WZB Talks
What are the cutting edge questions researchers at the WZB are working on? Which new insights has WZB research to offer and where is more work needed?
The series "WZB Talks" provides the WZB community as well as interested external guests with the opportunity to get to know the WZB research agenda better: Researchers present their current work, followed by a discussion with the audience.
Information on our Data Protection Policy can be found here.
Some of the talks are recorded, the audio files are made available on this website, please see the link under the respective program entry.
WZB Talks take place on Tuesdays 1 p.m. in room A 310.
Upcoming WZB Talks:
School segregation in Berlin
WZB Talk by Macartan Humphreys
Gloomy prospects? Perceptions of inequality and their political implications
Typology of contestations
WZB Talk by Michael Zürn
Abortion Attitudes in the Context of Individualization, Migration, and Illiberalism
WZB Talk by Yasemin Soysal
Varieties of Militant Democracy
WZB Talk by Mattias Kumm
Behavioral measures improve AI hiring: A field experiment
WZB Talk by Dorothea Kübler
In-group favoritism in grant evaluation processes
WZB Talk by Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
WZB Talk by Paul Pierson
Gender inequalities in the creative arts
WZB Talk by Lena Hipp
WZB Talk by Steffen Huck
WZB Talk by Ruud Koopmans
Party Brands in Europe
WZB Talk by Swen Hutter
Please find the past WZB Talks in the archive.