Archive 2021

30 November 2021, 2 pm

Information and Irregular Migration: Survey and Experimental Evidence from Nigeria

WZB Talk by Alexandra Scacco

Internal, no recording

23 November, 2021, 2 pm

Consequences of Religious and Secular Civic Education Among Youth in Zambia

WZB Talk by Gwyneth McClendon

Internal, no recording

16 November 2021, 2 pm

A Community of Shared Values? Dimensions and Dynamics of Cultural Integration in the European Union

WZB Talk by Plamen Akaliyski

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

9 November 2021, 2 pm

Downward Class Mobility and Far-Right Party Support

WZB Talk by Mark A. Kayser

The event has not beeen recorded.

2 November 2021, 1 pm

Everyday Forms of Resistance

WZB Talk by James Scott (A.SK price recipient 2021)

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)

26 October 2021, 2 pm

The COVID Crisis and Digitalization in the Workplace

WZB Talk by Martin Krzywdzinski

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)

19 October 2021, 2 pm

Bombs, Broadcasts and Resistance: Allied Intervention and Domestic Opposition to the Nazi Regime during World War II

WZB Talk by Maria Petrova

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)

12 October 2021, 2 pm

Local Newspaper Decline and Political Polarization

WZB Talk by Fabio Ellger

Here you can find the presentation (pdf)

21 September 2021

Deindustrialization, Mortality, and Fiscal Decline in the U.S.

WZB Talk by Rourke O'Brien

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)

7 September 2021, 2 pm

Liberal Agentic Citizenship and its Global Reach

WZB Talk by Yasemin Soysal and Héctor Cebolla-Boado

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

29 June 2021, 2 pm

The Pegida Movement and Its Opponents in Germany: Evidence From a Protest Event Analysis

WZB Talk by Sebastian Hellmeier

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)

22 June 2021, 2 pm

Towards a Political-Economy of Dignity

WZB Talk by Evan Lieberman

8 June 2021, 2 pm

Voting Against Autocracy

WZB Talk by Milan Svolik

1 June 2021, 2 pm

Communication Barriers and Infant Health: Causal Evidence from the Swiss Language Roulette

WZB Talk by Daniel Auer

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

25 May 2021, 2 pm

How Big is the Media Multiplier? Evidence from Dyadic News Data

WZB Talk by Thiemo Fetzer

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

11 May 2021, 2 pm

Highlighting Best and Worst Practices in the Gig Economy: An Introduction to the Fairwork Foundation

WZB Talk by Mark Graham

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

4 May 2021, 2 pm

Rebels, Activists, Future Leaders? The Politics of Youth Representation in Global (Health) Governance

WZB Talk by Anna Holzscheiter

27 April 2021, 2 pm

Going Viral: Nazi Marches and the Spread of Extremism

WZB Talk by Hans-Joachim Voth

20 April 2021, 2 pm

From Brussels to the Citizens? Public communication of the European Commission

WZB Talk by Christian Rauh

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

30 March 2021, 2 pm

Understanding the Response to High-Stakes Incentives in Primary

WZB Talk by Max Bach and Mira Fischer

23 March 2021, 2 pm

How to Build a Tolerant Society

WZB Talk by Katja Salomo

Here you can find the presentation (pdf)

9 March 2021, 2 pm

Inclusive Politics? How Politicians’ Ethnicity and Gender Shape Representation

WZB Talk by Liza Mügge

2 March 2021, 2 pm

Technological Change and Formal Further Education – Does automation risk influence aspirations and plans to pursue a new educational certificate in Germany?

WZB Talk by Martin Ehlert

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

16 February 2021, 2 pm

Pathways to sustainable mobility: Radical socio-technical change or sustained path dependencies?

WZB Talk by Lisa Ruhrort

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

9 February 2021, 2 pm

Beyond the enclave? Far-right mobilization, ethnic infrastructure and the well-being of immigrants and their descendants

WZB Talk by Jonas Wiedner

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

2 February 2021, 2 pm

The Mobilization Potential of Anti-Corona Protests in Germany

WZB Talk by Swen Hutter

26 January 2021, 12:15 pm

Origins and Destinations: intergenerational transmission of political behaviours in immigrant families

WZB Talk by Renee R. Luthra and Magda Borkowska

19 January 2021, 12:15 pm

Pension Policy Literacy and Retirement Expectations

WZB Talk by Jonas Radl and Juan J. Fernández

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)

12 January 2021, 12:15 pm

Success of Populism in Western Europe and Germany: Electoral Effects of Parties’ and Voters’ Repositioning

WZB Talk by Bernhard Weßels

Listen to a recording of this WZB Talk here: Audiofile (mp3)
Here you can find the
presentation (pdf)