Dr. Britta Baumgarten

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brbaumgarten [at] yahoo.com

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Dr. Britta Baumgarten
Research Fellow of the completed Research Group

Research fields

Zivilgesellschaft | Soziale Bewegungen | Politische Kommunikation | Diskursanalyse


2009 PhD. Universität Duisburg-Essen

2006 - 2008 Assistant Researcher at Centre for Social Policy Research/University of Bremen 2002 - 2004 Assistant Researcher at University of Bamberg/ Germany employed in the project: “UNEMPOL - Contentious Politics of Unemployment in Europe: Political Claims Making, Policy Deliberation, and Exclusion from the Labour Market” 1995 - 2001 Student of Sociology University of Bielefeld 1997-1998 Student of Sociology and Portuguese at ISCTE Lisbon

Selected Publications

Baumgarten, Britta (2010): Interessenvertretung aus dem Abseits. Erwerbsloseninitiativen im Diskurs über Arbeitslosigkeit. Frankfurt a.M./New York, NY: Campus, 330 S.
Lahusen, Christian/Baumgarten, Britta (2010): Das Ende des sozialen Friedens? Politik und Protest in Zeiten der Hartz-Reformen. Frankfurt a.M./New York, NY: Campus, 252 S.
Baumgarten, Britta/Grauel, Jonas (2009): "The Theoretical Potential of Website and Newspaper Data for Analysing Political Communication Processes". In: Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, Vol. 34, No. 1, S. 94-121.
Baglioni, Simone/Baumgarten, Britta/Chabanet, Didier/Lahusen, Christian (2008): "Transcending Marginalization. The Mobilization of the Unemployed in France, Germany and Italy in a Comparative Perspective". In: Mobilization - An International Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 3, S. 323-335.

Framing the Rights of the Poor. Discourses, transnational transfer of knowledge and the cooperation of civil society actors.