Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
by subject | by title | search | contact
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- I. B. Neumanns Bilderhefte
- IAM journal / International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
- Ibero-online.de
- ICAN : Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition
- Ichthyological Research (Formerly: Gyoruigaku-zasshi = Japanese Journal of Ichthyology)
- ID On Line - Revista de Psicologia
- Identity Studies
- IEE Proceedings D - Control Theory and Applications
- IEEE Communications Magazine (M-COMM)(Supplement: IEEE applications & practice)
- IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering (J-OE)
- IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society
- IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- IEEE Transactions on Military Electronics
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews (T-SMCC)
- IET Circuits, Devices and Systems (2007 - 2020)
- IET Science, Measurement & Technology (2013 -)
- Ifo Dresden Berichtet (2004-)
- IHK-Geschäftsbericht / Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main
- IJID One Health / International Society for Infectious Diseases
- Ilâhiyat Fakültesi dergisi / Ankara Üniversitesi (Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara University)
- Illuminator, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Illustrierter badischer Militär-Vereins-Kalender / hrsg. vom Präsidium des Badischen Militärvereins-Verbandes
- Ilustración Ibérica, La
- Images : The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication
- IMF Policy Discussion Paper (1993 - 2008)
- Immobilienmarktbericht ... Thüringen. Kyffhäuserkreis, Landkreis Nordhausen
- Immunotoxicology of Drugs and Chemicals: an Experimental and Clinical Approach
- Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of Object-Oriented Languages and Programming Systems (ICOOOLPS)
- In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi: Tydskrif van die Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging
- Inbhear. Journal of Irish Music and Dance
- Independent Republican and Miscellaneous Magazine, The (via EBSCO Host)
- India Quarterly (1954-)
- Indian Journal of Animal Health
- Indian Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (HTML)
- Indian Journal of Neurosurgery
- Indian Journal of Rheumatology (IJR)
- Indian Politics & Policies
- Indicators of Industry and Services = Indicateurs de l\'Industrie et des Services
- Indogermanische Forschungen (via PAO)
- Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, The
- Industrial Crisis Quarterly
- Industrieanzeiger
- Infection - A Journal of Infectious Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- InfoAnimation
- Informação em Pauta
- Informatio
- Information für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht : infas (via RDB)
- Information Security Theory and Practices (WISTP)
- Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Info DaF) (1997 -)
- InformationWeek
- Informe de Estabilidad Financiera
- Informe Técnico / Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola, Programa da Banano y Platano
- Infrared Physics and Technology
- Ingleses en España o Postillón de Sevilla, Los
- Innate Immunity (1999-)
- Innovation Journalism
- Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
- Inpharma
- Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus: A Monthly Journal of Entomology
- Insight : the magazine of sports market intelligence
- Institutional Engineering and Technology (IET)
- Insurance Reporter (via EBSCO Host)
- Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly: American Zoologist) (1996 -; älter als 12 Monate)
- Intellectual Discourse
- Intelligenz-Blatt für das Departement Fulda / Großherzogthum Frankfurt
- Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics
- Interculture Journal. Online-Zeitschrift für Interkulturelle Studien (früher: Interculture-Online: Journal for International Business Communication)
- Interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Technologie und Lernen (iTeL)
- Interiors : Design, Architecture, Culture
- International African Bibliography (IAB)
- International Business Logistics Journal : IBL
- International Conference of Transportworkers' Organisations: Report of proceedings of the international conference of Transportworkers' Organisations
- International Criminal Justice Review
- International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning (IEJLL)
- International Gymnast
- International Journal for Court Administration
- International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling
- International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health
- International Journal of Advanced Statistics and Probability
- International Journal of Aging and Society, The
- International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL) (älter als 96 Jahre) (via JSTOR)
- International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE) (2012 - 2018)
- International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
- International Journal of Auditing and Accounting Studies
- International Journal of Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare (2019-)
- International Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering (IJBSE)
- International Journal of Business and Information
- International Journal of Cardiology Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention
- International Journal of Chinese Education
- International Journal of Clinicopathological Correlation
- International Journal of Comparative Management
- International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology (IJCEIT)
- International Journal of Computers and their Applications (IJCA)
- International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition (IJCSI)
- International Journal of Cyber Society and Education
- International Journal of Developmental Biology (IJDB) (2024-)
- International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering
- International Journal of Education Economics and Development
- International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
- International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering (IJEEE)
- International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM)
- International Journal of Environmental Bioremediation & Biodegradation
- International Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- International Journal of Fog Computing (2023-)
- International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2015-)
- International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (IJGENVI)
- International Journal of Health Planning and Management, The
- International Journal of Hindu Studies (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- International Journal of Hyperconnectivity and the Internet of Things (2023-)
- International Journal of Informatics and Computation
- International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ITEE)
- International Journal of Insect Science
- International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services (IJIMS)
- International Journal of Labour Research
- International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry
- International Journal of Management and Organizational Studies
- International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
- International Journal of Medical and Clinical Research
- International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering (IJMQE) (2010-2014)
- International Journal of Modern Management and Foresight (IJMMF)
- International Journal of Nano Dimension (IJND)
- International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law
- International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Engineering
- International Journal of Orofacial Biology
- International Journal of Performability Engineering
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies (IJPS)
- International Journal of Political Theory (IJPT)
- International Journal of Property Sciences
- International Journal of Pure Mathematics
- International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Application
- International Journal of Research in Information Technology
- International Journal of Rural Criminology
- International Journal of Selection and Assessment
- International Journal of Social Imaginaries
- International Journal of Software Innovation (2013 - 2022)
- International Journal of Statistics and Probability
- International Journal of Surgery Open
- International Journal of Systems Biology and Biomedical Technologies
- International Journal of the Commons
- International Journal of Training and Development
- International Journal of Vehicle Design (IJVD)
- International Journal of Wine Research
- International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL)
- International Lawyer, The (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR)
- International Musculoskeletal Medicine
- International Politics and Society
- International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management (IRJSTEM)
- International Review of Psychiatry
- International Socialism
- International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISPLED)
- International Transport Workers' Federation: Proceedings of the Congress / International Transport Workers' Federation
- Internationale katholische Zeitschrift Communio (IKaZ)
- Internationales Verkehrswesen
- Internet Journal of Medical Education
- Internet Network Management (INM)
- Intersecciones en Antropología
- Inti : Revista de Literatura Hispánica
- Investicii i Stroitel'stvo v Respublike Belarusʹ
- Investigaciones y Ensayos
- Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna : Dwumiesie̜cznik Naukowo-Techniczny = Chemical Engineering and Equipment
- IPCS Special Report
- Iran Studies
- Iranian Journal of Neurosurgery
- Iraq
- IRE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Iris & Record (via EBSCO Host)
- Irish Library News
- IRS aktuell
- Isis: Journal of the History of Science Society
- Islamiconomic
- Israel Journal of Chemistry
- ISRN Biochemistry
- ISRN Materials Science
- ISRN Software Engineering
- Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting
- Istoricesko Badeste
- It; Edited & Illustrated by Alfred Crowquill (via EBSCO Host)
- Italian Journal of Medicine
- Ittihad-i Islami = اتحاد اسلامی
- Ius Novum
- IZA Journal of Labor Policy (2019-2023)
- Izvěstija Občestva Archeologii, Istorii i Etnografii pri Kazanskom Universitete = Proceedings of the Society for History, Archaeology and Ethnography at the Kazan University