Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
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- J.B. Lippincott & Co.'S Monthly Bulletin of New Publications (via EBSCO Host)
- Jaarverslag van den Nederlandschen Vrouwenbond tot Verhooging van het Zedelijk Bewustzijn (via Gerritsen Collection)
- Jahrbuch ... / a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
- Jahrbuch der Lehrer der höheren Schulen
- Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins Dillingen (an der Donau)
- Jahrbuch : Franz-Michael-Felder-Archiv der Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek
- Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft (via JSTOR)
- Jahrbuch Historie (Historie: Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Historische Forschung Berlin der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)
- Jahrbuch / Wissenschaftskolleg - Institute for Advanced Study Berlin
- Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics (ältere Jahrgänge via DigiZeitschriften)
- Jahresbericht ...
- Jahresbericht / Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Institut für Tierzucht
- Jahresbericht / Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Karlsruhe
- Jahresbericht der Handelskammer zu Gladbach
- Jahresbericht der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte
- Jahresbericht des Konservatoriums der Musik in Cöln
- Jahresbericht ... des VKTA - Strahlenschutz, Analytik & Entsorgung Rossendorf e.V.
- Jahresbericht / DJI, Deutsches Jugendinstitut
- Jahresbericht / Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB
- Jahresbericht / Handwerkskammer Aachen
- Jahresbericht ... / Institut für Ernährungswissenschaften Jena
- Jahresbericht / Landesrechnungshof Brandenburg
- Jahresbericht / Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden
- Jahresbericht / Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Jahresbericht über das neue Krankenhaus in Paderborn
- Jahresbericht / Universität Hamburg
- Jahresbericht / vTI, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut
- Jahresberichte / Bibliothekssystem der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
- Jahreskulturplan des Kreises Neuhaus am Rennweg : für das Jahr ...
- Janayuddha
- Japanese Circulation Journal (1960-2001)
- Japanese Journal of Medicine
- Japanese Public Finance Fact Sheet
- Java-Spektrum
- JDZB-Echo / Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
- Jenaisches Extra-Blatt der neuesten u. merkwürdigsten Ereignisse unsrer Zeit
- Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review
- JGR / Earth Surface (Formerly: Journal of Geophysical Research JGR / Earth Surface)
- Jiangsu-shehui-kexue : shuangyuekan = Jiangsu Social Sciences
- Jin ling nü zi wen li xue yuan xiao kan (1930)
- Jisuberi / Journal of the Japan Landslide Society
- Joannea - Mineralogie
- ... Joint Report on Multilateral Development Banks' Climate Finance
- Jornal de Ciências Criminais
- Journal AWWA / American Water Works Association (1960-)
- Journal de la Marbrerie et de l'Art Décoratif
- Journal de Réadaptation Médicale
- Journal des rheinländischen Weinbaues für denkende Oekonomen
- Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies
- Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism
- Journal for Vascular Ultrasound (JVU)
- Journal für LehrerInnenbildung
- Journal Kesehatan Kominitas
- Journal of Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Social Sciences
- Journal of Advanced Ceramics
- Journal of Advances in Biology
- Journal of African Business
- Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies
- Journal of Agriculture (via EBSCO Host)
- Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications
- Journal of American Studies
- Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances
- Journal of Appalachian Health
- Journal of Applied Crystallography
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics (formerly: Prace Naukowe Instytutu Matematyki i Informatyki = Scientific Research of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science)
- Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
- Journal of Arabian Studies
- Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications
- Journal of Asian Rural Studies (JARS)
- Journal of Australian Strength and Conditioning (JASC)
- Journal of Bamboo and Rattan
- Journal of Belarusian Studies (1965-2016)
- Journal of Biological and Chemical Research
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X
- Journal of Biosocial Science (JBS)
- Journal of Bridge Engineering
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication
- Journal of Business Venturing
- Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation (via OVID)
- Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (JCEL)
- Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (JCBFM)
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy
- Journal of Chinese Management
- Journal of Civil Engineering and Management (2011-)
- Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition
- Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) (2004 bis älter als 12 Monate, OHNE REVIEW ARTICLES)
- Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) (via CAJ)
- Journal of Combinatorial Theory
- Journal of Community Psychology
- Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (2004-)
- Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
- Journal of Conservative Dentistry
- Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER)
- Journal of Corporate Governance, Insurance and Risk Management, The
- Journal of Criminal Law
- Journal of Cultural Heritage
- Journal of Dance Education
- Journal of Dental Technology (JDT)
- Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
- Journal of Digital Media & Interaction
- Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories (JDSGT) (2002-2022)
- Journal of Eastern African Research and Development (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Economic Growth
- Journal of Economics, Business and Law
- Journal of Education Finance (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society, The (JEMMS) (formerly: Internationale Schulbuchforschung)
- Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
- Journal of Emergency and Internal Medicine
- Journal of Energy
- Journal of Engineering Science
- Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI) (2011-)
- Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP)
- Journal of Estate Planning Law
- Journal of European Studies: Literature and Ideas from the Renaissance to the Present
- Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
- Journal of Family Business Management
- Journal of Field Archaeology (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Financial Stability
