Electronic Journals
nach Fächern | alphabetisch | suchen | Kontakt
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Pacific Health Dialog
- Paderbornischer Hof- und Staatskalender
- Paediatria Croatica (aktuelle Jahrgänge)
- Pain Practice
- Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
- Palaeodiversity
- Paleontological Journal
- Palobra : Palabra que Obra
- Panafrican Visions
- Panorama : inforegio (Formerly: Inforegio Panorama) / European Commission
- Papers in Applied Geography
- Papyrologica Lupiensia
- Paranthropology
- Parkinson: Das Magazin von Parkinson Schweiz
- Participatory Design (PDC)
- Passer Journal
- Pathogens and Global Health
- Pattern-Driven Engineering of Interactive Computing Systems (PEICS)
- PC Productivity Insights
- Pedagogía y Saberes
- Pediatric Dental Journal
- Pediatrics (älter als 12 und jünger als 60 Monate)
- Pendlerbericht Berlin-Brandenburg
- Pensar en Movimiento
- Per Musi
- Performance Evaluation
- Periodicesko Spisanie na Bălgarskoto Kniovno Druestvo v Braila (1870-1876)
- Person and the Challenges, The
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina
- Perspectives Économiques de l'OCDE
- Perspectives on Global Development
- Perspektiven der Philosophie (1975-1999)
- Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento Engenharia de Produção
- petit tintamarre, Le
- Pferdebetrieb
- Pflegereport
- Pharmaceutical Biology (formerly International Journal of Pharmacognosy; International / Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research)
- Pharmacogenomics Journal, The
- Pharmaproduktion
- Philanthropisches Archiv: Worinn von dem gegenwärtigen Zustande des Dessauischen Educations-Instituts Nachricht gegeben wird
- Philologia Classica / Sankt-Peterburgskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet
- Philosophical Inquiry in Education
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (ohne aktuelle 12 Monate)
- Philosophy East and West (2000-)
- Phonus
- Photovoltaics International Lite (PVI Lite)
- Physical Culture and Sport Studies and Research
- Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlungen der Königlichen Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
- Physics of Plasmas (2024-)
- Physiology International
- Phytopharmacology
- Pilot, Der: Politisch-Belletristisches Wochenblatt zur allgemeinen Auswanderungs-Zeitung
- Pismennye Pamjatniki i Problemy Istorii Kultury Narodov Vostoka
- PlanEcon Review and Outlook - Eastern Europe
- Plant Cell, The (älter als 12 Monate)
- Plant Physiology (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
- Plato Journal
- PLoS Medicine
- Pneumon
- Poesía 70
- Polar Geography
- Policy and Practice in Health and Safety (PPHS)
- Policy Warning Reports (PWR)
- Polish Journal of English Studies
- Politehnika: Časopis za Tehnički odgoj I obrazovanje = Polytechnica: Journal of Technology Education
- Political Research Quarterly
- Politics and the Life Sciences
- Politiques d'Éducation et de Formation
- Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik / Bundeskriminalamt (PKS)
- Poloenie del v Oblasti Prodovolʹstvennoj bezopasnosti i Pitaniâ v Mire
- Polymer Testing (- 91.2020)
- Popular Astronomy
- Population Studies
- Portfolio Investment Report ...
- Positionen: Texte zur aktuellen Musik
- Postdigital Science and Education
- Potsdamer Rundschau / SPD-Potsdam
- Power Electronics Europe
- Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego = Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society
- Practical Logic of Cognitive Systems
- Pragmatics
- Prava Celoveka v Rossijskoj Federacii
- Praxis : Estudios, Debates, Documentos
- Précis / Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Prenatal Diagnosis
- Pressedienst / Idea
- Preventive Veterinary Medicine
- Primary Geography
- Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS)
- Private Law Gazette
- Pro Zukunft
- Problemy Informatiki = Problem Info
- Procedia Structural Integrity
- Proceedings of Technical University of Sofia
- Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society
- Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (2008 -)
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of Power and Energy (formerly Power and Process Engineering; Journal of Power Engineering)
- Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society (älter als 96 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Science (via JSTOR)
- Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science
- Procurador General del Rey, El
- Professional Case Management
- Profils Tarifaires dans le Monde
- Programm Landesbüro NRW / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
- Progress in Biomaterials
- Progress in Neurobiology
- Progress: Journal of Young Researchers
- Projections. The Journal for Movies and Mind
- Prometheus (1983-2017)
- Prospettive per l'Economia Italiana nel ..., Le
- Protest
- Provincia : Revista de la Excelentísma Diputación de Toledo
- Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski = East European Review
- Przegląd Tomistyczny: Filozofia, Teologia, Kultura Duchowa średniowiecza = Annual Review of the Thomistic Institute, The
- Psicología, Educación & Sociedad
- PSOCIAL: Revista de Investigación en Psicología Social
- Psychiatrische Praxis
- Psychoanalytische Familientherapie
- Psychologie Clinique
- Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity
- Psychothérapies (2002-)
- Public and Municipal Finance: PMF
- Public Health Reviews
- Public Sector Statistics
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (1967-2003)
- Publikationen der Schweizerischen Musikforschenden Gesellschaft / Serie 2
- Punch or The London Charivari
- Puti k Miru i Bezopasnosti = Pathways to Peace and Security