The Working Group on African Political Economy (WGAPE), founded in 2002, is a network of researchers with deep field research experience that meets regularly to provide structured feedback on in-progress research papers related to the theme of African political economy.
Archiv Veranstaltungen 2020
Moderated by Michael Zürn
Erloschene Liebe, einseitige Kampagnen, endlose Diskussionen über harten und weichen Brexit, extrem schwierige Vertragsverhandlungen, die nach wie vor andauern – der Weg Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union ist lang. Ende 2020 schließlich verlässt das Land nach 47 Jahren die EU. Ein harter Schnitt: für die Menschen in der EU und in Großbritannien, für Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft. Langjährige Beziehungen werden gekappt oder verändern sich.
Seminarleitung: Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University, und Daniel Ziblatt, WZB
Moderated by Jan Paul Heisig
Discussant: Michaela Kreyenfeld
Berlin als internationale Wissenschaftsmetropole zu stärken, ist Ziel einer gemeinsamen Initiative der außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen der Hauptstadt. Sie haben sich Anfang des Jahres zur BR50 (Berlin Research 50) zusammengeschlossen.
Die Krise als Chance – Forscher*innen diskutieren über Risiken und Chancen neuer Arbeitsweisen in der Wissenschaft. Eine Panel-Debatte mit Publikumsbeteiligung im Rahmen der Berlin Science Week.
Introduction by Mira Fischer
Moderated by Steffen Huck
Co-authors: Isabell Schierenbeck, Ellen Lust, Kevin Köhler
The replication crisis is typically discussed in the context of particular silly claims, or in terms of the sociology of science, or with regard to controversies in statistical practice. Here we discuss the content of unreplicated or otherwise shaky empirical claims in social science, which often seem to be associated with a model in which important attitudes and behavior can be easily manipulated using irrelevant stimuli.
This lecture briefly characterizes the core of President Trump's approach to politics; places him into the broader historical context of American ethnonationalism and conservatism; and discuss the contemporary politics of white identity. In the fall of 2020 America finds itself in a profound constitutional crisis that resonates, disconcertingly, with the year 1932 and its different American and German outcomes. History does not repeat itself. But does it rhyme?
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
The event is part of the WZB Talks series.
Thomas Palfrey is Research Professor of the WZB Research ProfessorshipCollective Decision Making.
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
The event is part of the WZB Talks series.
Jelena Cupać and İrem Ebetürk are Research Fellows of the WZB Research Unit Global Governance.
With the implementation of predictive policing, the police in Germany have entered the algorithmic age. The associated hype led to a sensitization of political and police decision-makers for the (propagated) potential of big data analyses. As a result, numerous projects and programs have been recently set up to promote a general datafication of policing, such as the infrastructure program ‘Police 2020’ or the introduction of data analysis platforms à la Palantir ‘Gotham’ (e.g., ‘hessenDATA‘).
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
The event is part of the WZB Talks series.
Peter N.C. Mohr is Head of the WZB Research Group Neuroeconomics.
No recording
Andrew Schotter is professor at the Department of Economics, New York University.
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
The event is part of the WZB Talks series.
Co-authors: Masaki Aoyagi and Sevgi Yuksel
You can find the paper here.
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
The event is part of the WZB Talks series.
While recent developments have impacted the future of the anti-extraction bill movement in Hong Kong, we would like to review what happened in the last year and discuss the more recent actions of the movement. The upcoming webseminar features two scholars from Hong Kong: Samson Yuen, Assistant Professor at the Lingnan University, and Anna Tsui, Research Assistant at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Please note that this event takes place in English only with no translation.
The event is part of the WZB Talks series.
The Center for Civil Society Research at the WZB and the Center for Political Sociology of Germany at the Freie Universität Berlin have organized this workshop on electoral and non-electoral polarization to take place on June 25th and June 26th 2020.
The event will take place via ZOOM.
Face Masks Increase Compliance with Physical Distancing Recommendations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Yiming Liu and Jana Friedrichsen
The Working Group on African Political Economy (WGAPE), founded in 2002, is a network of researchers with deep field research experience that meets regularly to provide structured feedback on in-progress research papers related to the theme of African political economy. It brings together faculty and advanced graduate students in economics, political science, and other social science disciplines, with a combined focus on field-based research and political economy methods.
Digitales Kolloquium
Welchen Einfluss hat die Corona-Krise auf unseren gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt? Welche Folgen lassen sich schon jetzt abschätzen für Bildung und Bildungsungleichheit, Digitalisierung, Familie, Gesundheit, Mortalität, Pflege, Solidarität, Sozialpolitik und sozialwissenschaftliche Datenerhebung?
Im Rahmen eines digitalen Kolloquiums wollen wir den soziologischen Perspektiven auf die Corona-Krise eine Plattform geben und zum Austausch anregen. Die Vorträge finden auf Zoom statt.
11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.
Linsey McGoey, University of Essex
11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.
11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.
Johan P. Mackenbach, University Medical Center Rotterdam
11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.
Workshop and Discussion of the book by Alec D. Walen in the presence of the author
11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.
Grzegorz Ekiert, Harvard University
Joint work with Anne-Marie Jeannet, Esther Ademmer, and Martin Ruhs
11 March 2020 - Coronavirus: update
All public events at the WZB have to be cancelled with immediate effect. This measure will be effective until 20 July 2020. It is based on today's decision by the Governing Mayor of Berlin to introduce a range of urgent measures for Berlin's research institutions to counter the further spread of the Corona-virus.
