Selected Publications


Articles in reviewed journals

Frodermann, Corinna/Hipp, Lena/Bünning, Mareike (2024): "Money Matters! Evidence from a Survey Experiment on Attitudes toward Maternal Employment across Contexts in Germany". In: Gender & Society - The official Journal of Sociologists for Women in Society, Vol. 38, No. 3, S. 436-465. (vorab online publiziert 16.05.2024)
Kelley, Kristin/Hipp, Lena/Protsch, Paula (2024): "Organizational Commitments to Equality Change how People View Women's and Men's Professional Success". In: Scientific Reports, No. 14, Article number 7609.
Schilling, Erik/Harsch, Corinna/Hipp, Lena/Knobloch, Marcel/Munnes, Stefan/Vogel, Johannes S. (2024): "Wer wird nominiert, wer gewinnt? Eine empirisch-vergleichende Analyse von Literaturpreisen im deutschsprachigen Raum". In: Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, Jg. 54, H. 1, S. 125-144 (vorab online publiziert 05.03.2024).

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Becker, Matthias J./Ascone, Laura/Bolton, Matthew/Bundzíková, Veronika/Chapelan, Alexis/Haupeltshofer, Pia/Krugel, Alexa/Kurjan, Iael/Mihaljević, Helena/Munnes, Stefan/Placzynta, Karolina/Pustet, Milena/Salhi, Mohamed/Scheiber, Markus/Tschiskale, Victor (2024): Decoding Antisemitism. An AI-driven Study on Hate Speech and Imagery Online. Discourse Report 6. Berlin: Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (ZfA) der Technischen Universität Berlin.

Articles in reviewed journals

Cheng, Simon/Kelley, Kristin/Powell, Brian (2023): "One Parent, Two Parents, One Sex, Two Sexes. Public Attitudes toward Single and Same-Sex Parents". In: Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 85, No. 2, S. 413-435. (vorab online publiziert 9.12.2022)
Hipp, Lena/Krzywdzinski, Martin (2023): "Remote Work. New Fields and Challenges for Labor Activism". In: Work and Occupations, Vol. 50, No. 3, S. 445-451. (vorab online publiziert 29.03.2023)
Kelley, Kristin (2023): "The Effect of Marital Name Choices on Heterosexual Women’s and Men’s Perceived Quality as Romantic Partners". In: Socius - Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, Vol. 9, S. 1-14.
Hipp, Lena/Knoblauch, Marcel/Harsch, Corinna (2023): "Die schönen Künste auszeichnen. Über Kriterien und Auswahlprozesse bei Literaturpreisen". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 3=Nr. 181, S. 44-47.

Articles in reviewed journals

Abendroth, Anja/Lott, Yvonne/Hipp, Lena/Müller, Dana/Sauermann, Armin/Carstensen, Tanja (2022): "Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Gender- and Parental-Status-Specific Differences in Working from Home? Panel Evidence from Germany". In: Gender, Work & Organization, Vol. 26, No. 6, S. 1991-2011. (vorab online publiziert 05.04.2022)
Bernhardt, Janine/Bünning, Mareike (2022): "The Long Arm of an Unsupportive Work-Family Culture in Work Organizations. Crossover to the Partner’s Work-Family Balance Satisfaction in Dual-Earner Couples". In: Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 17, No. 2, S. 723-750. (vorab online publiziert 23.03.2021)
Biegert, Thomas/Brady, David/Hipp, Lena (2022): "Cross-National Variation in the Relationship between Welfare Generosity and Single Mother Employment". In: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 702, No. 1, S. 37-54.
Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2022): "(How) Can We Become More Equal? Public Policies and Parents' Work-Family Preferences". In: Journal of European Social Policy, Vol. 32, No. 2, S. 182-196. (vorab online publiziert 17.11.2021)
Hipp, Lena/Konrad, Markus (2022): "Has Covid-19 Increased Gender Inequalities in Professional Advancement? Cross-Country Evidence on Productivity Differences between Male and Female Software Developers". In: JFR - Journal of Family Research, Vol. 34, No. 1, Special Issue "Family Lives During the COVID-19 Pandemic in European Societies", edited by Ulrike Zartler/Katarzyna Suwada/Michaela Kreyenfeld, S. 134-160. (vorab online publiziert 30.09.2021)
Li, Jianghong/Bünning, Mareike/Kaiser, Till/Hipp, Lena (2022): "Who Suffered Most? Parental Stress and Mental Health during the Initial Phase of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany". In: JFR - Journal of Family Research, Vol. 34, No. 1, Special Issue "Family lives during the COVID-19 pandemic in European societies", edited by Ulrike Zartler/Katarzyna Suwada/Michaela Kreyenfeld, S. 281-309. (vorab online publiziert 04.10.2021)
Munnes, Stefan/Harsch, Corinna/Knobloch, Marcel/Vogel, Johannes S./Hipp, Lena/Schilling, Erik (2022): "Examining Sentiment in Complex Texts. A Comparison of Different Computational Approaches". In: Frontiers in Big Data, Vol. 5, Article 886362, S. 1-16.
Schlomann, Anna/Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena/Wahl, Hans-Werner (2022): "Aging during COVID-19 in Germany. A Longitudinal Analysis of Psychosocial Adaption and Attitudes toward Aging". In: European Journal of Ageing - Social, Behavioural and Health Perspectives, Vol. 19, No. 4, S. 1077-1086. (vorab online publiziert 01.10.2021)

