
Time Stability in Reducing the Risk of HIV Transmission among Homosexual Men in Eastern and Western Germany, 2010

This project uses periodic questionnaire surveys (eight since 1987, most recently 2007) to collect information on the living situation of homosexual men, their risk perception and their preventive behaviour with respect to HIV and AIDS. This project is the only sociological prevention research in German-speaking countries to conduct this kind of follow-up survey. The 2010 German survey was linked with a European survey coordinated by the Robert-Koch-Institut (RKI) in Berlin, and continues our existing cooperation with partners in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and France. The European survey is especially important because the 22 countries involved include some – such as Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria – where EU funding has made it possible to conduct such a survey for the first time. The eight participating non-EU states include Russia, Ukraine and Turkey, which would not have been able to conduct such a survey without European involvement.

Comparison with data from the earlier German surveys allows us to create time series. The possibility to compare survey results in European countries with long-established AIDS prevention with those from countries that are only just developing such strategies is equally important in the European context.

Compare previous survey of 2007.

2007 Survey Report (PDF) (in German only)