Patricia Löffler

Portrait Foto Patricia Löffler (David Ausserhofer)
David Ausserhofer


patricia.loeffler [at]
Reichpietschufer 50
D-10785 Berlin
E 112
Staff member of the


Since 2016/17

Assistant to the PhD Program 'Good Work' and the Center for Civil Society Research


Assistant to the 'Geschäftsstelle des Zweiten Engagementberichts der Bundesregierung', Center for Developments in Civil Society, Freiburg

2007 - 2014 Director's office at the Research Unit 'Global Governance' (dir. Michael Zürn)

2001 – 2007 Worked as managing assistant in press and public relations, involved in project management with:

- Forum for Active Philanthropy gGmbH

- 'Bridge of Understanding, Jewish-American exchange program of the Foreign Office and the New Synagogue Berlin

- Berlin International Meetings Association (BGiB e.V.)

1994 - 2001 Executive secretary for Storymaker, Tübingen (Agency for Press and Public Relations)

Assistant Editor in the cultural sector, including Brusberg Gallery, Martin Gropius Bau, Zeitgeist e.V.)


1989 – 1994 Lived in London, worked as a freelance translator (including material related to scientific research projects of the European Commission or Capricorn, London), conducted educational tours with cultural and political focus (including Frauen Unterwegs e.V.)

1991 Master of Arts in Freiburg in Contemporary German Literature and Anthropology at University of Freiburg