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Hipp, Lena/ Sauermann, Armin/ Stuth, Stefan (2022): Führung in Teilzeit? Eine empirische Analyse zur Verbreitung von Teilzeitarbeit unter Führungskräften in Deutschland und Europa. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2022-501. Berlin: WZB.
Hipp, Lena/Schlüter, Charlotte/Molina, Stefania (2022): The Role of Employers in Reducing the Implementation Gap in Leave Policies. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2022-502. Berlin: WZB.

Articles in reviewed journals

Hipp, Lena/Bünning, Mareike (2021): "Parenthood as a Driver of Increased Gender Inequality during COVID-19? Exploratory Evidence from Germany". In: European Societies, Vol. 22, No. S1, Special Issue "European Societies in the Time of the Coronavirus Crisis", S. S658-S673. (vorab online publiziert 22.10.2020)

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Hübgen, Sabine/Eberlein, Laura/Munnes, Stefan/Schlüter, Charlotte/Unkel, Noémi Shirin (2021): Die Auswirkungen von COVID-19 auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation von Frauen in Berlin. WZB Discussion Paper SP I 2021-504. Berlin: WZB.
Bünning, Mareike (2021): "Soziale Lagen und soziale Schichtung". In: Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis)/Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung/Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) (in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sozio-ökonomischen Panel (SOEP) am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) (Hg.): Datenreport 2021. Ein Sozialbericht für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, S. 271-285.
Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2021): "Geschlechterungleichheiten im Arbeitsleben und subjektiven Wohlbefinden von Erwerbstätigen während der COVID-19-Pandemie". In: Sozialer Fortschritt - Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Sozialpolitik, Jg. 70, H. 5/6, Themenheft "Geschlechterpolitik in der Krise. Gleichstellung in Zeiten von Corona§, herausgegeben von Irem Güney-Frahm, S. 293-315.

Articles in reviewed journals

Bünning, Mareike (2020): "Paternal Part-Time Employment and Fathers' Long-Term Involvement in Child Care and Housework". In: Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 82, No. 2, S. 566-586. (vorab online publiziert 04.10.2019)
Hipp, Lena (2020): "Feeling Secure vs. Being Secure? Qualitative Evidence on the Relationship between Labour Market Institutions and Employees' Perceived Job Security from Germany and the U.S.". In: Contemporary Social Science - Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 4, Special Issue "The Changing World of Work and Employment", edited by Polly Lord, S. 416-429. (vorab online publiziert 16.09.2019)
Hipp, Lena (2020): "Do Hiring Practices Penalize Women and Benefit Men for Having Children? Experimental evidence from German". In: European Sociological Review, Vol. 36, No. 2, S. 250–264. (vorab online publiziert 12.11.2019)
Hipp, Lena/Bünning, Mareike/Munnes, Stefan/Sauermann, Armin (2020): "Problems and Pitfalls of Retrospective Survey Questions in COVID-19 Studies". In: Survey Research Methods, Vol. 14, No. 2, S. 109-114.

WZB discussion papers / working papers

Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena/Munnes, Stefan (2020): Erwerbsarbeit in Zeiten von Corona. WZB Ergebnisbericht. Berlin: WZB via EconStor.
Bernhardt, Janine/Bünning, Mareike (2020): "Fathers' Working Times in Germany. The Role of the Ideal Worker Norm in the Context of Other Cultural and Structural Workplace Conditions". In: Mireia las Heras Maestro/Nuria Chinchilla Albiol/Marc Grau Grau (Eds.): The New Ideal Worker. Organizations between Work-Life Balance, Gender and Leadership. Contributions to Management Science Series. Cham: Springer, S. 25.48.
Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2020): "Mütter trifft es besonders hart. Ungleiche Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf das Arbeits- und Familienleben". In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 170, S. 21-23.
Munnes, Stefan/Bünning, Mareike/Hipp, Lena (2020): "Corona-Alltag. Everyday Life During The COVID-19 Pandemic". 1.0.0. WZB, online: (veröffentlicht).
Driesch, Ellen von den (2020): "Suicide, Demographic, Socio-Structural, Infrastructure and Crime Statistics of The German Democratic Republic, 1952 – 1990. Suizid-, Bevölkerungs-, Sozialstruktur-, Infrastruktur- und Kriminalitätsstatistiken der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1952 - 1990". 1.0. WZB, online: (veröffentlicht).