Dr. Rebecca-Lea Freudl (geb. Korinek)

Portrait Foto Rebecca-Lea Korinek (Udo Borchert)
Udo Borchert


Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft
Hardenbergstr. 32
10623 Berlin

Research fields

Digitalisation and Democracy | Science and Democracy | Regulatory Politics and Expertise | Interpretative Policy Analysis / Public Policy und Governance (consumer policy, digital policy, energy policy, mobility policy)


09 2020  Doctoral degree in political science at Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, topic: Thema »The Politics of Politico-Epistemic Authority» (summa cum laude)

08 2019  Research Fellow, Research Group "Democracy and Digitalisation" at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society

01 2015 - 07 2019 Research Fellow, Research Group "Science Policy"

05 2011 12 2014 Research Fellow, project "Scientization of society or socialization of science? The transformation of knowledge orders in Germany, Great Britain and the US", (Volkswagenstiftung)

07 11 2014 Visiting Research Fellow SPRU - Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex (GB)

11 2010 – 09 2011 Research Fellow, Chair for Political Science, Administration and Organization (Prof. Dr. Werner Jann), Potsdam University

11 2010 Diploma in Public Administration and Management

10 2005 - 11 2010 Study of Public Administration and Management at Potsdam University (Diploma), University of Copenhagen (ERASMUS) and University of Bergen (E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Programme in Economics, Law and Political Science)

Selected Publications

Freudl, R.L. (2020): The Politics of Politico-Epistemic Authority. The Case of Independent Food Safety Agencies in the UK and in Germany. Dissertation. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.

Berg, S., Clute-Simon, Korinek, R.L., Rakowski, N. und Thiel, T. (2020): Krisen-Experiment – Wie der Hackathon #WirVsVirus neue Formen demokratischer Beteiligung erprobt, in WZB-Mitteilungen Nr. 168 Neue Verhältnisse.

Haus J, Korinek R-L and Straßheim H. (2018) Expertise im Nexus. Von der Verwendungs- zur Vernetzungsforschung. In: Lüdtke N and Henkel A (Hg.) Das Wissen der Nachhaltigkeit. Herausforderungen zwischen Forschung und Beratung. München: Oekom Verlag, 63-88.

Holger, Straßheim / Korinek, Rebecca-Lea (2018): Die Politik des Anstupsens International gibt es viele Varianten der Verhaltenspolitik. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 158

Korinek, Rebecca-Lea (2017): ‘Translating for politico-epistemic authority. Comparing food safety agencies in Germany and in the UK’, in Berger, Tobias and Alejandro Esguerra (Eds.): World Politics in Translation. Abingdon: Routledge.

Straßheim, Holger./ Korinek, Rebecca-Lea (2016): Cultivating 'Nudge': Behavioural Governance in the UK. In: Voß, Jan-Peter/Freeman, Richard (eds.): Knowing Governance. The Epistemic Construction of Political Order. Palgrave Macmillan.

Straßheim, Holger and Korinek, Rebecca-Lea  (2015). ‘Behavioural Governance in Europe’, in Wilsdon, James, Doubleday, Robert and Stirling, Andrew (2015) Future directions for scientific advice in Europe. Centre for Science and Policy, Cambridge. ISBN 9780993281808

Korinek, Rebecca‑Lea/ Veit, Sylvia(2015): "Only Good Fences Keep Good Neighbours!The Institutionalization of Ministry-Agency Relationships at the Science-Policy Nexus in German Food Safety Policy". In: Public Administration, Vol. 93, No. 1, S. 103-120.

Straßheim, Holger/Jung, Arlena/Korinek, Rebecca-Lea (2015): "Reframing Expertise. The Rise of Behavioral Insights and Interventions in Public Policy". In: Ariane Berthoin Antal/Michael Hutter/David Stark (Eds.): Moments of valuation. Exploring Sites of Dissonance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 249-268.

Jung, Arlena/ Rebecca-Lea Korinek/ Holger Straßheim (2014): "Embedded expertise: a conceptual framework for reconstructing knowledge orders, their transformation and local specificities." Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research27.4 (2014): 398-419.

Korinek, Rebecca-Lea (2014): „Vorder- und Hinterbühne. Behörden zwischen wissenschaftlicher Autorität und öffentlicher Akzeptanz“. In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 145

Korinek, Rebecca-Lea/ Veit, Sylvia (2013): Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung als Grenzarbeit: Ein Konzept zur Analyse institutionalisierter Beratungsformen in Politikfeldern. der moderne staat (dms) – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 6, Sonderheft 1.