Discussion Papers

Discussion Papers zu Internationale Politik und Recht.

Abteilung Global Governance2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2007
Forschungsprofessur Globale Soziologie2023

Globale Soziologie


SP IV 2023-101 PDF

Yasemin Soysal, Héctor Cebolla Boado
Comparing Agentic Meritocratic Citizenship in Europe and China: A Research Note
28 S.

Global Governance


SP IV 2021-101 PDF

Julia Fuß, Christian Kreuder-Sonnen, Andrés Saravia, Michael Zürn
Managing Regime Complexity: Introducing the Interface Conflicts 1.0 Dataset
49 S.


SP IV 2020-104 PDF

Jelena Cupać
ORDERS, PURPOSES, AND TASKS: How do states act in international security organizations?
32 S.

SP IV 2020-103r PDF

Janne Mende
May 2020 (revised September 2022)
37 S.

SP IV 2020-102 PDF

Matthew D. Stephen
CHINA’S NEW MULTILATERAL INSTITUTIONS: A framework and research agenda
60 S.

SP IV 2020-101 PDF

Friederike Luise Kelle, Mitja Sienknecht
Sovereignty Referendums as Strategies in Conflicts over Self-Determination
39 S.


SP IV 2019-101 PDF

Álvaro Morcillo Laiz
LA GRAN DAMA: Science Patronage, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Mexican Social Sciences in the 1940s
37 S.


SP IV 2018-105 PDF

Peter M. Haas
Preserving the Epistemic Authority of Science in World Politics
25 S.

SP IV 2018-104 PDF

John Boli
Small Planet in the Vastness of Space
Globalization and the Proliferation of UFOs, Aliens, and Extraterrestrial Threats to Humanity
73 S.

SP IV 2018-103 PDF

Michael Zürn, Benjamin Faude, and Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
Introducing a DFG Research Group
28 S.

SP IV 2018-102 PDF

Joachim Blatter
Principles and Rules for Granting Consociated Citizens Voting Rights and Partisan Representation in the Parliaments of Nation States
41 S.

SP IV 2018-101 PDF

Kenneth W. Abbott, Philipp Genschel, Duncan Snidal, Bernhard Zangl
Competence versus Control in Indirect Governance
38 S.


SP IV 2017–102 PDF

Sidney Tarrow
Close Interaction, Incompatible Regimes,
Contentious Challenges:
The Transnational Movement to Protect Privacy
41 S.

SP IV 2017–101 PDF

Wolfgang Wagner, Anna Herranz-Surrallés, Juliet Kaarbo, and Falk Ostermann
Politicization, Party Politics and Military Missions
Deployment Votes in France, Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom
32 S.


SP IV 2016–110 PDF

Wolfgang Hein
Intellectual Property Rights and Health
The Constraints of WHO Authority and the Rise of Global Health Governance as an Element of Contestation
57 S.

SP IV 2016–109 PDF

Christian Joerges, Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
Europe and European Studies in Crisis
Inter-Disciplinary and Intra-Disciplinary Schisms in Legal and Political Science
31 S.

SP IV 2016–108 PDF

John M. Owen
Global Power Shifts and the Future of Democracy
An Evolutionary Approach, with Special Attention to China
27 S.


SP IV 2014–107 PDF

Matthew D. Stephen, Michael Zürn
Contested World Orders:
Rising Powers, Non-State Actors, and the Politics of Authority Beyond the Nation-state
35 S.

SP IV 2014–106 PDF

Gary Goertz, Kathy Powers
Regional Governance: The Evolution of a New Institutional Form
35 S.

SP IV 2014–105 PDF

Xinyuan Dai
The Conditional Effects of International Human Rights Institutions
26 S.

SP IV 2014–104 PDF

Jeffrey T. Checkel
Mechanisms, Process and the Study of International Institutions
32 S.

SP IV 2014-103 PDF

Louis W. Pauly
Governing Global Risks:
The Evolution of Policy Capacity in the Financial Sector
35 S.

SP IV 2014-102 PDF

Pieter de Wilde, Ruud Koopmans and Michael Zürn
The Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism:
Representative Claims Analysis
58 S.

SP IV 2014-101 PDF

Jens Steffek
The Democratic Output Legitimacy of International Organizations
34 S.


SP IV 2012-301 PDF

Frank Wendler
The Politicisation of European Treaty Reform
Public justification and party polarisation in the
German Bundestag and UK House of Commons
debates over revision of the EU treaties
30 S.


SP IV 2010-303 PDF

Monika Heupel, Michael Zürn
Internationale Organisationen und der Schutz fundamentaler Rechte von Individuen
Skizze eines Forschungsprojekts
36 S.

SP IV 2010-302 PDF

Matthias Ecker-Ehrhardt
Problem Perception and Public Expectations in International Institutions
Evidence from a German Representative Survey
34 S.

SP IV 2010-301 PDF

Julian Junk, Joachim Blatter, Transnational Attention
Domestic Agenda-Setting and International Agreement: Modeling Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Media-Driven Humanitarian Interventions
42 S.


SP IV 2008-307 PDF

Lora Anne Viola
WHO Says Competition Is Healthy - How Civil Society Can Change IGOs
34 S.

SP IV 2008-306 PDF

Thomas Rixen
Politicization and Institutional (Non-)Change in International Taxation
30 S.

SP IV 2008-305 PDF

Martin Binder
The Politicization of International Security Institutions
The UN Security Council and NGOs
25 S.

SP IV 2008-303 PDF

Helmut Weidner, Klimaschutzpolitik: Warum ist Deutschland ein Vorreiter im internationalen Vergleich? Zur Rolle von Handlungskapazitäten und Pfadabhängigkeit SP IV 2008-304 PDF Tine Stein
Global Social and Civil Entrepreneurs
An Answer to the Poor Performance of Global Governance?
28 S.

SP IV 2008-302 PDF

Thomas Rixen
The Institutional Design of International Double Taxation Avoidance
37 S.


SP IV 2007-307 PDF

Martin Binder, The Selective Enforcement of Human Rights?
The International Response to Violent Humanitarian Crises and Gross Violations of Human Rights in the Post-Cold-War Era
29 S.

SP IV 2007-306 PDF

Claus Offe, Fuchs
Die Entwicklung von Wohlfahrtsstaaten in der erweiterten Europäischen Union - Reformen in den neuen post-sozialistischen Mitgliedstaaten
37 S.

SP IV 2007-305 PDF

Antje Wiener
Making Normative Meanings Accountable in International Politics
43 S.

SP IV 2007-304 PDF

Katrin Radtke
Ein Trend zu transnationaler Solidarität? Die Entwicklung des Spendenaufkommens in der Not- und Entwicklungshilfe
27 S.

SP IV 2007-303 PDF

Matthias Ecker-Ehrhardt
Neue Autoritäten? Ein kommunikationstheoretischer Blick auf die Deutungsmacht inter und transnationaler Akteure in der Darfurkrise
42 S.

SP IV 2007-302 PDF

Susanne Fuchs
Weltgesellschaft und Modernisierung - eine Skizze der Dynamik des Formwandels des Systems internationaler Beziehungen
32 S.

SP IV 2007-301 PDF

Anna Herrhausen
Coordination in United Nations Peacebuilding
A Theory-Guided Approach
47 S.