- Journal of Food Biochemistry (-2022)
- Journal of Foreign Medical Science and Literature, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Journal of Frugal Innovation : JFI
- Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies = Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (formerly: Letras Femeninas)
- Journal of Geographic Information System (JGIS)
- Journal of Gifted Education Research = Üstün Yetenekliler Eğitimi Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Journal of Global Slavery
- Journal of Hand Therapy
- Journal of Hellenistic Pottery and Material Culture
- Journal of Hindu Studies
- Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology
- Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences (Html)
- Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering
- Journal of Immunological Methods
- Journal of Individual Employment Rights
- Journal of Infectious Diseases, The (älter als 96 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Information Technology in Construction
- Journal of Insect Physiology
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (JIDR)
- Journal of Intercultural Studies
- Journal of International Business Studies (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of International Relations and Development
- Journal of Interventional Cardiology (2019-)
- Journal of Islamic Economic and Business Research
- Journal of Jewish Ethics, The
- Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics
- Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (JLTL)
- Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, The
- Journal of Liberty and International Affairs (via CIAO)
- Journal of Literary Semantics (JLS)
- Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part A, Pure and Applied Chemistry
- Journal of Management Info
- Journal of Marketing Behavior
- Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A
- Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control
- Journal of Media Critiques (2014-2018)
- Journal of Medical Informatics & Technologies (MIT)
- Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
- Journal of Metabolic Health
- Journal of Middle East Women's Studies : JMEWS
- Journal of Modern Dynamics (JMD)
- Journal of Molecular Psychiatry
- Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (JMMD)
- Journal of Nanoparticle Research
- Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (JNIRS)
- Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Journal of Neuroscience, The (älter als 6 Monate)
- Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis
- Journal of Number Theory
- Journal of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics
- Journal of Ocular Biology, Diseases, and Informatics
- Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics
- Journal of Organizational Behavior (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Orthoptera Research (2001-2016)
- Journal of Pancreatic Cancer (formerly: Case Reports in Pancreatic Cancer)
- Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine
- Journal of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity (Formerly: Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association)
- Journal of Phamacology and Experimental Therapeutics (die letzten 6 Jahre bis 12 Monate und Fast Forward)
- Journal of Pharmacy Technology (nicht die aktuellen Hefte)
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Energy, Materials, and Catalysis (2007 -)
- Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology (JPAP)
- Journal of Plant Protection Research
- Journal of Political Philosophy, The
- Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute (JPMI)
- Journal of Primary Care Dentistry and Oral Health (JPCDOH)
- Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, The
- Journal of Psychopathology
- Journal of Public Mental Health
- Journal of Radiation and Cancer Research
- Journal of Refugee Studies
- Journal of Religious Ethics (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of Research in Economics = İktisat Araştırmaları Dergisi
- Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science (2012)
- Journal of Roman Studies, The
- Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia
- Journal of Sea Research (2022-)
- Journal of Seventeenth Century Music (JSCM)
- Journal of Sleep Research
- Journal of Social Ontology
- Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry
- Journal of Southern African Studies
- Journal of Spinal Disorders (via Ovid)
- Journal of Statistics and Management Systems (2023-)
- Journal of Student Nursing Research
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
- Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
- Journal of Technology Management in China
- Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
- Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society (via JSTOR)
- Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians (via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Association for History and Computing
- Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (JBASR)
- Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society
- Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES)
- Journal of the Fine Arts & Musical World (via EBSCO Host)
- Journal of the History of Sexuality (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Journal of the Institute of Brewing (2023-)
- Journal of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music
- Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
- Journal of the North Atlantic (JONA)
- Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society / Series C (Applied Statistics)
- Journal of the Sociology and Theory of Religion
- Journal of the Walters Art Museum, The (via JSTOR)
- Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
- Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques
- Journal of Transportation and Logistics (JTL)
- Journal of Turbomachinery
- Journal of Urban Economics and Management
- Journal of Venom Research
- Journal of Virtual Exchange
- Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science
- Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy
- Journal of Yasar University
- Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
- Journalistik
- JoVE Science Education / Basic Biology
- JSME International Journal Series C, Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing
- Jüdische, Die
- Jugendförderungsplan ... des Kreises Apolda / Kreistag Apolda
- Junior High Clearing House, The (1920-1921) (via JSTOR)
- Juristenzeitung (JZ) (-2005)
- Jurnal E-Utama
- Jurnal Medik Veteriner
- Jurnal Transformatika
- Justiz-Ministerial-Blatt für Hessen (Justizministerialblatt)
- JVS - Vascular Insights