


Berliner Zeitung

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Berliner Zeitung, Berliner Zeitung E-Paper
Time period: thirty days

Berliner Zeitung via Nexis Uni
Time period: 2000 -


The Economist

Printed edition:

Time period: two years
1. Reference room
2. Research Area: Markets and Politics (current issues), first floor (the last two years)
3. Office IPI

Electronic editions:

The Economist
If you need an article, please contact the library personnel.

Economist Historical Archive
Time period: 1843 - 2007



Printed edition:

Time period: four weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Time period: 1993 -
Notes: Internet edition with selected articles.

L'express via Nexis Uni
Time period: 2002 -

Financial Times

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic editions:

Financial Times London via Nexis
Time period: 1982 -

Financial Times Historical Archive
Time period: 1888 - 2006



Printed edition:

Time period: two years
Location: reference room (current issues), first floor (back issues)

Electronic edition:

Time period: 1993 -
Access: free
Notes: Internet edition with selected articles.
The complete archive (1993–) is accessible for a fee through Genios.
Please contact library personnel.

Focus via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1993 -


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic editions:

F.A.Z.-Corporate - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
The access is daily updated and includes all articles from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung since 1993, the FAZplus articles, the online articles from FAZ.NET since 2001, the articles from the magazines F.A.Z.-Woche, Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly and Frankfurter Allgemeine Metropol since 2016 as well as the article from the digital offer F.A.Z. Objection since 2017.
E-paper via "F.A.Z.-Seiten".

You are on the page "Seitenarchiv" and have to select the title you want to read under "Quelle", then the day under "von" and click on ok. Then you get the pages of the issue. Unfortunately, zooming in for better reading with the magnifying glass is a bit shaky.
The e-paper version has read-only status. If you wish to save or print individual articles or newspaper pages, this can be done vial "Suche im F.A.Z.-Archiv".

Not available via Nexis Uni.


Frankfurter Rundschau

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic editions:

Frankfurter Rundschau
Notes: Internet edition with selected articles.
The complete archive (07/1994 -) is accessible for a fee through Genios. Please contact library personnel.

Frankfurter Rundschau, E-Paper
WZB access to the e-paper version of the Frankfurter Rundschau ceased on October 1, 2014. The publisher has since permitted only private access to this source.

Frankfurter Rundschau via Nexis Uni
Time period: 2000 -



Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic editions:

Handelsblatt, E-Paper
WZB access to the e-paper version of the Handelsblatt ceased on October 1, 2014. The publisher has since permitted only private access to this source.

Note: Not available via Nexis Uni.


The Hindu

Electronic edition:

The Hindu
Notes: Internet edition with selected articles
Archive research is possible via the library. Please contact library personnel.



Database (now Nexis Uni)

The database service and electronic research unit covers the print and broadcast media, corporate and financial information, information about people in business, politics and current affairs, economic analysis, country reports and legal information (US, UK and EU law and the statutes and laws of other countries such as Australia, France, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Argentina). Articles from several thousand journals, magazines and newspapers are updated daily (and retrospective) and are available in full text, publications such as Der Spiegel, The Independent, New York Times, American Banker, Asia Pulse and El Pais are evaluated. Other sample sources include Statista, Creditreform, DUFA Index, Hoover's, Worldscope, CorpfinWorldwide, Extel Cards and the entire Hoppenstedt company database (large companies, medium-sized enterprises, banks, associations, etc.).
Berliner Zeitung, 2000 -
Der Spiegel, 2009 -
Der Tagesspiegel, 2007 -
Die TAZ, 1994 -
Die Welt, 1999 -
Die Zeit, 2008 -
Frankfurter Rundschau, 2000 -
Financial Times (London), 1982 -
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1993 -
NZZ Folio, 2009 -
The New York Times, 1991 -
The News of the World, 1998 - 2011
The Sun, 2000 -
The Sunday Times (London), 1985 -
The Times (London), 1985 -

Not included: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Le Monde,  Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wall Street Journal.


Le Monde

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Le Monde


Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

 Neue Zürcher Zeitung via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1993 -
NZZ Folio available via Nexis Uni, 2009 -


The New York Times

Printed edition (international edition):

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

The New York Times
Notes: Internet edition with selected articles.
Archive research is free of charge (1851-present). Access to articles published between 1923 and 1980 is not free of charge.

The New York times via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1980 -

The New York Times - historical archive
Time period: 1851-1922

Note: Access to articles published between 1923 and 1980 is available here through the State Library by remote access.


