

Lars-Hendrik Röller/Luke Froeb/Paul Pautler:
The Economics of Organizing Economists
Published in the Antitrust Law Review, July, Vol 76, 2009.

Lars-Hendrik Röller/Mihkel Tombak/Ralph Siebert:
Why Firms form (or don't form) RJVs
Published in the Economic Journal, July, Vol 117, Issue 522, pp. 112-1144, 2007.

Olivier Cadot/Lars-Hendrik Röller/AndreasStephan:
A Political Economy Model of Infrastructure Allocation: An Empirical Assessment
Published in the Journal of Public Economics, Vol 90, no 6/7, pp. 1133-1153, 2006.

Damien J. Neven/Lars-Hendrik Röller/Zhentang Zhang:
Endogenous Costs and Price-Cost Margins
Published in the Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. LIV (September, 351-368, 2006.

Damien J. Neven/Lars-Hendrik Röller:
Consumer Surplus vs. Welfare Standard in a Political Economy Model of Merger Control
Published in the International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol 23 (December),
829-848, 2005.

Tomaso Duso, Damien J. Neven, and Lars-Hendrik Röller
The Political Economy of European Merger Control:  Evidence using Stock Market Data
Published in the Journal of Law and Economics , Vol 50, 455-489, 2007.

Olivier Cadot, Lars-Hendrik Röller und Andreas Stephan
Contribution to Productivity or Pork Barrel?  The Two Faces of Infrastructure Investment
Published in the Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 90(6-7), Aug. 2006, pages 1133-1153.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Steen, Frode:
On the Workings of a Cartell: Evidence from Norwegian Cement Industry
Published in American Economic Review, Vol. 96(1), 2006, pp. 321-338.

Mohnen, Pierre/Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
Complementarities in Innovation Policy.
Published in European Economic Review, 49(6), 2005, pp. 1431-1450.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Zhang, Zhentang:
Bundling of Social and Private Goods and the Soft Budget Constraint
Published in the Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 33(1), 2005, pp. 47-58.

Miravete, Eugenio/ Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
Estimating Price-Cost Markups under Nonlinear Pricing Competition.
Published in Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 2, 2004, pp. 526-535.

Neven, Damien/Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
On the Scope of Conflict in International Merger Control.
Published in the Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade, Vol. 3(4), Dec. 2003, pp. 235-249.

Duso, Tomaso/Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
Endogenous Deregulation: Evidence from OECD Countries.
Published in Economic Letters, Vol. 81(1), Oct. 2003, pp. 67-71 .

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wey, Christian: Merger Control in the New Economy.
Published in Netnomics, Vol. 5(1), 2003, pp. 5-20.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Waverman, Len:
Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Development: A Simultaneous Approach.
Published in American Economic Review, Vol. 91(4), September, 2001, pp. 909-923.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
The Allocation of Jurisdiction in International Antitrust.
Published in European Economic Review, 44(4-6), September 2000, pp. 845-855.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Sickles, Robin C.:
Capacity and Product Market Competition: Measuring Market Power in a 'Puppy-Dog' Industry. Published in International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 18(6), 2000, pp. 845-865.

Cool, Karel/Leleux, Benoit/Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1999):
The Relative Impact of Actual and Potential Rivalry on Firm Profitability in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Published in Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 20, pp. 1-14.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
An Aggregate Structural Model of Competition in the European Banking Industry.
Published in International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 17(7), 1999, pp. 1059-1074.

Bonanni, Carole/Dermine, Jean/Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
Some Evidence on Customer 'Lock-In' in the French Mutual Funds Industry.
Published in Applied Economic Letters, Vol. 5, 1998, pp. 275-279.

Parker, Philip M./Röller, Lars-Hendrik:
Collusive Conduct in Duopolies: Multimarket Contact and Cross-Ownership in the Mobile Telephone Industry.
Published in the RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 28(2), Summer 1997, pp. 304-322.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Rent Sharing in the European Airline Industry.
Published in European Economic Review, Vol. 40, 1996, pp. 933-940.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Sinclair-Desgagné, Bernard: On the Heterogeneity of Firms.
Published in European Economic Review, Vol. 40, 1996, pp. 531-539.

Good, David/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Sickles, Robin C.: Airline Efficiency Differences between Europe and the U.S.: Implications for the Pace of EC Integration and Domestic Regulation.
Published in European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 80, 1995, pp. 508-518.

