Dr. Arlena Jung

Portrait Foto Dr. Arlena Jung (Udo Borchert)
Udo Borchert


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Udo Borchert

Research fields

Innovation, Knowledge, and Culture
Sociology of Science | The Public and Mass Media | Interface Communication | Sociological Theory, especially Difference Theory, Systems Theory and Phenomenology | Innovation, Science and Culture


2011 - 2014 Senior Research Fellow in the project “Scientization of society or socialization of science? The transformation of knowledge orders in Germany, Great Britain and the US” (Volkswagen Stiftung), research unit "Cultural Sources of Newness", Social Science Research Center Berlin

2009 - 2011 Professor and Director of the Department for Journalism, Dekra Hochschule Berlin

2009 - 2011 Research Fellow in „The manifold relationships between science and news media: A comparative analysis of research fields from the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities“, (Volkswagen Stiftung) 2007 - 2008 Assistant Professor, Institute of Science and Technology Studies (IWT), Faculty for Sociology, Bielefeld University 2007 Dissertation (Dr.rer.soc.) Sociology, Bielefeld University on Hybridisation and the Constitution of Meaning in ‘The President’s Council on Bioethics’: Problems of a Difference Theoretical Systems Theory, („summa cum laude“) 2005 - 2007 Research Fellow in „Integration of Scientific Expertise into Media-based Public Discourses“ funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research within the research program „Knowledge for Decision-making Processes – Research on the Relationship between Science, Politics and Society” 2002 - 2005 Dissertation Scholarship, Institute of Science and Technology Studies (IWT), Faculty for Sociology, Bielefeld University 2000 - 2002 Research Fellow „Communication in multi-cultural Organisations. The Example of Skoda-Volkswagen”, (DFG)

Selected Publications

Arlena Jung/Korinek, Rebecca/ Straßheim, Holger (forthcoming): "Embedded Expertise: A Conceptual Framework for Reconstructing Knowledge Orders their Transformation and Local Specificities", in Thomas Pfister and Anna Horvath (ed.): Innovation, the European Journal of Social Sciences, Special Issue, Re-assesing expertise and expert knowledge.

Arlena Jung (2013): Fiktion, überholte Kategorie oder unabänderliche Tatsache? Die ontologische Beschaffenheit der Grenze der Wissenschaft und die Implikationen für die Beobachtung von Wandel. Zeitschrift für Theoretische Soziologie, 269-297 2 (2).

Arlena Jung (2012): “Medialization and Credibility: Paradoxical Effect or (Re)-Stabilization of Boundaries? Epidemiology and Stem Cell Research in the Press.” In The Sciences’ Media Connection –Public Communication and its Repercussions, edited by Martina Franzen, Simone Rödder, and Peter Weingart, 107-130. Dordrecht: Springer.