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Gunnar Knechtel/laif


What is left of the European peace project? What are the signs of European unity, and where are the conflicts? What impulses still emanate from the union of member states today? "Europe" is the topic of the March issue of the WZB-Mitteilungen. It gathers analyses of the problems and approaches to overcoming them - in the fields of energy and mobility, of the world of work and participation, of the economy and the Internet, and of science and communication.

The print issue can be found later here as a PDF. The online contributions to our new main focus can be found on this page.

Talking more clearly about Europe

Controversial public debates put pressure on the European Union to explain itself. According to various recent studies, however, the public messages of European decision-makers mostly fail to offer an adequate response: political communication by and about the EU is difficult to understand for citizens and often tends to obfuscate matters rather than to make them clear.


Reproduction as a policy field

The decision to have children - or not - is a very intimate one. And yet it depends not only on one or two people, but on political and social frameworks. The goal of the project Varieties of Reproduction Regimes, which Hannah Zagel introduces in the interview, is to obtain better data for analysis.