Kim, Taekwon/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M.: On the Timing of Adoption of Multiproduct Technologies.
Published in Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 38, 1994, pp. 377-394.

Good, David/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Sickles, Robin C.: U.S. Airline Deregulation: Implications for European Transport.
Published in Economic Journal, Vol. 103, July 1993, pp. 1028-1041.

Good, David/Nadiri, Ishaq/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/ Sickles, Robin C.: Efficiency and Productivity Growth Comparisons of European and U. S. Air Carriers: A First Look at the Data.
Published in Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 4, 1993, pp. 115-125.

Krishnan, Murugappa/Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Preemptive Investment with Resalable Capacity.
Published in the RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 24(No. 4) Winter 1993, pp. 479-502.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik/ Waverman, Len: Sunk in Space: The Economics of the European Satellite Industry and Prospects for Liberalization. Economic Policy, 17, October 1993, pp.401-415.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M.: Competition and Investment in Flexible Technologies.
Published in Management Science, Vol. 39(No. 1), January 1993, pp. 107-115.

Dermine, Jean/Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Economies of Scale and Scope in French Mutual Funds.
Published in Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol. 2, 1992, pp. 83-93.

Gabel, Landis/Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Trade Liberalization, Transportation, and the Environment.
Published in Energy Journal, Vol. 13(3), 1992, pp. 185-206.

Kim, Taekwon/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M.: Strategic Choice of Flexible Production Technologies and Welfare Implications: Addendum et Corrigendum.
Published in Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 40(2), June 1992, pp. 233-235.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik: European Integration and Trade Flows.
Published in European Economic Review, Vol. 35(6), August 1991, pp. 1295-1310.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M.: Strategic Aspects of Flexible Production Technologies: Theory and Evidence.
Published in International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 23, December 1991, pp. 197-204.

Krishnan, Murugappa/Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Regulatory Policies in Markets for Delicate Medical Procedures.
Published in Economic Letters, Vol. 33(4), August 1990, pp. 375-383.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1990): Proper Quadratic Cost Functions with an Application to AT&T.
Published in Review of Economic Statistics, Vol. 72(2), May 1990, pp. 22-210.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Modeling Cost Structure: The Bell System Revisited.
Published in Applied Economics, Vol. 22(12), November 1990, pp. 1661-1674.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M.: Strategic Choice of Flexible Production Technologies and Welfare Implications.
Published in Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 38(4), June 1990, pp. 417-431.

Deolalikar, Anil B./Röller, Lars-Hendrik: Patenting by Manufacturing Firms in India: Its Production and Impact.
Published in Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 37(3), March 1989, pp. 303-314.


Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wey, Christian (eds.): Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft in der neuen Weltwirtschaft, WZB-Jahrbuch 2001. Berlin: Edition Sigma. 472 p.
Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (eds.) (2000): The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Europe and the Member States. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 203 p.

Davis; Stephen/Matraves, Catherine/Petts, David/Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1999): The Corporate Structure of UK and German Manufacturing Firms: Changes in Response to the SEM. London: Anglo-German Foundation, 69 p.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1999): Europas Nätverksindustrier: Telekommunikationer Avreglieringen in Europa. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 277 p.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Vaitilingam, Romesh et al. (eds.) (1998):  Europe’s Network Industries: Conflicting Priorities, Monitoring European Deregulation 1: Telecommunications. London: CEPR. 258 p.

Hornschild, Kurt/Mahmood, Talat/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wieland, Bernhard (eds.) (1998): Situation und Perspektiven der deutschen Raumfahrtindustrie : eine ordnungspolitische Analyse. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot. DIW. 210 p.

Chapters in Books

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W./Verouden, Vincent (forthcoming): EC State Aid Control: An Economic Perspective, in The EU State Aid Regime, Cameron May Press.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W./Verouden, Vincent (2008): European State Aid Control: An Economic Framework, in Handbook of Antitrust Economics, Paolo Bucirossi (ed.) Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 2008.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2005): Der ökonomische Ansatz in der europäischen Wettbewerbspolitik. In: Monopolkommission (eds.): Zukunftsperspektiven der Wettbewerbspolitik Colloquium anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens der Monopolkommission am 5. November 2004 in der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag, pp. 37-47.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wey, Christian (2001): Introduction. In: L.-H. Röller/C. Wey (eds.): Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft in der neuenWeltwirtschaft, WZB-Jahrbuch 2001. Berlin: Edition Sigma, pp. 11-18.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wey, Christian (2001): Internationale Wettbewerbspolitik in der neuen Weltwirtschaft. In: L.-H. Röller/C. Wey (eds.): Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft in der neuenWeltwirtschaft, WZB-Jahrbuch 2001. Berlin: Edition Sigma. pp. 169-194.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2000): The Political Economy of State Aid: Econometric Evidence for the Member States. In: D. J. Neven/L-H. Röller (eds.): The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in Europe and the Member States. Berlin: Ediiton Sigma, pp. 25-38.

