HR Excellence in Research (2013-2023)

From 2013 to 2023, the WZB has maintained the “HR Excellence in Research” designation, which is awarded by the European Commission to institutions that have aligned their human resources policies with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (in short "Charter & Code"). Adopted by the European Commission in 2005, these policies aim to improve working conditions and ensure attractive research careers within Europe.

The WZB strongly supports the European initiative and signed an Official Endorsement of “Charter & Code” in April 2013. The signature was immediately followed by a thorough internal review of the WZB’s HR policies. The results of the review were integrated into an action plan, which was submitted to the European Commission in June 2013. In doing so, the WZB became the first German institution to receive the HR Excellence in Research award.

The process and the main actions of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) are summarized here. Further information on Charter & Code and HRS4R can be found on the EURAXESS Website.

Since receiving the logo in 2013, the WZB has conducted self-assessments and renewed the award regularly. With each renewal, the WZB identifies past achievements, future goals, and areas for potential improvement. These reports can be viewed to the right.

As part of the HR Excellence in Research designation, the WZB is committed to open, transparent, and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R). This commitment is reinforced in the WZB OTM-R Policy.  The WZB values fair recruitment procedures and international visibility of advertised vacancies. All persons involved in selection processes are regularly informed about the existing standards and practices in the recruitment procedures at the WZB.