Aufgrund der aktuellen Entwicklungen hinsichtlich des Corona-Virus hat der am WZB eingesetzte Krisenstab eine neue Risikobewertung für Veranstaltungen auf Grundlage der Richtlinien des Robert Koch-Instituts vorgenommen.
Die Geschäftsführung des WZB hat heute auf Empfehlung des Krisenstabs entschieden, die Abschiedsvorlesung von Professor Wolfgang Merkel am kommenden Dienstag, 10. März, zu verschieben.
Der neue Termin wird voraussichtlich im Juni sein. Das WZB wird darüber baldmöglichst informieren.
Through the analysis of the condition of “professional integration” for naturalisation, the article investigates whether economic performance requirements for the granting of French citizenship stand in contradiction with the communitarian dimension of the civic turn or whether they support each other.
Wie verändern sich Mobilitätsgewohnheiten? Entstehen neue Bedürfnisse? Welche Bedeutung kommt dabei den Angeboten der Shared Mobility zu? Diese Fragen zu beantworten, gestaltet sich zunehmend schwierig, denn das Mobilitätsverhalten wird komplexer. Welche Verkehrsmittel auf einem Weg oder an einem Tag genutzt werden und wie sich die Nutzungsmuster über die Zeit verändern, kann mit einfachen Befragungen kaum noch erfasst werden.
This lecture addresses the relationship between constitutional citizenship and the rise of populism. Is populism leading to the erosion of modern citizenship as an ideal of equality? The claim is that many populist politicians make extensive use of constitutional amendment processes to reinforce their sense of identity with the people.
and discussion with Christian Joppke (University of Bern), Ruud Koopmans (WZB Berlin), Yasemin Soysal (University of Essex) and Ashley Mantha-Hollands (WZB Berlin)
National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires
Latin America has seen the rise of social movements and conflicts in the streets in the last year. The continent is in turmoil. In his talk, Federico Rossi will draw on extensive research about the unemployed workers movement (the piqueteros) in Argentina as well as on related mobilizations across Latin America to shed light on these emerging dynamics. The piquetero movement has been the largest movement of unemployed people in the world and transformed Argentine politics to the extent of becoming part of the governing coalition for more than a decade.
Cevat Giray Aksoy and Panu Poutvaara
In großen Teilen der Welt ist Demokratie inzwischen zur Norm geworden. Genau umgekehrt sieht es in der islamischen Welt aus: 53 Prozent der Länder sind autoritär regiert, nur vier Prozent demokratisch. Immer mehr Muslime fliehen vor Diktatur und Unfreiheit, Terror und Krieg, Armut und Arbeitslosigkeit.
We cordially invite you to the next session of our workshop series on Authoritarian Politics and International Relations at WZB! Mariam Salehi will talk about Tunisia’s transitional justice process and the problem-capacity-nexus.
The lecture will take stock of the transformation of policy elites and intermediary organizations in contemporary politics. Myriad new spaces of policy, governance, and influencing have opened up over the past several decades, and ever-more intermediary entities and players have arisen to fill them. These intermediaries, increasingly novel entities and players that defy classification, have reorganized relations with states in a remade ecosystem characterized by more porous and blurred boundaries.
We cordially invite you to the next session of our workshop series on Authoritarian Politics and International Relations at WZB. Didem Aydurmus will talk about Ecoauthoritarianism: Although there is no empirical evidence for a direct connection between democracy and sustainability, the former is often thought as a precondition to the latter.
Based on a book coauthored with Chris Howell (“Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation”, Cambridge University Press, 2017), this presentation will document the liberalization that has characterized industrial relations since the late 1970s. The presentation will combine quantitative evidence for 15 OECD countries with in-depth case studies of Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, and the UK. In the presentation, particular attention will be devoted to the German case.
What does it mean to be a European citizen? From the last couple of years, the legal doctrine of the ‘genuine link’ is becoming central to evaluate the legitimacy of the Member States policies regarding nationality acquisition and loss. This paper aims to investigate the content of the genuine link doctrine, from ancient international law to contemporary EU law.
In his presentation, Liav Orgad claims that the Chinese Social Credit System represents a new form of citizenship governance, termed as “cybernetic citizenship”. He provides normative standards to distinguish the Chinese system from Western forms of cybernetic citizenship, and shows the manner in which civic virtue is instrumentalized in China, both in content (“what” it is) and in form (“how” to cultivate it).
Das Engagement von progressiven politischen Aktivisten in den USA steht im Mittelpunkt des englischsprachigen Dokumentarfilms „Rise and Resist“ von Dieter Rucht. Der Protestforscher und WZB-Fellow erforscht seit über 40 Jahren Protestbewegungen auf der ganzen Welt.
Since the global financial crisis of 2008/09, international cooperation has failed to curb volatile financial markets. Changes in the global rules of finance discussed in the G20 during the last decade remain limited, and it is uncertain whether they are suitable to help mitigate and manage future crises to come. Thomas Kalinowski argues that this failure is not the result of the ‘nature’ of the international system, the clash of national egoisms, or a lack of leadership.
We cordially invite you to the next session of our workshop series on Authoritarian Politics and International Relations at WZB.
Astrid Hedin will present her paper on 'Communist regime travel controls as state capacity in everyday world politics: the East German example'.