Harhoff, Dietmar/Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1999): Entwicklungen und Perspektiven der bundesrepublikanischen Beihilfepolitik. In: M. Kaase/G. Schmid (eds.): Eine lernende Demokratie - 50 Jahre Bundesrepublikanischen Beihilfepolitik. WZB-Jahrbuch 1999. Berlin: Edition Sigma, pp. 461-498.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Waverman, Leonard (1996): The Impact of Telecommunications Infrastructure on Economic Development. In: P. Howitt (ed.): The Implications of Knowledge-Based Growth for Micro-Economic Policies. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, pp. 363-387.

Good, David/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Sickles, Robin C. (1994): E.C. Integration and the Structure of the Franco-American Airline Industries: Implications on Efficiency and Welfare. In: W. Eichhorn et. al (eds.): Models and Measurement of Welfare and Inequality. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 643-665.

Good, David/Nadiri, Ishaq/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Sickles, Robin C. (1993): Efficiency and Productivity Growth Comparisons of European and U.S. Air Carriers: A First Look at the Data. In: Z. Griliches/J. Mairesse (eds.): Productivity Issues in Services at the Micro Level. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 111-122.

Neven, Damien J./Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1991): The Structure and Determinants of East-West Trade: A Preliminary Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector. In: A. Smith/L. A. Winters (eds.): The Impact of 1992 on European Trade and Industry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M. (1991): Strategic Aspects of Flexible Production Technologies: Theory and Evidence. In: R.W. Grubbstroem et. al (eds.): Production Economics: Challenges for the 90's. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. ????

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M. (1991): Entry with New Multiproduct Technologies. In: R. Hämäläinen (ed.): Dynamic Games in Economic Analysis. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pp. ????

Other Publications

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (forthcoming): Exploitative Abuses, in European Competition Law Annual 2007, A Reformed Approach to Article 82 EC, Hart Publishing.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W. (forthcoming): Überwälzungen der Opportunitätskosten von CO2-Zertifikate als Ausbeutungsmissbrauch - eine ökonomische Analyse, Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Veron, Nicolas (2008): Safe and Sound: An EU Approach to Sovereign Investment, Breugel Policy Brief, November.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W. (2008): Overcharge Estimations in Cartel Cases - Lessons Learned from a Recent Judgment on the German Paper Wholesaler Cartel, Global Cartel Litigation Review, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 1-10.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W. (2007): Using Economic Analysis to Assess R&D&I State Aid Measures, European State Aid Law Quarterly, Volume 6, No. 4.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): Die EU Wettbewerbspolitik: Eine ökonomische Erfolgsstory, Die Bank, 4.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): Economic Analysis of Article 82, in Competition Law and Economics - Advances in Competition Policy and Antitrust Enforcement, Kluwer Law International, September.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2007): The Substantive Test for Merger Control, in Current Competition Law, The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Vol. V, 23-44.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W. (2007): Ökonomische Analyse in der EU Wettbewerbspolitik. Ein erstes Résumé, 13. Internationales Kartellrechtsforums, St. Gallen, Helbing & Lichtenhanh, Band 8.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Strohm, Andreas (2007): Ökonomische Analyse des Begriffs "Significant Impediment to Effective Competition" in Münchner Kommentar, Beck (ed.), Band 1.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Stehmann, Oliver (2006): The Year 2005 at DG Competition: the Trend Towards a More Effects Based Approach, in Review of Industrial Organization, Volume 29, No. 4.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Stehmann, Oliver (2006): Grenzen der Wettbewerbspolitik bei der öffnung von Netzwerkindustrien, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Band 7, Heft 3, 2006.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/de la Mano, Miguel (2006): The Impact of the New Substantive Test in European Merger Control, in European Competition Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, April.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Stennek, Johan/Verboven, Frank (2006): Efficiency Gains from Mergers, in European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defense, Edward Elgar.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Buigues, Pierre (2005): The Office of the Chief Competition Economist, in Global Competition Review, June.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2005): Economic Analysis and Competition Policy Enforcement in Europe, in Modelling European Mergers: Theory, Competition and Case Studies, Edward Elgar.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2005): The Transatlantic Antitrust Dialogue, in Current Competition Law, The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Vol 111, 142-152, 2005.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Friederiszick, Hans W. (2005): Ökonomische Analyse in der EU Wettbewerbspolitik, in Neueste Entwicklungen im europäischen und internationalen Kartellrecht, 11. Internationales Kartellrechtsforums, St. Gallen, Helbing & Lichtenhanh, Band 6.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Good, David/Nadiri, Ishaq/Sickles, Robin C. (2003): Efficiency and Productivity Growth Comparisons of European and U.S. Air Carriers: A First Look at the Data, in Recent Developments in Transport Economics, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wey, Christian (2003): Merger Control in the New Economy, in Netnomics, Vol. 5, No.1, 5-20, 2003.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Neven, Damien J. (2002): Discrepancies Between Markets and Regulators: An Analysis of the First Ten Years of EU Merger Control, in The Pros and Cons of Merger Control, Swedish Competition Authority.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wey, Christian (2002): Fusionskontrolle weltweit. WZB Mitteilungen. 95 (March). (in German)

