Electronic Journals
Social Science Research Center Berlin
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- L'Année Psychanalytique Internationale
- Laboratoriums-Medizin (2002-2003)
- Labour Market Report ... / Republic of Singapore : Manpower Research and Statistics Department
- Ladies' Magazine (Massachusetts, 1828) (via EBSCO Host)
- Lady's Monitor, The (via EBSCO Host)
- Lahore Journal of Economics, The
- Lancet Psychiatry, The
- Landes-Qualitäts-Bericht Gesundheit Baden-Württemberg / Spezialheft Versorgung krebskranker Menschen
- Landkreis-Magazin
- Landtagswahl: Heft 2, Vorläufige Ergebnisse in Nordrhein-Westfalen
- Language Acquisition
- Language Education and Multilingualism: The Langscape Journal
- Langues et Linguistique
- Large-Scale Multimedia Retrieval and Mining (LS-MMRM)
- Laterne, Die
- Latin American Regional Report : Brazil and Southern Cone
- Latvijas Republikas Senāta Civillietu Departamenta Spriedumi un Lēmumi
- Law Teacher
- Leadership in Action
- Leasing
- Lecturn: Revistă Trimestrială Editată de Biblioteca Centrală Universitară "Eugen Todoran" din Timișoara
- Legalities
- Lehrkräfte : obligatorische Schule und Sekundarstufe II
- Leistungskatalog für die Praxis
- Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies
- Letopis' na Bălgarskoto Kniovno Druestvo v Sofija = Annals of the Bulgarian Literary Society in Sofia
- Letters in Biomathematics
- Leukemia
- Ley Penal, La: Revista de Derecho Penal, Procesal y Penitenciario
- Liberal Extracts (via EBSCO Host)
- Library Hi Tech
- Libros de la CEPAL = ECLAC Books
- Liegenschaftszinssätze und Rohertragsfaktoren für Mehrfamilienhäuser. Thüringen. Erfurt
- Life of the spirit (via JSTOR)
- Lignocellulose
- Limnology and Oceanography : Methods
- Lingua Italiana, La
- Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads
- Linhas
- Liquid Blackness
- Literacy Learning: The Middle Years
- Literary Garland & British North American Magazine (via EBSCO Host)
- Literary Sketch Book. A Semi-Monthly Journal of Original & Selected Literature (via EBSCO Host)
- Literature, Critique, and Empire Today (incl. Annual bibliography of Commonwealth Literature)
- Litologija i Poleznye Iskopaemye
- Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion , The
- Liverpool Law Review
- Llamkasun Trabajemos: Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
- Location Science
- Logique et Analyse
- Lógos : Rivista di Scienze Etiche e Sociali
- London Journal; The (via BPC)
- Loon, The
- Loyal Reformers' Gazette, The (via GALE)
- Lud: Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Ludoznawczego i Komitetu Nauk Etnologicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
- Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin
- Lutherische Welt-Information
- Lymphology