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P2P & Inovação
P2P & Inovação |
P3 : Paper, Print, Packaging : Paperazzo, Druckspiegel, ipw bio-fibre magazine (Deutsche Ausgabe) |
P3 : Paper, Print, Packaging : Paperazzo, Druckspiegel, ipw biofibre Magazine (Englische Ausgabe) |
P3 / Paper, Print, Packaging: powered by Paperazzo |
På tal om Kvinnor och Män |
Pacific Accounting Review |
Pacific Affairs (2005 -) |
Pacific Affairs (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Pacific Affairs (formerly: Institute of Pacific Relations, News Bulletin) (-1995) (via PAO) |
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) |
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal |
Pacific Business Review International |
Pacific Economic Bulletin |
Pacific Economic Monitor |
Pacific Economic Review |
Pacific Economic Survey |
Pacific Economic Trends and Snapshot |
Pacific Focus |
Pacific Geographies |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry |
Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative |
Pacific Railroad, The (via EBSCO Host) |
Pacific Review, The |
Pacific Rim Property Research Journal |
Packaging News |
Page : Design - Code - Business ; das Magazin der Kreativbranche |
Páginas de Información Ambiental |
Páginas de Seguridad Social |
Painters and Allied Trades Journal |
Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey ... |
Pakistan Demographic Survey |
Pakistan Development Review |
Pakistan Development Review, The ( via JSTOR) |
Pakistan Economic and Social Review (2000 -) |
Pakistan Economic and Social Review (ältere Jahrgänge via JSTOR) |
Pakistan Economic Survey |
Pakistan Economic Survey / Statistical Supplement |
Pakistan Employment Trends |
Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics |
Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences |
Pakistan Journal of Economic Studies |
Pakistan's Balance of Payments |
Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey: National - Provincial |
Pakistan statistical yearbook (Pakistan statistical year book) |
Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies |
Palabras de la Otra |
Palästina- Nachrichten : Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsentwicklung im Vorderen Orient |
Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture (1994 - 2006/07) |
Pallier la Pénurie d'Entrepreneurs |
Pamphlet Series / International Monetary Fund |