapie
- PT in Motion (früher : PT Magazine)
- Public Expenditure: Statistical Analyses
- Public Opinion Quarterly
- Publicatio UEPG. Ciéncias Exatas e da Terra, Ciéncias Agrárias e Engenharias
- Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice, Series A: Collection of Judgments
- PULA: Botswana Journal of African Studies
- Pure and Applied Analysis (PAA)
- Pytannja Starodavnoi͏ ta Serednovičnoi͏ Istorii, Archeolohii j Etnolohii͏