Nexis Uni

Database (formerly LexisNexis)

The database service and electronic research unit covers the print and broadcast media, corporate and financial information, information about people in business, politics and current affairs, economic analysis, country reports and legal information (US, UK and EU law and the statutes and laws of other countries such as Australia, France, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Argentina). Articles from several thousand journals, magazines and newspapers are updated daily (and retrospective) and are available in full text, publications such as Der Spiegel, The Independent, New York Times, American Banker, Asia Pulse and El Pais are evaluated. Other sample sources include Statista, Creditreform, DUFA Index, Hoover's, Worldscope, CorpfinWorldwide, Extel Cards and the entire Hoppenstedt company database (large companies, medium-sized enterprises, banks, associations, etc.).
Berliner Zeitung, 2000 -
Der Spiegel, 2009 -
Der Tagesspiegel, 2007 -
Die TAZ, 1994 -
Die Welt, 1999 -
Die Zeit, 2008 -
Financial Times (London), 1982 -
Frankfurter Rundschau, 2000 -
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1993 -
NZZ Folio, 2009 -
Stern, 1998 -
The New York Times, 1991 -
The News of the World, 1998 - 2011
The Sun, 2000 -
The Sunday Times (London), 1985 -
The Times (London), 1985 -

Not included: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Handelsblatt, Le Monde, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wall Street Journal.


Das Parlament

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Das Parlament
Time period: 2004 -
Access: free

Pressreader is a portal that offers access to current editions of over 7,000 international, national and regional daily newspapers and magazines from 120 countries and in 60 languages.

The range of titles includes Le Figaro, Corriere della Sera, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Jerusalem Post, The Observer, The Washington Post, USA Today, Hurriyet, El País, Svenska Dagbladet, Rheinische Post, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Die Welt, Bild and newspapers from Brazil, Argentina, China and India. Also included are magazines such as Forbes, Newsweek, The New York Review of Books, Le Point, Business Spotlight und Computerwoche.

There is a 365-day archive for most titles.



Der Spiegel

Printed edition:

Time period: two years
Location: reference room (current issues), second floor (back issues)

Electronic editions:

Spiegel, Spiegel E-Paper
Consent to "With advertising and tracking" after login must be given.

Spiegel Archiv
Time period: 1947 - (excluding the last 12 months)
Access: free

Der Spiegel via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1999 -


Süddeutsche Zeitung

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic editions:

Süddeutsche Zeitung : SZ LibraryNet
The access is daily updated and includes all articles from the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany, Bavaria and Munich issue) since 1992, SZ Plus articles, Landkreis issues since 1994, SZ supplements such as SZ Magazin, SZ für Kinder and
The newspaper is also available in e-paper format.

Bei Nutzung der Datenbank stimmen Sie den Nutzungsrechten und -bedingungen zu. Nutzungsberechtigt sind Mitarbeiter*innen des WZB und Personen, die Zugriff auf das Intranet des WZB haben. Auch der Zugriff über VPN ist für diese Personen zulässig.
Gemäß der Lizenz haben die nutzungsberechtigten Personen die Möglichkeit in der datenbank zu recherchieren, Dokumente zum eigenen, nichtgewerblichen Gebrauch abzurufen und für die Dauer von 180 Tagen zu speichern und auszudrucken. Eine gewerbliche Nutzung sowie sonstige Weitergabe an Dritte ist untersagt. Vervielfältigung, Verbreitung, Nachdruck und Speichern der vom DIZ bezogenen Daten über die Dauer von 180 Tagen hinaus auf Systemen/Datenträger des Beziehers sind nicht zulässig.
Der Bezieher bzw. die Nutzer sind verpflichtet, die Werkintegrität der von ihnen abgerufenen Dokumente nicht zu verletzen, insbesondere Eingriffe in die einzelnen Dokumente, wie deren Kürzung, Umformung, Umgestaltung und Entstellung zu unterlassen.

Not available via Nexis Uni.



The Sun (via Nexis Uni)

Electronic edition:

The Sun via Nexis
Time period: 2000 -


The Sunday Times London via Nexis Uni

Electronic edition:

The Sunday Times London via Nexis
Time period: 1985 -


Der Tagesspiegel

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Der Tagesspiegel, E-Paper and Tagesspiegel +Plus
Time period E-Paper: 10 days

Der Tagesspiegel via Nexis Uni
Time period: 2007 -


TAZ, die Tageszeitung

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

 TAZ and Le Monde Diplomatique via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1994 -


Time magazine

Printed edition:

Time period: four weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Time magazine
Note: Internet edition with selected articles.
Please contact the library personnel to order chargeable articles.


The Times, London (via Nexis)

Electronic edition:

The Times via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1985 -

The Times digital archive
Time period: 1785 - 1985


Wall Street Journal

Printed edition:

The publisher is no longer providing print delivery of The Wall Street Journal to Berlin. The newspaper is only available online.

Electronic editions:

Wall Street Journal
Note: Internet edition with selected articles.
Please contact the library staff to order chargeable articles.

Wall Street Journal historical Archiv
Time period: 1889 - 1922

Not available via Nexis.


Die Welt

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic edition:

Die Welt
Time period: 1995 -

Die Welt via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1999 -

Die Welt am Sonntag via Nexis Uni
Time period: 1997 -


WILA - Arbeitsmarkt

Printed edition:

Time period: one year
Location: reference room (current issues), second floor (back issues)

Electronic edition:

WILA - Arbeitsmarkt, E-Paper



Die Zeit

Printed edition:

Time period: two weeks
Location: reference room

Electronic editions:

Die Zeit, Die Zeit E-Paper
Time period: 1946 -

You can access the e-paper and issues menu via the user menu at the top right.

Die Zeit via Nexis Uni
Time period: 2008 -