Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- iam : intellectual Asset Management
- Ibero-online.de
- ICAN : Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
- Ichthyological Research (Formerly: Gyoruigaku-zasshi = Japanese Journal of Ichthyology)
- ID On Line - Revista de Psicologia
- Ideo : Romanian Journal of Philosophical and Social Studies
- IEE Proceedings E - Computers and Digital Techniques
- IEEE Communications Society Magazine
- IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (J-QE)
- IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society
- IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (T-AP)
- IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (T-DEI)
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (T-MM)
- IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology
- IET Communications (2013 -)
- IET Smart Grid
- Ifo-Newsletter
- IHK-Konjunkturbericht / Baden-Württembergischer Industrie- und Handelskammertag (BWIHK)
- IJPC Journal. Image of the Journalists in Popular Culture Journal
- ILAR Journal
- Illustrated American Journal (via EBSCO Host)
- Illustriertes Sportblatt (früher: Illustriertes österreichisches Sportblatt)
- Ilustrierte Mädchenzeitung: Monatsschrift für Mädchen und Mädchenvereine in Stadt und Land ; Organ des Reichsverbandes katholischer Mädchenvereine Österreichs ; Organ des Reichsverbandes der kath. Mädchenvereine Österreichs
- Imaginations : journal of cross-cultural image studies = Revue d'études interculturelles de l'image
- IMF Survey
- Immune Network
- Impact Assessment (Formerly: Impact Assessment Bulletin (IAIA Bulletin))
- Imponderabilia
- In-Mind Magazin [IM]: Psychologie für alle
- Inclusão Social
- Index de Enfermería
- Indian Advocate (1846;1852) (via EBSCO Host)
- Indian Journal of Burns (Html)
- Indian Journal of Gastroenterology (2009 -)
- Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery (1997 - älter als 12 Monate)
- Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
- Indiana Journal of Constitutional Design
- Indicios. Revista Científica Semestral de Criminalística
- Indonesia Sharia Economic and Financial Review
- Indoor Air (2023-)
- Industrial Geographer, The
- Industriemagazin: Das Österreichische Industriemagazin
- Infection Prevention in practice (IPIP)
- Inflation Report (Formerly Inflation) / Türkiye İş Bankası
- Infodienst Bevölkerung und Entwicklung
- Información Técnica Económica Agraria (ITEA)
- Information Littéraire, L' (2001-2008)
- Information Systems Frontiers
- Informationen zur politischen Bildung. Info aktuell
- Informe al Parlamento Vasco
- Informe de Política Monetaria / Banco Central de Bolivia
- Informes de Actividades / Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos
- Ingenia
- Iniciación a la Investigación
- Innocenti Report Card
- Innovation Union Competitiveness Report
- InnoVisions : das Zukunftsmagazin des Fraunhofer-IuK-Verbunds
- Inquirer (American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals) (via EBSCO Host)
- Inside EPA's Clean Air Report (älter als 4 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- Insights on Learning Disabilities
- Instruction Section Newsletter
- Integral Review
- Integrative Medicine (älter als 12 Monate)
- Intellèctus
- INTENSIF : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian Teknologi dan Penerapan Sistem Informasi
- Interactions : Studies in Communication & Culture
- Interdisciplinary discourses, education and analysis (IDEA) journal
- Interface Critique
- Intermarium: The First Online Journal of East Central European Postwar History and Politics
- International Annals of Criminology
- International Catalogue of Scientific Literature. C, Physics
- International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC)
- International Debt Statistics (formerly: Global Development Finance)
- International Engineering Journal for Research & Development (IEJRD)
- International Hospitality Review
- International Journal for Human Capital Development
- International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research (IJVNR)
- International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology
- International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
- International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research
- International Journal of Angiology (2007 bis älter als 12 Monate)
- International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research
- International Journal of Arrhythmia (2019 -)
- International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM)
- International Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- International Journal of BioSciences, Alternative and Holistic Medicine
- International Journal of Business & Economic Studies
- International Journal of Cartography
- International Journal of Civil Aviation : IJCA
- International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering
- International Journal of Computational Bioscience
- International Journal of Computer Science and Communication Networks (IJCSCN)
- International Journal of Conflict Management
- International Journal of Critical Media Literacy, The
- International Journal of Data Science
- International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications
- International Journal of Drug Delivery
- International Journal of Economic Research
- International Journal of Educational Research and Technology (IJERT)
- International Journal of Electronics, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering (IJEMME)
- International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
- International Journal of English Linguistics
- International Journal of Environmental Sciences
- International Journal of Farming and Allied Sciences (IJFAS)
- International Journal of Forecasting
- International Journal of General Systems
- International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing (2009 - 2022)
- International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management (IJHTM)
- International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (2022 -)
- International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology (1999-)
- International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
- International Journal of Innovation (IJinn)
- International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
- International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research (IJITSR)
- International Journal of Law and Management
- International Journal of Literary Linguistics
- International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Administration
- International Journal of Mathematical Archive (IJMA)
- International Journal of Medical Research and Review
- International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials (via CAJ)
- International Journal of Morphology
- International Journal of Network Management
- International Journal of Nursing Sciences
- International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems (2020-)
- International Journal of Palliative Nursing
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archive
- International Journal of Phytopharmacy
- International Journal of Practical Theology
- International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (RSIS)
- International Journal of Responsible Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making (2019 - 2022)
- International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research
- International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies
- International Journal of Social Sciences and Economic Review
- International Journal of Speech Technology
- International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications
- International Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Research, The (IJSEER)
- International Journal of Technology and Educational Marketing
- International Journal of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics
- International Journal of Travel Medicine and Global Health
- International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems (VLSICS)
- International Journal of Zoological Research
- International Journal on School Disaffection, The
- International Mathematical News / Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten
- International Paint & Coating Magazine (IPCM)
- International Reactor Physics Evaluation Project Handbook
- International Review of Cytology
- International Review of the Red Cross (1961-1998) (Rein Englische Ausgabe)
- International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series
- International Tourism Highlights
- International Women's News (formerly: The International Women's News ; formerly: Ius Suffragii) (via Gerritsen Collection)
- Internationale Seilbahn-Rundschau : ISR
- Internet Journal of Bioengineering, The
- Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care
- Interni Medicina pro Praxi
- Intertexts
- Învăţământ, Cercetare, Creaţie = Education, Research, Creation
- Investigación en Educación Médica
- Investment Analysts Journal
- IoT
- IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics
- Iranian Journal of Child Neurology
- Iranian Journal of Public Health
- Iraqi Journal of Laser
- IRE Transactions on Radio Frequency Interference
- Irish Historical Studies (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- Irish Studies in International Affairs (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- ISCIP Analyst, The (formerly: NIS Observed: An Analytical Review)
- Islam and Muslim societies : a social science journal
- Işletme Bilimi Dergisi = Journal of Business Science, The
- Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, The (IJOT) = Ketav ʿet Yiśreʾeli le-ripuy be-ʿisuḳ (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- ISRN Ecology
- ISRN Organic Chemistry
- ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems
- İstatistiklerle c̦ocuk = Statistics on Child
- Istorija Voennogo Dela = История военного дела
- Italia Multinazionale
- Italianist, The
- Ithaka - Journal für Ökologie, Weinbau und Klimafarming
- IUP Journal of Monetary Economics, The (Formerly: The ICFAI University Journal of Monetary Economics ; The ICFAI Journal of Monetary Economics)
- IWGIA Newsletter
- Izvestija Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk / Bulletin de l'Academie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg
- Izvestija vysich Učebnych Zavedenij / Lesnoj urnal