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Stennek, Johan/Verboven (2001): Efficiency Gains from Mergers, European Economy, No. 5.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (2000): Subventionen in Europa. WZB Mitteilungen. 89 (September), pp. 6-8. (in German)

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Siebert, Ralph/Tombak, Mikhel M. (2000): Strategic Choice of Partners: Research Joint Ventures and Market Power. CEPR Discussion Paper #2617.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1999): Zur technologischen Leistunsfähigkeit Deutschlands, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Bonn, January.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/von Hirschhausen, Christian (1999): State Aid, Industrial Restructuring and Privatization in the New German Länder: Competition Policy with Case Studies of the Shipbuilding and Synthetic Fibers Industries. European Economy, 3, pp.

Hornschild, Kurt/Mahmood, Talat/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wieland, Bernhard (1998): Kokurrenz im All, Die deutsche Raumfahrtindustrie. WZB Mitteilungen, 80(June), pp. 37-39.

Hornschild, Kurt/Mahmood, Talat/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wieland, Bernhard (1997): Deutsche und europäische Raumfahrtindustrie - fit für die Zukunft? In: DIW Wochenbericht, 64(43), pp. 791-808.

Hornschild, Kurt/Mahmood, Talat/Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Wieland, Bernhard (1997): Situation and Perspectives of German Space Industry. In: DIW - Vierteljarheshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, pp. ???.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1997): Concentration and Public Policies in the Broadcasting Industry: The Future of Television by M. Motto/M. Polo. A comment: Economic Policy, 25(October), pp. 331-333.

Röller/ Lars-Hendrik/Siebert/ Ralph/Tombak, Mikhel M. (1997): "Why Firms form Research Joint Ventures" CEPR Discussion Paper #1654.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1996): Deregulation: A Political Economy Analysis by K. Koedijk/J. Kremers. A comment: Economic Policy, 23(October), pp. 461-462.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M. (1995): Exclusive Research Joint Ventures. International Business Lawyer. 23(No. 19/November), pp. 445-500.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M. (1992): Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge: M. L. Dertouzos, R. K. Lester and R. M. Solow and the MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity. A book review in: Managerial and Decision Economics, 13(No. 1/January-February), pp. 83-85.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1992): Comment on the papers by Martins and Toujas-Bernate. In: L. A. Winters (ed.): Trade Flows and Trade Policy after 1992. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1992): Comments on Papers by Edwin Mansfield, and Karel Cool and Landis Gabel. In: Karel Cool, Damien Neven, and Ingo Walter (eds.): European Industrial Restructuring in the 1990's. London: MacMillan Press, pp. 391-393.

Röller, Lars-Hendrik (1991): La Liberalisation des Telecommunication par Satellite. In: Le Figaro, 6(December).

Röller, Lars-Hendrik/Tombak, Mihkel M. (1990): Strategic Value of Manufacturing Flexibility. INSEAD Information, January.