
The WZB invites internationally renowned scholars and science policy makers as dialogue partners. WZB fellows accompany the work of the WZB, usually for a period of two years, by including the WZB in their networks or through substantial research visits.

Current WZB-Fellows

Prof. Thijs Bol (2019-2026)
Associate Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Sarah Carol (2021-2025)
Assistant Professorof Sociology
University College Dublin

Dr. Valentina Di Stasio (2019-2025)
Assistant Professor
Utrecht University

Prof. Leonardo Felli (2024-2026)
Professor of Economics
University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics

Prof. Dr. Jeanne Hagenbach (2022-2026)
Research Director at the French National Research Institute (CNRS) and
Professor of Economics at Sciences Po Paris

Dr. Heike Harmgart  (2014-2026)
Managing Director
for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Prof. Dr. Marc Helbing (2016-2025)
Professor in Political Sociology
University Mannheim

Prof. Dr. Simon Jäger (2024-2026)
Associate Professor of Economics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Erin Kelly, Ph.D. (2023-2027)
Professor of Work and Organization Studies
MIT Sloan School of Management

Dr. Tobias König (2019-2025)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Economics and Statistics
Linnaeus University, Sweden

Nina McMurry, Ph.D. (2023-2025)
Assistant Professor for Political Science science
Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee

Prof. Dr. Ines Michalowski (2021-2025)
Professor of Sociology of Relgion at the Department of Sociology, University of Münster

Prof. Dr.  Donatella della Porta (2019-2027)
Professor of Sociology
Dean of the Department of Political and Social Sciences
Scuola Normale Superiore, Florenz

Prof. Dr. Dieter Rucht (2014-2025)
Professor of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Merlin Schaeffer (2021-2025)
Associate Professor of Sociology
University of Copenhagen

Prof. Dr. Max Schaub (2023-2027)
Assistant Professor of political science
University of Hamburg.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schroeder (2016-2026)
Political Scientist, University of Kassel

Anna Skarpelis, Ph.D. (2023-2025)
Assistant Professor, Chair of Sociology
City University of New York, Queens College

Ministerialdirektor Dr. Jan Stöß (2023-2027)
Abteilungsleiter Recht
Bundesministerium der Verteidigung

Georgiy Syunyaev, Ph.D. (2023-2025)
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee

Prof. Herman G. van de Werfhorst (2019-2025)
Professor of Sociology
University of Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weßels (2024-2026)
Professor of Political Science
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Former WZB-Fellows

Prof. Dr. Katrin Auspurg (2023)
Professor of Sociology
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Prof. Dr. Mathias Albert  (2010-2012)
Professor of Political Sience
Department of Political Science
Bielefeld University

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Robert Alexy (2014-2020)
Professor for Public Law and Legal Philosophy
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel

Prof. David Brady Ph.D. (2016-2019)
Professorfor Public Policy
School of Public Policy, University of California, Riverside

Prof. Richard Breen Ph.D.  (2010-2012)
Professor of Sociology
Director of Graduate Studies, Co-Director
Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course
Department of Sociology
Yale University

Prof. Lynn Prince Cooke (2017-2023)
Professor of Social Policy, University of Bath (UK)

Prof. Lars H. Ehlers (2018-2022)
Full Professor of Economics
Département de Sciences Économiques, Université de Montréal

Prof. Felix Elwert Ph.D. (2016-2018)
Associate Professor of Sociology and Population Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Dr. Ludwig Ensthaler (2015-2018)
Global Founders Capital

Prof. Dr. Anette Eva Fasang (2020-2021)
Professor of Microsociology
Humboldt-University Berlin

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards (2011-2017)
Director, Chair of Macrosociology
Department of Sociology
Freie Universitaet Berlin

Prof. Jens Hainmueller Ph.D.  (2013-2015)
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Dr. Anna Holzscheiter (2022-2023)
Professor of International Politics
Technical University Dresden

Prof. Macartan Humphreys (2016-2017)
Professor of political science at Columbia University and Director of the WZB Research Unit Institutions and Political Inequality (since 07/2017)

Prof. Peter J. Katzenstein Ph.D. (2013-2018)
Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. Professor of International Studies
Cornell University

Prof. John Keane (2023)
Professor of Politics, University of Sydney

Prof. Dr. Kai A. Konrad (2012-2017)
Director of the Max Planck Institute
for Tax Law and Public Finance Munich

Prof. Dr. Mark Levels (2019-2023)
Professor of Health, Education and Work at Maastricht University

Prof. Dr. Frieder Meyer-Krahmer  (2010-2014)
State Secretary of the Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (2005-2009)
Head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems
and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe (1990-2005)

Prof. Dr. Sabine Pfeiffer (2016-2022)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Dr. Markus Promberger (2015-2019)
Head of the research department 'Joblessness and Social Inclusion'
Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg

Mark Rackles (2021-2024)
Former State Secretary, Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, Berlin

Prof. Richard Rose Ph.D. (2015-2021)
Director of the Centre for the Study of Public Policy
Professor of Politics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schoon (2019-2021)
Professor of Human Development and Social Policy
Institute of Education, University of London

Prof. Dr. C. Katharina Spieß (2013-2017)
Head of Department for Education Policy
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) Berlin

Prof. Dr. Nora Szech (2013-2023)
Chair of Political Economics
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Prof. Jonas Tallberg Ph.D. (2012-2020)
Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science
Stockholm University

Prof. Anne West Ph.D.  (2010-2014)
Professor of Education Policy
Education Research Group
Department of Social Policy
London School of Economics and Political Science

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Zangl  (2010-2012)
Professor of Global Governance and Public Policy
Scholl Institute of Political Science
Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich