Curriculum Vitae

since June 2008  
Guest researcher at the WZB in the Public Health Research Group. Participation in the project “Maintaining autonomy after a fall in socially disadvantaged quarters and neighbourhoods”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research      

Research for Camino gGmbH as a follow-up to the expert panel on “Labour market integration of migrants – success factors and instruments” held on 18 December 2007 and commissioned by the Berlin Senate Administration for
Integration, Labour and Social Affairs.
Study on support, qualification and professionalisation practices for the structural and personnel reinforcement of migrant organisations, commissioned from Camino gGmbH by the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Integration and Refugees      

since 2006  
Independent researcher and lecturer in the field of health and migration      

Degree: Nursing Education, Humboldt University Berlin
Degree thesis: “Professional nursing in an immigration society: A qualitative examination of the concept of transculturality as a guiding educational principle in training and training in the nursing professions”, Institute for Medical/Nursing Education and Nursing Science, Charité Centre for Humanities and Health Sciences (ZHGB), Humboldt University Berlin      

2004, 2005  
Teaching practice      

Placement in the pilot project “Intercultural Opening of the Diakonie Services in Berlin” Diakonisches Werk Neukölln-Oberspree e.V.      

Studied health, social and nursing sciences together with education (adult education), Humboldt University Berlin      

Training and work experience as a nurse in various nursing institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin        

Born 1967, two children (born 2001, 2003)  


Fields of Specialization        

Education and migration research

Cultural Studies / queer Theory / intersectionality

Qualitative research methods



NEIGHBOURHOOD – Maintaining Autonomy after a Fall in Socially Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods (project in cooperation with the Institute for Gerontological Research and part of the Berlin consortium ama - Autonomy Despite Multimorbidity in Old Age, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

Doctoral thesis:

Images of age and aging among representatives of the health and social services and the needs of different groups of older migrants (working title)

On the one hand Germany is becoming ever “greyer”. On the other hand the demographically aging population is becoming ever more colourful, that is ever more heterogeneous, in terms of origin. Currently migrants over the age of 60 are one of the fastest-growing sectors of the population.

The study plans to explore the extent to which out-patient health and social services meet the social, lifeworld and health needs of this target group with respect to maintaining autonomy in cases of multi-morbidity. It also aims to identify aspects of the (re-)production of social inequality in health care and reveal the mechanisms connected with this.

Interviews will be used to reconstruct the images of age and ageing on which professionals base their practice. Secondary literature will then be used to compare these with the ideas and wishes of migrants about their own old age and examine how these match. Finally, the socio-historical context from which professionals take their ideas and models of age and ageing will be examined by analysing the metaphors used in the interview material to discern collective orientation patterns or overlaps with dominant constitutive discourses.




external consultant to in-patient nursing institutions on questions of quality assurance and workplace organisation



Alter(n) und Multimorbidität in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft - Leitbilder und Vorstellungen bei Repräsentant/innen des Altenhilfesystems zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Autonomieerhalts älterer, multimorbider Migrantinnen und Migranten.
Lecture given at the conference: Pflegebedürftig in der Gesundheitsgesellschaft. Langzeitbetreuung und Pflege im Spannungsfeld neuer Bewältigungsstrategien in Halle (Saale), 26-28 March, 2009, organized by the Institut für Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

“On the qualification of migrant organisations: Support practices and requirements for action”, lecture given at the seminar “Migrant organisations as civil society actors: Furthering integration through further education”. Organizer: Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) [Federal Network for Civic Engagement], Institut für soziale und kulturelle Arbeit e.V. [Institute for Social and Cultural Work], Landesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement Bayern (LBE) [Bavarian Civic Engagement Network], Nuremberg, 14 and 15 December 2007


Teaching Activities 

Instructor on training courses for the nursing professions for:

AWO, Diakonie, DRK

Evangelische Fachhochschule Berlin (evfh - Berlin)

Stiftung SPI Sozialpädagogisches Institut Berlin – Walter May

Wannsee-Akademie Fort- und Weiterbildung

and elsewhere