Aufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen. "Integration and religiosity among the Turkish second generation in Europe: A comparative analysis across four capital cities." Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(2) 320-341.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen/Klein, Olivier. "Religious identification, perceived discrimination and politicisation: support for political Islam and political action among the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in five European cities." British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(4) 628-648.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen/Neels, Karel & Deboosere/Patrick. “Contextualising ethnic educational inequality: the role of structural neighbourhood characteristics and ethnic density in second-generation attainment.” International Migration Review, 45(2) 386-421.
Güngör, Derya/Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen. “Religious Identification, Beliefs, and Practices among Turkish-Belgian and Moroccan-Belgian Muslims: Intergenerational Continuity and Acculturative Change." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(8) 1356-1372.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Verkuyten, Maykel/Poppe, Edwin. "Ethnic and Republic Identification in the Russian Federation and Ukraine: A Social Dominance Perspective." In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 37 no. 1, pp. 23-41.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen/Neels, Karel/Deboosere, Patrick. „Etnische onderwijsongelijkheid in context: De rol van structurele gemeentekenmerken en etnische compositie”. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, vol. 31, no. 3-4, pp. 295-329
Fleischmann, Fenella/Dronkers, Jaap. “Unemployment among immigrants in European labour markets: an analysis of origin and destination effects”. Work, Employment & Society, 24(2) 337-354.
Fleischmann, Fenella. “Integratie en religiositeit onder de Turkse tweede generatie in Duitsland en Nederland: een analyse van jonge moslims in twee Europese hoofdsteden.” Migrantenstudies, 26(2) 197-217.
André, Stéfanie/Dronkers, Jaap/Fleischmann, Fenella. “Verschillen in groepsdiscriminatie zoals waargenomen door immigranten uit verschillende herkomstlanden in veertien lidstaten van de Europese Unie.” Mens en Maatschappij, 84(4) 448-482.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Dronkers, Jaap. “De sociaaleconomische integratie van immigranten in de EU. Een analyse van de effecten van arbeidsmarkt- en sociaal beleid op de eerste en tweede generatie. Sociologie, 4(1) 2-37.
Aufsätze in Sammelbänden
Fleischmann, Fenella/Dronkers, Jaap. “The Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants in the EU. Effects of Characteristics of Origin and Destination Countries on the First and Second Generation”. Pp. 258-283 in Attewell, Paul/Newman, Katherine S. (Eds.), Growing Gaps? Educational inequality around the globe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dronkers, Jaap/Fleischmann, Fenella. “The educational attainment of second generation immigrants from different countries of origin in different EU member states.” P. 163-204 in J. Dronkers (Ed.), Quality and Inequality of Education. Cross-national perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer Press.
Discussion Paper
Scheible, Jana Anne/Fleischmann, Fenella. "Geschlechterunterschiede in islamischer Religiosität und Geschlechterrollenwerten : ein Vergleich der Zusammenhänge am Beispiel der türkischen und marokkanischen zweiten Generation in Belgien". Berlin: WZB Discussion Paper, SP IV 2011-702.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Phalet, Karen. "Identity multiplicity among the Muslim second generation in European cities: where are religious and ethnic identities compatible or conflicting with civic identities? Berlin: WZB Discussion Paper, SP IV 2010-705 > PDF
Vandezande, Véronique/Fleischmann, Fenella/Baysu, Gülseli/Swyngedouw, Marc/Phalet, Karen. “Ongelijke kansen en ervaren discriminatie in de Turkse en Marokkaanse tweede generatie.” Leuven: CeSO.
Vandezande, Véronique/Fleischmann, Fenella/Baysu, Gülseli/Swyngedouw, Marc/Phalet, Karen. “De Turkse en Marokkaanse tweede generatie op de arbeidsmarkt in Antwerpen en Brussel. Resultaten van het TIES-onderzoek.” Leuven: CeSO.
Fleischmann, Fenella/Dronkers, Jaap. “The effects of social and labour market policies of EU countries on the socio-economic integration of first and second generation immigrants from different countries of origin”. Commissioned by: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Firenze, Italy.