Gülay Türkmen, Ph.D.

Gülay Türkmen


Ehemalige Mitarbeiterin der Abteilung

Gülay Türkmen ist Politiksoziologin und untersucht, den Einfluss makroskopischer historischer, kultureller und politischer Entwicklungen auf Fragen der Zugehörigkeit und Identitätsbildung in multikulturellen Gesellschaften. Sie promovierte in Soziologie an der Universität Yale. Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen an der Schnittstelle von Politik und Religion in Fragen zu Identität, Migration, Vielfalt und Staatsbürgerschaft. Sie ist die Autorin von Under the Banner of Islam? Turks, Kurds and the Limits of Religious Unity (Oxford University Press, 2021). Sie hat in mehreren akademischen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter die Annual Review of Sociology, Qualitative Sociology, Sociological Quarterly, Nations and Nationalism und New Diversities. Weitere Informationen über Gülays Forschung und ihr Veröffentlichungsprofil finden Sie auf ihrer Website


Ausgewählte Publikationen

“Populism beyond the West: Dissonant Diversities and Fragmented Politics”. New Diversities 21(2) (with Sinem Adar).
“Civil War and Religion: Turkey”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, edited by Paul Djupe and Güneş Murat Tezcür. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.67
“’But You Don’t Look Turkish!’: The Changing Face of Turkish Immigration to Germany”. ResetDOC. 27 May.
“Negotiating Symbolic Boundaries in Conflict Resolution: Religion and Ethnicity in Turkey’s Kurdish Conflict”. Qualitative Sociology 41(4): 569-591.
“Political Islam in Turkey”. Pp. 93-106 in Authoritarianism and Resistance in Turkey: Conversations on Democratic and Social Challenges, edited by Esra Özyürek, Emrah Altındiş, Gaye Özpınar. Switzerland: Springer International (with Hayri Kırbaşoğlu)
“Why Faltering Democracies Need Strong Opposition Parties: Lessons from Turkey”. ResetDOC. 23 October (with Shai Dromi)
“Turkey’s Presidential Referendum and the (Not So) Curious Case of the Turkish Diaspora in Europe”. Open Democracy. June 1.
“‘Optimism of the Intellect’? How to Stay Hopeful in the Wake of Turkey’s Referendum Results”. Jadaliyya. April 27.
“Nations Dissolving? Populism, Nationalism and Emotional Disintegration”. Policy Trajectories (with Sinem Adar)
“Coming to Terms with a Difficult Past: The Trauma of the Assassination of Hrant Dink and Its Repercussions on Turkish National Identity”. Nations and Nationalism 19 (4): 674-692.
“Religion, Nationalism and Violence: An Integrated Approach”. Annual Review of Sociology 39: 193-210. (with Philip Gorski)
“Religion, Nationalism, and International Security: Creation Myths and Social Mechanisms” Pp. 136-148 in the Routledge Handbook of Religion and Security. Eds. Chris Seiple, Dennis Hoover and Pauletta Otis (with Philip Gorski)
“Lebanon: Parody of A Nation? A Closer Look at Lebanese Confessionalism”. Yale Review of International Studies 2(1): 61-72.