Prof. Chiara Saraceno

Portrait Foto Prof. Chiara Saraceno (Foto: David Ausserhofer )
Foto: David Ausserhofer


chiara.saraceno [at]

Research fields

Gender and Family
Intergenerational relationships in families and society | Social policies and poverty | Comparative family patterns and policies | Gender inequalities | Issues of reconciliation of family and work


since 10 2011 Honorary fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy

2006 – 2011 Research professorship "Demographic Development, Social Change, and Social Capital" at the Social Science Center Berlin (WZB)

1990 – 2008 Full professor, Sociology of Family, University of Turin, Italy, Faculty of Political Sciences

1999 – 2005 Chair of the Ph. D. program in Comparative Social Research at the University of Turin

1998 – 2001 Director and then President of the Interdisciplinary Center for Women’s Studies (CIRSDe) at the University of Turin

1991 – 1998 Head of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Turin

1989 – 1990 Vice Rector of the University of Trento

1986 – 1990 Full professor in Sociology of the Family at the University of Trento

1975 – 1986 Associate professor in Sociology of the Family at the University of Trento

1968 – 1975 Research assistant in Sociology at the University of Trento

1966 Ph.D. in Philosophy at the Catholic University in Milan, Italy

Selected Publications

Saraceno, Chiara (2022): Advanced Introduction to Family Policy. Elgar Advanced Introductions Series. Cheltenham/Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 160 S.
Saraceno, Chiara/Benassi, David/Morlicchio, Enrica (2022): La povertà in Italia. Bologna: Il Mulino, 256 S. (Poverty in Italy. Features and Drivers in a European Perspective, in italienischer Sprache)
Saraceno, Chiara (2021): Il welfare. Tra vecchie e nuove disuguaglianze. Collana Farsi un'idea. Bologna: Società Editrice il Mulino, 184 S.
Saraceno, Chiara (2020): Quando avere un lavoro non basta a proteggere dalla povertà. Lectio magistralis. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 52.
Saraceno, Chiara/Benassi, David/Morlicchio, Enrica (2020): Poverty in Italy. Features and drivers in a European Perspective. Bristol: Policy Press, 206 S.
Saraceno, Chiara (2015): "A Critical Look to the Social Investment Approach from a Gender Perspective". In: Social Politics - International Studies in Gender, State & Society, Vol. 22, No. 2, S. 257-269. (Vorab online publiziert 26.Mai 2015)
Saraceno, Chiara (2015): Il lavoro non basta. La povertà in Europa negli anni della crisi. Collezione Campi del sapere. Milano: Feltrinelli, 135 S.
Saraceno, Chiara (2014): "All 'Europe's fault'?/Tutta 'colpa dell'Europa'? The Crisis of Europe's Welfare States is not only Financial/Oltre una spiegazione solo finanziaria della crisi dei welfare state Europei". In: Eutopia Magazine - Ideas for Europe, Issue "Welfare", 20.05.2014.
Saraceno, Chiara (2014): "Welfare State Studies in European Sociology". In: Sokratis Koniordos/Alexandros-Andreas Kyrtsis (Eds.): Routledge Handbook of European Sociology. New York, NY/London: Routledge, S. 238-251.
Keck, Wolfgang/Saraceno, Chiara (2013): "The Impact of Different Social-policy Frameworks on Social Inequalities among Women in the European Union. The Labour-market Participation of Mothers". In: Social Politics - International Studies in Gender, State & Society, Vol. 20, No. 3, S. 297-328. (Vorab online publiziert 6. Mai 2013)
Saraceno, Chiara (2013): Eredità. Gemme. Turin: Rosenberg & Sellier, 125 S.

Nazio, Tiziana/Saraceno, Chiara (2012): Does Cohabitation Lead to Weaker Intergenerational Bonds Than Marriage? A Comparison Between Italy and the United Kingdom. In: European Sociological Review, pp. 1-16.

Saraceno, Chiara/Keck, Wolfgang (2011): Towards an Integrated Approach for the Analysis of Gender Equity in Policies Supporting Paid Work and Care Responsibilities. In: Demographic Research, No. 25, pp. 371-406.

Saraceno, Chiara (2011): "Nonni e nipoti". In: Antonio Golini/Alessandro Rosina (Eds.): Il secolo degli anziani. Come cambierà l'Italia. Prismi. Bologna: Il Mulino, pp. 183-197

Naldini, Manuela/Saraceno, Chiara (2011): Conciliare famiglia e lavoro. Vecchi e nuovi patti tra sessi e generazioni. Studi e ricerche. Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino, 229 p.

Saraceno, Chiara, Beyond Care. The Persistent Invisibility of Unpaid Family Work. Sociologica - Italian Journal of Sociology on line, (1), pp. 1-15

Saraceno, Chiara (2011), Children as Public Good. An Ambivalent and Contradictory Concept. In: Giuseppina Cortes (Hg.): Reflections on Children's Rights. Marginalized Identities in the Discourse(s) of Justice, pp. 135-149. English Library - The Linguistics Bookshelf . Monza: Polimetrica.

Saraceno, Chiara, Childcare Needs and Childcare Policies. A Multidimensional Issue. In: Current Sociology, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 78-96.

Saraceno, Chiara, Social inequalities in facing old-age dependency: a bi-generational perspective, Journal of European Social Policy, 20, 1, 2010, pp. 1-13.

Knijn, Trudie, Saraceno, Chiara, Changes in the Regulation of Responsibilities Towards Childcare Needs in Italy and the Netherlands. Different Timing, Increasingly Different Approaches. Journal of European Social Policy, 20 (5), pp. 444-455

Keck, Wolfgang and Chiara Saraceno, Caring for a parent while working for pay in the German welfare regime, International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2010, 5(1), pp. 107–138.

Saraceno, Chiara (ed.), Families, Ageing and Social Policy. Intergenerational Solidarity in European Welfare States, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Leira, Arnlaug, Chiara Saraceno (eds.), Childhood: Changing Contexts. Comparative Social Research, Vol. 25, Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Naldini, Manuela and Chiara Saraceno, “Social and Family Policies in Italy: not totally frozen but far from structural reforms”, in: Social Policy & Administration, 42, 7, 2008, pp. 733-748.

Saraceno, Chiara, Manuela Naldini, Sociologia della famiglia, Bologna: il Mulino (fully revised and updated second edition).

Saraceno, Chiara, Mutamenti della famiglia e politiche sociali in Italia, Bologna: il Mulino .


03 2008 02 2011 
European project on “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework” ¬MULTILINKS, funded under the Seventh Framework Program and coordinated by Professor Dykstra at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Faculty of Social Sciences. Within it she coordinated a work package focusing on institutional frameworks and the development of indicators on family and intergenerational policies.
The data base is now available at

09 2005 01 2011
Participating to a Network of Excellence on Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion ¬EQUALSOC, coordinated by professor Robert Erikson, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University . Within it, she chaired the research group on
¬Family and Social Networks and was coordinating a project on
¬Intergenerational relations: between public and private patterns of solidarity and exchange.

02 2007  11 2009
Workers under pressure and elderly care (WOUPS)
This project was part of a larger project on Working and Caring in Europe, and was funded by the French Ministry of Labour (MIRE) and coordinated by the Ecole nationale de la santé publique (ENSP) at Rennes.